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Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 19:52
by James Blast
markfiend wrote:(Cue drummer jokes)
Q. How do you know the drummer's at the door?
A. The knocking speeds up.

Bass player joke anyone?

as a former bass player, I in now way see any humour in the following, but for the sake of balance, here goes...

Q. How do you know your band's about to split up?
A. The bass player says "Why don't we do one of my songs?"

nope, I still don't get it :cry:

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 20:13
by drumbot
I like the sound of the doctor, as a drummer myself I find the sisters of good example of using drums that are not way over the top and how drums can drive a song without having to go into 200 different fills or changing time signatures just for the sake of it, play along with the doctor and just learn to keep a steady beat. Also on the website they do talk about the technical bits that are used but that was written quite some time ago and they may well be using different computers, I believe there was even some speculation on this site that there was a different mic used at the moscow gig, plus when ben christo was drinking in bristols hatchet pub over christmas he seemed to imply they were using new stuff, as they were going to start to write new songs in january. My housemate gave ben a lift to oxford and he managed to gain a few sisters titbits from him.

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 20:21
by Dark
What does a bass player use as contraceptive?

His personality.

Yes, I'm well aware I play bass. ;)

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 02:42
by Andy Christ 666
A bloke walks into a shop and says to the shopkeeper:
'I'd like a '69 Les Paul Goldtop, a '72 Marshall valve amp and a wah-wah pedal plese.'
The shopkeeper replies:
'Are you a drummer sir?'
'Why, yes, how did you know?'
'This is a fishmongers sir.'

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 08:02
by Ahráyeph
Q. How can you tell the drum riser is leveled?
A. If the drummer drools out of both corners of his mouth, it's leveled.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 14:12
by ChrisE
A quick Doctor question:

I would like to try and simulate the sound of the doctor in Reason 3.0.
Anyone in here who could come up with some good tips that could help me doing this? Maybe some of you have already tried this?

Would be very thankful for any help!

BTW: I´m kinda new here. Been reading this forum for a while, but never registered. I´m 34, Norwegian, boy. Hello to all of you :wink:


Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 14:14
by Izzy HaveMercy
Hi Chris!


Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 14:33
by dinky daisy
Von must discover new laptops with lots of Gigabyte memory, a cracked version of Ableton, adsl wireless internet & we're happy again.

:von: Bites The Silver Bullet but his technical boys are lost in the fog and dust.

Although Sisters have that futuristic flavour, it's in fact a luditte band.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 15:35
by Quiff Boy
dinky daisy wrote:Von must discover new laptops with lots of Gigabyte memory
funny you should mention that :!:

rumour has it the poor old akai S1000 has recently been supplimented by a shiny new "company" laptop ;)

that should give the technical boys a little more room to move behind the desks, not to mention mean that the sisters can sack of all the big rig trucks from future tours... they will soon be able to fit the entire technical arsenal into the back of von's white bedford van ;D :lol:

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 17:03
by Izzy HaveMercy
Stands to Reason ;)

I always thought they were living in the Stone Age, technically speaking, at about time they ditch the bulky hardware and go Ableton and Propellerheads all over the place.

I can see it before me... four shiny PowerBooks, side by side, four nurses in shiny white dresses... a 2 Terabyte-osaurus Rex Monster of Rock...

Ah, back to Kraftwerk, sorry to derail...


Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 17:12
by Eldorado
Quiff Boy wrote:"you only have to punch the rhythm into a drum machine once"

not in the early incarnations of the dok you didn't :lol:
Surely, no drum machine has ever been made that doesn't store the patterns, even the original Roland Doctor Rhythm.
I always thought the term Doctor was used due to it's future manifestations as a different beast as technology moved on.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 17:21
by markfiend
I think it's not so much that the Roland didn't store the rhythms, it's that Ben accidentally wiped the memory.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 17:40
by Llamatron
I, for one, would love to see future incarnations of the Doktor have a wider palette of sounds. I think it would certainly help update the sound of the band overall, and I'd like to hear drum sounds that are more suited to each track individually rather than have the same sounds across the entire album.

But that's just me.

EDIT: As far as bassists are concerned, it's imperative they get Lemmy to guest on any future studio release. Don't tell me a growly, distorted Rickenbacker wouldn't rock on some Sisters tracks. 8)

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 22:24
by nitestorm
But now that most of us know that plasma monitors are not all that good, surely the doks head is up for a rebuild again. i use reason, its not too good at being the doktor, i also have sequencer plus, thats not too good too, but i did try and dumb things down a little to make it sound the same. if you have the time, you can get a sound that sounds like some sisters stuff on anything, but i did find that with lots of multi layering, delays and things, oh and time, you can get the nearst you will get... but as :von: says..

It's been a long time since we changed one of the Doktor's standard voices. We've created and collected a lot of "special effects" drum sounds, but we don't use them live because the sound would vary too wildly from song to song. It's not a practical solution unless you have everything submixed with automation - or running off a tape machine, like certain electronic bands we know (and all of the very famous ones we don't know). They might as well just play the record. We like a bit of risk, and we like to be able to tinker with things from concert to concert.

Re: Real drummers about Sisters drums

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 11:24
by Never Land
Lightshade wrote: But the real worry to me is that Dr Avalanche sounds outdated now.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

The Dr sounded still VERY :notworthy: at gigs in 2006.

Think you just have to arrange your éguilizer after your grandma listened her Elvis LP's. ;D


Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 12:15
by King of Byblos
Eldorado wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:"you only have to punch the rhythm into a drum machine once"

not in the early incarnations of the dok you didn't :lol:
Surely, no drum machine has ever been made that doesn't store the patterns, even the original Roland Doctor Rhythm.
I always thought the term Doctor was used due to it's future manifestations as a different beast as technology moved on.
you try letting your roadie drop it down the stairs a few times and then use it in a hot/smokey/humid club.
why not 15 years ago i had a sequencer that would occasionally loose all the data on it...but relied on a cassette back up you had to record yourself and then play back into the machine

Posted: 08 Jan 2007, 19:46
by Maisey
It's been a long time since we changed one of the Doktor's standard voices
Who are we?

ps. I love the mechanical tatter tat of the Dok. I once read a review where is was described as like "gentley slapping a pringles tube full of rice with a spatula".

I think its brillient. The old voice suited the older stuff, and obviouslt hes fattened out with age, but I hope they don't dramtically alter his sound. Its one of those things, like Vons voice, I reckon no matter what they did, so long as they have the Dok/Von duet in it it would sound sisters.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 10:40
by markfiend
Maisey wrote:
It's been a long time since we changed one of the Doktor's standard voices
Who are we?
The paragraph that nitestorm posts is a quote from here (about the 11th paragraph down) ;)

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 19:59
by Dark
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Stands to Reason ;)