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Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 01:22
by Planet Dave
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:What we need is Jetpacks! :P
I think someone sold a couple to you already, pretending they were cars. :lol:

:lol: Maybe so Iz. I never could work out what the wheels were for as I strapped them on. ;D

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 02:07
by boudicca
I want a jet-powered tricycle :twisted: 8)

Any colour as long as it's black, natch :wink:

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 04:00
by 9while9
Better read the reviews on the Crossfire. From what I've read it's bad news. :|

The nicest car I've owned was a 1993 MR2 Turbo.


Wish I had that car right now....Santa, can you hear me? :cry:

Car of my dreams Lotus Elise....SANTA!! :D

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 08:27
by smiscandlon

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 10:40
by canon docre
My first car:

W. Anker:

my second car:

then came Moshbox No 7:

my friend BOB who got stolen: :|

and now I'm driving interim his Excellence: F-U-C-K

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 11:13
by eastmidswhizzkid
my first car was one of these;identical bar the soft-top. 8)

and strangely enough so ws my second, except one was manual and one was an automatic.

it all went downhill after that.

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 11:29
by mh
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:it all went downhill after that.
That's what handbrakes were invented for. ;D

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 11:45
by markfiend
I learned in my Mum's Mini...
Debaser wrote:(which Number One Son totalled three days after passing his test)
...and then I was that Number One Son. :oops:

The first car I owned was a Metro I inherited from mrs fiend's mum...
Debaser wrote: which we killed on the highest bit of the M62
...which we killed on the highest bit of the M62 :eek:

Currently driving a BMW 316i (1998 model)

Dream car when I was a kid used to be the Countach too, but now...
Debaser wrote:ImageImage
...that would do nicely 8) :lol:

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 12:01
by Debaser
markfiend wrote:
Debaser wrote:ImageImage
...that would do nicely 8) :lol:
Aye, they are sex in a bucket, ain't they ? And yes I know they are apt to break at alarming intervals...but wouldn't you just look as cool as chuff sat on the hard shoulder?

We didn't intend to kill my car on the M62 (no ritual killings here, I'll have you know) - it just decided that we needed teaching a lesson. Bloody self-thinking cars. Oh and as for that 'leave your car and sit safely high up on the embankment' FUK THAT, it was New Year's Eve (i.e. Winter) the highest bit of the motorway and frikkin freezin.

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 12:16
by streamline
First car was a Vauxhall Nova,
Best car was a 1964 Series IIA SWB Landrover which I lovingly painted with NATO green matt paint (using a brush) and then proceeded to use as an everyday car during the week, off road on a Saturday (which is the most fun you can have under 10 miles an hour) and then spend EVERY Sunday repairing her so I could go to work on Monday! (Honorable battle scars are one thing - snapped halfshafts are something else :lol: )
God I loved her!!

I really hated my mate who can go through life saying that his Landy was his first car :evil:

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 18:28
by Obviousman
eotunun wrote:for representative purposes a Image
I always found the two-door version of that very good looking! They say it had a vinyl covered roof to hide the bad job they did at welding :lol: Just like you had to have two: One to break down in the garage and one to drive :lol:
EDIT: How could I forget about Star Trek on wheels, the Aston Martin Lagonda? A real feeling of a science fiction on wheels, a futuristic vision of the 70/80ies come true.. It´s :eek: , it´s :twisted: , it´s :notworthy: . Maybe the pictures don´t impress anyone. But on a job several years ago I had the pleasure of driving one for about a mile..
Not bad, but reliability of the computer systems wasn't exactly up to standards, was it :lol:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:my first car was one of these;identical bar the soft-top. 8)
I thought those early convertibles were a bit rare (Bauer, isn't it?)

But, more importantly forgot my all-time favourite car:


What a superb design! And extremely pissed off at those daft c**t who made the new model just look like another DB7 clone :evil:

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 21:17
by eotunun
Obviousman wrote:
eotunun wrote:for representative purposes a Image
I always found the two-door version of that very good looking! They say it had a vinyl covered roof to hide the bad job they did at welding :lol: Just like you had to have two: One to break down in the garage and one to drive :lol:
The Jags are probably victims to english humor. For some reason. That is beyond comprehension to me Mercedes or BMW get highest respect anywhere in the world. Yet, when I drove longer distances the cars I saw having a breakdown matched a Merc-VW-BMW-VW-Merc-VW-BMW.. scheme. With BMW smoking from their bonnet rather often.
While the owner of a Jaguar Garage asured me that, if maintained propperly, any Jag engine will be reliable and live for 300 000 miles.
Laughing about corrosion, I would mention that Mercedes E-class didn´t pass technical examinations due to corrosion of stressed parts of the body. At the age of eight years. :wink: They built in steelsheets wtithout any laquer or anti corrosion treatment.
Not mentioning the problems with the body/rear suspension joint of the E46 BMW, the current 3s.. Which may corrode/fail/simply crack surprisingly.
That doesn´t make the Jag´s shortcommings any better, but shows it is just an average car with it´s reliability.
Obviousman wrote:
EDIT: How could I forget about Star Trek on wheels, the Aston Martin Lagonda? A real feeling of a science fiction on wheels, a futuristic vision of the 70/80ies come true.. It´s :eek: , it´s :twisted: , it´s :notworthy: . Maybe the pictures don´t impress anyone. But on a job several years ago I had the pleasure of driving one for about a mile..
Not bad, but reliability of the computer systems wasn't exactly up to standards, was it :lol:
:lol: Somebody mentioned that, jupp. Another trait in which it was well ahead of it´s time!say, some 30 years..? ;D
Obviousman wrote:
eastmidswhizzkid wrote:my first car was one of these;identical bar the soft-top. 8)
I thought those early convertibles were a bit rare (Bauer, isn't it?)
Ayup. And they are developing to become collector´s items... now would be the time to sell one of those..
Obviousman wrote:But, more importantly forgot my all-time favourite car:


What a superb design!:
:notworthy: :notworthy: My words! :notworthy: :notworthy:
Beauties, all of them. Astons are the most elegant sportscars of all!

Posted: 13 Dec 2006, 23:24
by esox
First car was a 1980 Vauxhall Chevette (Shoveit) - it lasted three months as I used a Granada as a Brake.

For the last eight years I've had this VW Scirocco GTII


If money were no object I'd have one of these: Image

As money is an object, I'd happily go for another one of these if my car was written off tomorrow Image 0-60 mph in approx 7 seconds, in a car that looks like it should be owned by a grandma - brilliant for the traffic light grand prix, and cheap road tax! Crap handling though, in a recurring theme I wrote mine off in '97 by using a Granada and a Fiesta as a brake.

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 00:08
by eotunun
Don´t mind, I don´t like Ford, too.

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 00:19
by weebleswobble
carwankfest or what ;D

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 00:33
by Muppet
Not a fan of cars. They go from A to B when they work.

But nonetheless:

Currently driving - Megane 1.6 Alize

Fav car owned in past - Hyundai Pony (don't laugh, twas a solid little bugger, cheap to run, and was a great car til an argurment with a bus....!!!!)

Would like - either a Morris Traveller, or a Bond Bug.

Failing that, a Sea Harrier FA2 would do nicely. Easy parking, too.

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 01:56
by boudicca
I don't care as long as it's old, and angular. Mmmm - BOXY ;D

What's with making cars more "aerodynamic" ferfuckssake - they're not going to be going fast enough to make a blind bit of difference... :roll:
They keep getting rounder and rounder - soon we're all going to be rolling along in balls.

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 04:01
by Ahráyeph
This thread has me wondering whether Jeremy Clarkson is a HL member... ;D

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 04:30
by boudicca
Ahráyeph wrote:This thread has me wondering whether Jeremy Clarkson is a HL member... ;D
If he is then I think I might just turn that gun on myself...

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 10:58
by canon docre
boudicca wrote:I don't care as long as it's old, and angular. Mmmm - BOXY ;D

What's with making cars more "aerodynamic" ferfuckssake - they're not going to be going fast enough to make a blind bit of difference... :roll:
They keep getting rounder and rounder - soon we're all going to be rolling along in balls.
so right! :notworthy: gawd, how I hate those overly functional shapeless Family carriers ... They all look like shoos for the Handicapped to me. :evil:

@esox. sorry, but a Porsche is just for men with small penisses, IMHO of courrrrsssseee. :wink:

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 12:22
by markfiend
eotunun wrote:Image
[/quote] My Dad used to have an XJ6 many years ago. The drive shaft snapped at 90something mph -- he coasted 3/4 of a mile to an emergency telephone :lol:

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 12:41
by Arch Deviant
This was my first, last and always car. It's still in garage and now looks more like a home for birds.


Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 13:35
by eotunun
Arch Deviant wrote:This was my first, last and always car. It's still in garage and now looks more like a home for birds.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
The most beautyfull thing on a Beetle Chassis ever built!

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 15:43
by Arch Deviant
eotunun wrote:
Arch Deviant wrote:This was my first, last and always car. It's still in garage and now looks more like a home for birds.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
The most beautyfull thing on a Beetle Chassis ever built!
Not as beautiful as thing on the seat on the chassis :roll:

Posted: 14 Dec 2006, 18:40
by bushman*pm
streamline wrote:First car was a Vauxhall Nova,
Best car was a 1964 Series IIA SWB Landrover which I lovingly painted with NATO green matt paint (using a brush) and then proceeded to use as an everyday car during the week, off road on a Saturday (which is the most fun you can have under 10 miles an hour) and then spend EVERY Sunday repairing her so I could go to work on Monday! (Honorable battle scars are one thing - snapped halfshafts are something else :lol: )
God I loved her!!

I really hated my mate who can go through life saying that his Landy was his first car :evil:
currently got a '66 LWB ex MOD ambulance converted to pick up and the off roading is the second most fun with your clothes on, the first mys be riding a motorbike in the Scottish Highlands!

take me to that sweet heaven any time!