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Posted: 27 Oct 2006, 23:23
by James Blast
Dave, ye ken Blast is yir enforcer, hide yon basebaw bat, eh'll soart it ;D


"Short, sharp, shock. Diggit?" :wink:

Posted: 27 Oct 2006, 23:31
by Zuma
Nah, it's only developers we are talking about, just confiscate their "Chicks dig Linux" tee shirts or MSDN subsciption, no need for anything else..

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 00:34
by James Blast
Zuma wrote:Nah, it's only developers we are talking about, just confiscate their "Chicks dig Linux" tee shirts or MSDN subsciption, no need for anything else..
Paul/LazCo will be so disappointed :cry:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 00:35
by aims
Laz has an MSDN subscription?

Is this a "Wash your mouth out with soap!" moment? :innocent:

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 00:39
by Zuma
Bloody hell, touchy or what :lol:

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 00:58
by James Blast
I have absolutely no idea what MSDN might be, and I fear the worst. I do ken he likes his Linux 'tho. :roll:

... and anything that begins wth MS must suck

someday, all of you will wake out of your coma and realise Apple's OS X is real life

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 01:03
by Zuma
James Blast wrote:I have absolutely no idea what MSDN might be, and I fear the worst. I do ken he likes his Linux 'tho. :roll:
Microsoft Developers Network...sounds evil to me at that even... :oops:

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 01:04
by aims
It's the preference for Linux that makes the idea of him having an MSDN subscription suspect. ;)

Or perhaps not. You do what you're paid for, even if it's religiously suspect :|

Like using Emacs :innocent:

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 01:18
by James Blast
I can type really small too, but I don't, it's rather impolite

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 01:22
by aims
Sorry. The small type makes more sense if you're familiar with the religious war in question, I guess :|

Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 23:34
by Izzy HaveMercy
I'm so proud our FGG site runs on Linux servers now.

I could !!!HAVE!!! chosen Windows, y'ken, but I didn't.

Just to please you geeks ;D

*correction courtesy of Tierkreis Grammar Nazi Police (TGNP)


Posted: 28 Oct 2006, 23:54
by Dark
Please the Grammar Nazis and say "could have" instead of "could of". ;)

Posted: 29 Oct 2006, 00:02
by Izzy HaveMercy
Dark wrote:Please the Grammar Nazis and say "could have" instead of "could of". ;)
Attracts you like honey 'n' flies, Korin! ;D


Posted: 29 Oct 2006, 00:06
by James Blast
I think you'll find it's shit and flies ;D

Posted: 29 Oct 2006, 00:08
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:I think you'll find it's shit and flies ;D
;D :notworthy: ;D :notworthy: ;D


Posted: 29 Oct 2006, 11:54
by weebleswobble
If it's 4cheapCds, how come there is only 3 in the bundle? :innocent:

Need to direct the wife here, I'm not allowed to buy anything at the moment :wink:

Posted: 29 Oct 2006, 12:12
by Zuma
weebleswobble wrote:If it's 4cheapCds, how come there is only 3 in the bundle? :innocent:

Need to direct the wife here, I'm not allowed to buy anything at the moment :wink:
There is always one :)

Bloody hell, I do my best.....

Posted: 29 Oct 2006, 13:33
by weebleswobble
Zuma wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:If it's 4cheapCds, how come there is only 3 in the bundle? :innocent:

Need to direct the wife here, I'm not allowed to buy anything at the moment :wink:
There is always one :)

Bloody hell, I do my best.....
Me only kidding :oops:

Posted: 29 Oct 2006, 17:03
by Zuma
weebleswobble wrote:
Zuma wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:If it's 4cheapCds, how come there is only 3 in the bundle? :innocent:

Need to direct the wife here, I'm not allowed to buy anything at the moment :wink:
There is always one :)

Bloody hell, I do my best.....
Me only kidding :oops:
No worries Stephen

Latest update, the site is now taking orders and payment...
(note to self - no more coding on a Sunday)

Posted: 29 Oct 2006, 20:46
by weebleswobble
Sending this to my maw, saves her buying me some crappy sweater :wink:

Posted: 30 Oct 2006, 15:27
by Jim
nice one. i have made the purchase - hope they get a few orders. i'm now waiting patiently.

Posted: 30 Oct 2006, 16:31
by EvilBastard
The order has been placed - freakin' marvellous that even with shipping from the UK it's cheaper to buy them there than here.

Super Magic Props and Large Helpings of Pudding to Zuma and the 4CheapCD posse :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Oct 2006, 16:46
by Zuma
Just chuffed this was some help folks!

There were a few teething troubles such as Emmas mail getting lost before ordering was in place, but all seems to be fine now.

If anyone still has problems, feel free to drop me a note and I will forward that straight on.

Single albums should be up soon too at £6.99.

The good news is if this works there is scope for more deals with these guys...



Posted: 30 Oct 2006, 22:59
by scotty
Just ordered the Three :D :D

FALAA & Floodland I can't wait for, Vision can never have enough coasters :innocent:

Posted: 30 Oct 2006, 23:02
by Big Si
scotty wrote:Just ordered the Three :D :D

FALAA & Floodland I can't wait for, Vision can never have enough coasters :innocent:
You could always sell it on ebay :|