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Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 22:48
by ormfdmrush
EvilBastard wrote:
boudicca wrote:It all started with the blues. As did everything else.
IIRC I read somewhere (thinking early 90s, around the release of Vision Thing) that Goff was one of the few forms of music that couldn't be traced back to blues. The thinking went that it wasn't a choon as such, but more akin to poetry.
i'd call Sisters' 1981-1985 stuff much influenced by folk music (not that acoustic guitar doodle, i mean true folk)
we may call it Celtic, but Russian folk (dark mood songs) sounds the same - well, ethnologists are responsible for such discussions
later Sisters were influenced much by mainstream/hard rock, based on blues harmonies
so we should divide the periods

on goffs: deathrock is most blues-influenced
others are not so
the idols: JD, SATB, QR, Bauhaus prefer minor melodies to penthatonic ones
Michael aka Emilien wrote:
ormfdmrush wrote:the first Russian goth - Mikhail Boyarsky
mention that he looked as Eldritch before Eldritch :D
Did you think what you've said? "the first Russian goth - Mikhail Boyarsky"... :lol:
i'm absolutely sure 8)

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 22:49
by Michael aka Emilien
just :eek:

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 22:52
by James Blast
post removed after sobering up :oops:

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 23:33
by 9while9
EvilBastard wrote:
boudicca wrote:It all started with the blues. As did everything else.
IIRC I read somewhere (thinking early 90s, around the release of Vision Thing) that Goff was one of the few forms of music that couldn't be traced back to blues. The thinking went that it wasn't a choon as such, but more akin to poetry.
Back in the day when someone would ask me "what is goff rock?" :?:
I'd refer to it as white boy blues.
In some cases really WHITE.... :lol:

Re: goffs origins

Posted: 06 Sep 2006, 23:35
by 9while9
Burn wrote:
ormfdmrush wrote:which pre-80s goths can you mention?
pre 80's goths?...

some folks will disagree...that's OK...i used to think differently too

1. Siouxsie & The Banshees
2. The Damned
3. The Cure
4. Bauhaus
5. Killing Joke (again debatable upon then being Goth)

post 1980 goth bands are far more elusive :von:
You are so right... :notworthy:

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 02:35
by DeWinter
I'd have said goth was just a reaction to the Punk aesthetic. There wasn't a hell of a lot of difference between some goth and New Romantic bands. Same kind of people involved in all three genres too, middle-class art school types. :|

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 16:38
by emilystrange
9while9 wrote:
EvilBastard wrote:
boudicca wrote:It all started with the blues. As did everything else.
IIRC I read somewhere (thinking early 90s, around the release of Vision Thing) that Goff was one of the few forms of music that couldn't be traced back to blues. The thinking went that it wasn't a choon as such, but more akin to poetry.
Back in the day when someone would ask me "what is goff rock?" :?:
I'd refer to it as white boy blues.
In some cases really WHITE.... :lol:
white boy blues/black/purple/red

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 20:12
by weebleswobble
  • and all of it's true
    written in silver
    it's only the blues
    written in new words

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 22:03
by Maisey
I wonder how many times this has been discussed? Too many. If I might add my tuppence worth, i like to view it as a timeline.


'Punk bands' with too much make up and a slightly darker more refined sound, Joy Division, Siouxsie and the Cure strike their chords here.

Goth bands emerge, Bauhaus and Christian Death (so i am assured, CD are not a strong point of mine) preach the dark gospel.

Something slightly different happens. Almost unrelated to the first wave of bands a second wave emerges, with a darker take on hard rock music, a more interesting take... the fans of the first lot adopt them as part of the same movement even though they had little to do with each other, the sisters of mercy are busy laughing at the fields of the nephilim while the m*****n are trying on tasteless hats.

Everyone is getting the idea now arn't they. Its almost 1990, Nosferatu are very badly coping the sisters, Rosetta Stone are doing it very well, London after Midnight are certainly not goth at all.

The millenium just turned, everyone knows the scene is dead and they say it loudly while sipping thir absinthe while making sure their blood red lipstick isn't smudged, this is rather good, who is it? Who are univited guest?

I didn't live through most of this, but thats as far as I understand it.

Posted: 07 Sep 2006, 22:23
by James Blast
I still say VDGG, even John Lydon reckoned them as a force.

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 10:23
by ormfdmrush
i just tried to start humorous topic where you could post facts about people who are not goth at all, but look alike
guys, you're too serious...

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 16:21
by emilystrange
aww diddums. thread not going the way you wanted it to?

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 16:31
by James Blast
:lol: :lol: :lol:

and I still stand by my suggestions of Genesis and VDGG ;D

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 16:43
by Zuma
and of course Altered Images supported The Banshees on tour
and were produced by Steve Severin......

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 16:51
by James Blast
Dead Popstars is rather Proto Goth, good point. :D

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 16:59
by weebleswobble
ormfdmrush wrote:hmm...
i just tried to start humorous topic where you could post facts about people who are not goth at all, but look alike
guys, you're too serious...
Take a chill pill Ya Fud!!!! :lol:

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 17:23
by ormfdmrush
weebleswobble wrote:
ormfdmrush wrote:hmm...
i just tried to start humorous topic where you could post facts about people who are not goth at all, but look alike
guys, you're too serious...
Take a chill pill Ya Fud!!!! :lol:
сам гандон

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 17:31
by weebleswobble
ormfdmrush wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:
ormfdmrush wrote:hmm...
i just tried to start humorous topic where you could post facts about people who are not goth at all, but look alike
guys, you're too serious...
Take a chill pill Ya Fud!!!! :lol:
сам гандон
English please otherwise it'll be Fuds all round :roll:

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 17:32
by James Blast
I think a bogus mammary has just been expunged from a perambulator :lol:

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 17:49
by ormfdmrush
weebleswobble wrote:
ormfdmrush wrote:
weebleswobble wrote: Take a chill pill Ya Fud!!!! :lol:
сам гандон
English please otherwise it'll be Fuds all round :roll:
[translation]: "you're a condom, too"
maybe, you will NOT be calling me fud, eh?

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 18:51
by Andie
OMG...i believe this topic has been derailed...

carry on!

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 18:54
by aims
To clarify: fud is a harmless term of affection ;)


Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 18:54
by Izzy HaveMercy
boudicca wrote:Even earlier than that, there was this sound called the Big Bang. And every piece of good music since has been trying to get back to that point.
And Death Metal nearly succeeded... :twisted:


Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 18:57
by James Blast
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:And Death Metal nearly succeeded...
Bollox! that just sounds like a load of shopping trolleys falling down a lift shaft! ;D

Posted: 08 Sep 2006, 18:58
by Andie
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
boudicca wrote:Even earlier than that, there was this sound called the Big Bang. And every piece of good music since has been trying to get back to that point.
And Death Metal nearly succeeded... :twisted:

fortunatly we all note the "Nearly" part of that statement

:notworthy: :notworthy: