Posted: 07 Oct 2006, 20:25
news source wrote:Wisconsin state Rep. Frank Lasee, R-Green Bay, said he would introduce a measure in the state legislature early next year that would give teachers and other school employees the option of carrying concealed guns after they have received extensive weapons training.
Lasee continued, "I consider it a moral outrage that teachers are once again the last people anyone considers when it comes to handgun legislation. For years we have encouraged our students and young people to pack concealed heat as a way of fostering American values and promoting individual responsibility. Why, only the other day I had a meeting in my office with 6 kindergartners who were all armed with the very latest in personal firepower. So I ask you, my fellow congressmen - when will this adminstration step up to the plate and give this nation's teachers the weapons and hollow-point anti-personnel rounds they so richly deserve?"