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Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 09:45
by streamline
Petseri wrote:
SINsister wrote:
I, on the other hand, will probably not be wearing mine. They're far too big! :( Meh.
must... resist.... double....entendres.....must ....resist....double....entendres....

:lol: :lol: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 12:12
by robertzombie
Speaking of Heartland shirts, if there are any XL's left over I would like to buy one!

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 12:18
by Quiff Boy
robertzombie wrote:Speaking of Heartland shirts, if there are any XL's left over I would like to buy one!
there's few left but i'll have to check what sizes. i think the XLs were the first to go though :|

will let you know.

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 12:45
by eotunun
Back on topic: I'm a bit late with offering help, huh?

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 13:27
by robertzombie
Quiff Boy wrote:
robertzombie wrote:Speaking of Heartland shirts, if there are any XL's left over I would like to buy one!
there's few left but i'll have to check what sizes. i think the XLs were the first to go though :|

will let you know.
Cheers :)

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 13:31
by radiojamaica
Where in Germany? :innocent:

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 14:32
by Quiff Boy
radiojamaica wrote:Where in Germany? :innocent:
2000 hamburg 4.

if you can find it :lol:

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 15:47
by radiojamaica
I've been lost in Germany before... always a pleasure :lol:

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 23:04
by 6FeetOver
Petseri wrote:
SINsister wrote:
Petseri wrote:For what it is worth, I probably will wear my HL shirt to most of the gigs which I attend.
I, on the other hand, will probably not be wearing mine. They're far too big! :( Meh.
must... resist.... double....entendres.....must ....resist....double....entendres....
Heeheehee. :lol: :P :innocent: :oops: 8)

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 23:19
by Petseri
SINsister wrote:
Petseri wrote:
SINsister wrote: I, on the other hand, will probably not be wearing mine. They're far too big! :( Meh.
must... resist.... double....entendres.....must ....resist....double....entendres....
Heeheehee. :lol: :P :innocent: :oops: 8)
You can kick me at the New York gig for revenge. ;D

Surprisingly, James has not made a comment yet. :innocent:

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 23:38
by psichonaut
Quiff Boy wrote:
robertzombie wrote:Speaking of Heartland shirts, if there are any XL's left over I would like to buy one!
there's few left but i'll have to check what sizes. i think the XLs were the first to go though :|

will let you know.
any XS is there?

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 00:30
by James Blast
Petseri wrote:Surprisingly, James has not made a comment yet. :innocent:
I'm being guid Martin, call it Catholic Guilt

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 14:28
by Quiff Boy
right, i have the following sizes & quantities left:

small: 3 remaining
large: 2

womens skinny-fit:
small: 1
medium: 3
large: 1
xl: 2


for more details.

ta 8)

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 14:46
by robertzombie
If there was enough interest would you consider re-printing some XL's?

How much would it cost to do 1?

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 14:50
by Quiff Boy
robertzombie wrote:If there was enough interest would you consider re-printing some XL's?

How much would it cost to do 1?
tbh, XL was the most popular size by far, so yeah, maybe...

i'd have to do the costings though to make sure it was viable. it might bump the price of the XLs slightly though :|

i'll check with the printers next week about prices.

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 15:02
by robertzombie
Cheers, it would be nice to have one for October! :D

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 16:16
by psichonaut
Quiff Boy wrote:right, i have the following sizes & quantities left:

small: 3 remaining
large: 2

womens skinny-fit:
small: 1
medium: 3
large: 1
xl: 2


for more details.

ta 8)
end of season sales? :wink:

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 16:49
by Quiff Boy
robertzombie wrote:Cheers, it would be nice to have one for October! :D
i doubt i could get some done for then. i'd have to get a few orders, and then the printers have a lead time... not sure how long it might all take, tbh :|

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 18:29
by James Blast
Quiff Boy wrote:hen. i'd have to get a few orders, and then the printers have a lead time... not sure how long it might all take, tbh :|
ask a designer... :innocent:

Posted: 20 Sep 2008, 22:51
by psichonaut
right James...the T-shirt need to be renew

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 00:05
by James Blast
nae doot the Boss will hate it and fret aboot copyright but, here's one I prepared earlier with words courtesy of Andy The Goth ;D

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 00:09
by psichonaut
the words are good James..the logo seems poor

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 00:13
by James Blast
go fuck yirsel!

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 00:26
by Francis
Quiff Boy wrote:err, as it says in the title really: is anyone going to the german gigs in april? and if so, would you be willing to hand out Heartland flyers?

afraid i cant offer any financial rewards, just my thanks and the kudos of being associated with such a cool website as this :wink: ;D


drop me a PM if you're up for it. free publicity is a wonderful thing. :von:

:eek: There are gigs??!!

Posted: 21 Sep 2008, 00:36
by James Blast
Marco's busy right now attempting to... well ye can imagine, he says it's not the first time he's tried it but his tigerskin underpants keep getting in the way :lol: