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Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 00:03
by more-sedatives-pls
"Primus" is a highly underrated beer
"Oggy en de kakkerlakken" is a highly underrated cartoon
Cats are highly underrated dung producers
The Hitlerjugend was a highly underrated scoutsgroup
My son is a highly underrated flatulist
"Hugo Matthysen & de bomen" was a highly underrated rockband
My mum is a highly underrated cook
I am a highly underrated alcoholic

au suivant!

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 00:19
by Izzy HaveMercy
You, sir, are underrated goe bezeg! ;D :notworthy:


Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 01:02
by weebleswobble
spot778 wrote:(Positive Vibes Tour) to Canada
What, no Blame? :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 12:35
by Mothra
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Badlander wrote: The t-shirts are trendy but the albums just don't sell.
And while we're on the subject - is it just me or does anybody else get extremely pissed off at the sight of young girls wearing Ramones t-shirts? I keep seeing them in town.
'Have you actually ever heard of them love?'

'No - I'm just a vaccuous fashion clothes horse'

'Right - thought so.' :evil:

Anyway, rant over...Under-rated?

The fantastic Snuff album Snuffsaidbutgorblimeyguvstonemeifhedidntthrowawobblerchachachachachachachachachachachayouregoinghomeinacosmicambience A modern classic if ever there was one. :notworthy:
Couldn't agree more with both points. Had the pleasure of seeing Pot Kettle Black just before Xmas, Simon & Duncan from Snuff playing songs from the first 3 Snuff albums only. Also on the bill were a reformed LEATHERFACE, who get my vote as the most under-rated band in the history of anything.

As for the Ramones shirts, I'm told one of the presenters on T4 or something was sporting a Ramones shirt and was asked by whoever they were interviewing (or vice versa) what their fave Ramones album was. Unsurprisingly, they were kinda stuck for an answer (for the record, its Leave Home, though thats probably for another thread.). Unfortunately, I never saw it myself, but have chosen to believe the story true.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 12:39
by Thea
David Wrench. Pure bloody genius.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 13:06
by markfiend
Mothra wrote:As for the Ramones shirts, I'm told one of the presenters on T4 or something was sporting a Ramones shirt and was asked by whoever they were interviewing (or vice versa) what their fave Ramones album was. Unsurprisingly, they were kinda stuck for an answer (for the record, its Leave Home, though thats probably for another thread.). Unfortunately, I never saw it myself, but have chosen to believe the story true.
I can vouch for the fact that one of the male presenters on tmi the other Saturday was wearing a Ramones T. However I don't know whether the rest of the story is true as I was just flicking through channels. The Ramones T caught my eye for long enough for me to go off on a mad rant though :lol:

NB: the two male presenters of this show came second and third to Michelle McManus in the second Pop Idol. Punk rock incarnate :roll:

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 14:34
by wild bill buttock
The Worlds greatest(and possibly only) industrial/techno/metal/drum and bass band. :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 15:52
by Mothra
wild bill buttock wrote:Cubanate
The Worlds greatest(and possibly only) industrial/techno/metal/drum and bass band. :notworthy: :notworthy:
What was the name of the man behind them - Mark something?
I remember him being on GLR's Sunday metal show and saying what a bunch of f*ckwits all metal fans were, a few days before supporting someone on tour (Carcass I think). He read his home phone number out on air and asked people to phone up and give him abuse if they didn't agree with him. Hope his mum didn't pick up.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 15:55
by Quiff Boy
Mothra wrote:
wild bill buttock wrote:Cubanate
The Worlds greatest(and possibly only) industrial/techno/metal/drum and bass band. :notworthy: :notworthy:
What was the name of the man behind them - Mark something?
I remember him being on GLR's Sunday metal show and saying what a bunch of f*ckwits all metal fans were, a few days before supporting someone on tour (Carcass I think). He read his home phone number out on air and asked people to phone up and give him abuse if they didn't agree with him. Hope his mum didn't pick up.
i've seen him answering his door in his dressing gown at 10am on a sunday morning :lol:

body burn my arse :lol:

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 16:00
by streamline
Suede (their first album is pure class)

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 16:42
by Eldorado
wild bill buttock wrote:Cubanate
The Worlds greatest(and possibly only) industrial/techno/metal/drum and bass band. :notworthy: :notworthy:
Didn't they have something to do with The Sisters management team? I was told this whilst at a gig of theirs back in '93

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 17:31
by Silver_Owl
Mothra wrote:Had the pleasure of seeing Pot Kettle Black just before Xmas, Simon & Duncan from Snuff playing songs from the first 3 Snuff albums only.
That sounds like something to behold. Oh the memories. :D
'They're tasty tasty very very tasty'....... :lol:

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 18:41
by Eldorado
The Fair Sex

They seem to be fairly underated and in my opinion a mighty fine band.

Also : Chemlab

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 21:10
by Andie
mh wrote:
Badlander wrote:
Hom_Corleone wrote: And while we're on the subject - is it just me or does anybody else get extremely pissed off at the sight of young girls wearing Ramones t-shirts? I keep seeing them in town.
This is extremely irritating, even though I'm weak and I do tend to be more forgiving when the girl is pretty. :oops:

But when were you before the band split ? :roll:
Probably swimming around in their parent's private bits. :lol:

It's quite astonishing that Ramones (and in particular Ramones) t-shirts are something of a must have fashion accessory these days.
i think somethings that you guys are foretell the future and almost got it right...

this morning a new temp dragged their sorry ass into work with the dyed blonde hair and brand new Ramones T shirt on...Hey Ho Lets Go emblazoned across the back...

the only things wrong with the fortelling was the sex of the early morning temp...our man Micheal (19)...and he had actually made an effort to listen to some of the bands back catalogue...and indeed he did have a borrowed copy of All The Stuff (and more) Vol 1 in his car stereo...

hopefully he'll come back to work on Monday :innocent:

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 21:50
by wild bill buttock
Mothra wrote:
wild bill buttock wrote:Cubanate
The Worlds greatest(and possibly only) industrial/techno/metal/drum and bass band. :notworthy: :notworthy:
What was the name of the man behind them - Mark something?
I remember him being on GLR's Sunday metal show and saying what a bunch of f*ckwits all metal fans were, a few days before supporting someone on tour (Carcass I think). He read his home phone number out on air and asked people to phone up and give him abuse if they didn't agree with him. Hope his mum didn't pick up.
Mark Heal.It was Carcass.And he was right about metal fans.He was a tad on the confrontational side,during a gig in Belfast he recieved a death threat from the IRA ,no less ,for calling them a bunch of thick Paddys :eek:
But I didn't know he had a door in his dressing gown :innocent:

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 22:25
by James Blast
QB Athletico 0 - 1 Real WBB :lol: :lol: :lol:

those old Goon Show jokes still work Bill :lol:

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 23:51
by Dark
mh wrote:
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: Did the Jury notice that he didn't even mention "R'n'R High School", "Pet Cemetary" and "I wanna be Sedated?" eh? eh?

Or the KKK took my baby away. :lol:

I still think you googled it Fashion boy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
No Beat On The Brat either... tsk tsk.
You asked for 10, I gave you 10 off the top of my head. I should have just put Howling At The Moon 10 times, it's that good.

But then, you're not going to believe me, even if I held up a little "f**k you" sign whilst pointing at a Ramones record.

Whatever. I Wanna Be Sedated is s**t.

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 00:00
by Badlander
Dark wrote: You asked for 10, I gave you 10 off the top of my head. I should have just put Howling At The Moon 10 times, it's that good.

But then, you're not going to believe me, even if I held up a little "f**k you" sign whilst pointing at a Ramones record.
I was going to be supportive, but then...
Whatever. I Wanna Be Sedated is s**t.
No it's not !


Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 00:52
by James Blast
a Blast FACT! now follows:

1977, Art School Coffee Bar (Yes! and sorry) a young 18/9teen year old Blast gets up, puts five ten pees into Juke Box and hits the Blitzkreig Bop no. for 10 plays.
Fourth Play, Head of Student Union comes out of his office and unplugs the Juke. I call him a khunt, he sniffs at a mere first year and walks off. I take it on the chin, I'm half canned anyway.

The moral of the story is - I saw The Ramones live on stage at the Famous Glasgow Apollo (supported by the amazing Rezillos) 3 months later.

He didn't.

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 00:59
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:a Blast FACT! now follows:

1977, Art School Coffee Bar (Yes! and sorry) a young 18/9teen year old Blast gets up, puts five ten pees into Juke Box and hits the Blitzkreig Bop no. for 10 plays.
Fourth Play, Head of Student Union comes out of his office and unplugs the Juke. I call him a khunt, he sniffs at a mere first year and walks off. I take it on the chin, I'm half canned anyway.

The moral of the story is - I saw The Ramones live on stage at the Famous Glasgow Apollo (supported by the amazing Rezillos) 3 months later.

He didn't.
Moral of the story -- Khunt is now a CEO in a well-known multi-national, we are stuck with Blast. And are we glad it ain't THE OTHER WAY AROUND! :notworthy:


Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 01:07
by James Blast
Revr'nd Image

:D :lol: :D :lol: :D

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 09:36
by Karst
The Mish. Best British Rock band of the late 1980s. Especially live.

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 15:16
by eotunun
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:
canon docre wrote:
James Blast wrote: ...
Type O Negative
his dick is overrated though... :innocent:

I absolutely agree with IZ on the Gathering. Never understood why they didnt get bigger than that. And I worked for their record company. Anneke's voice is one of the most beautiful.
Thank you. ;D

Better than Withering Temptation and NeverEssence IMO... or that other s**t...watsit... ARHH! Nightwish! :urff:

Aye! Anneke should be a star!
But then, I don´t think she´d want that much of attention for her family and herself?
Maybe Eldo could give her some advice on how to shape a mythical alter ego that vanishes when she leaves the stage and dives back to private life?
Anyway: They definately are a top band.
This post just made me put their version of "In Power We Entrust The Love Advocated" on the playlist. (A free download from their homepage, Section /goodies/sounds) I think it beats Dead Can Dance´s original by a vast distance.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 15:29
by jay

Posted: 06 Jan 2007, 17:34
by canon docre
eotunun wrote: Aye! Anneke should be a star!
But then, I don´t think she´d want that much of attention for her family and herself?
Maybe Eldo could give her some advice on how to shape a mythical alter ego that vanishes when she leaves the stage and dives back to private life?
And that explains their relatively underrated status. However lovely and nice they are, they don't have the slightest hint of star quality, which hindered them from taking off. That and the lack of writing a truly mainstream marketable single. :|