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Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 22:37
by mh
Yup. And everyone who had hassle with Service Pack 2 will be delighted to hear that Service Pack 3 is scheduled for next year.

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 22:42
by lazarus corporation
mh wrote:Yup. And everyone who had hassle with Service Pack 2 will be delighted to hear that Service Pack 3 is scheduled for next year.

I must buy one of these before SP3 is released:


(courtesy of the very wonderful ThinkGeek shop)

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 22:51
by James Blast
... no, I'll leave it...

Cox's Pippin, anyone...?

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 22:55
by Zuma
lazarus corporation wrote:
mh wrote:Yup. And everyone who had hassle with Service Pack 2 will be delighted to hear that Service Pack 3 is scheduled for next year.

I must buy one of these before SP3 is released:


(courtesy of the very wonderful ThinkGeek shop)

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 22:57
by emilystrange
buy one for scotty

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 23:02
by lazarus corporation
James Blast wrote:... no, I'll leave it...

Cox's Pippin, anyone...?
Given that OSX has gone through 5 upgrades since 2001 (each upgrade costing just under £100), with a sixth on the way, I think it's probably wise to leave it this time! ;)

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 23:44
by Carpathian Psychonaut
lazarus corporation wrote:
mh wrote:Yup. And everyone who had hassle with Service Pack 2 will be delighted to hear that Service Pack 3 is scheduled for next year.

I must buy one of these before SP3 is released:


(courtesy of the very wonderful ThinkGeek shop)
When I moved up to the north east (where I am now) I was walking up the driveway with packing boxes in my hands, still moving my stuff into my then girlfriends place. I'd not even got the boxes in, nevermind unpacked them, when the neighbours came out for a nose, sorry, natter. Once they knew I worked with IT stuff I was booked up to check over their daughters PC before I'd even checked into the house ! :roll:

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 01:57
by eotunun
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:Once they knew I worked with IT stuff I was booked up to check over their daughters PC before I'd even checked into the house ! :roll:
:lol: :lol:
That´s the way it goes..

By the way, here is a very happy Ubuntu user! 8)
It took me a while to get use to it, but I wouldn´t want to miss it anymore.
There also is quiet a bit of audiostuff available, without DRM-wank.
For example Hydrogen, a nice Software drumcomputer/Sequencer program that will use any wav or flac file as instruments, puts out midi.. Surely not exactly what you need for professional work, but it´s FREE!
The software for Ubuntu comes from The Universe/Multivers channels, and you will get everything you need for daily use. And more.
You can install via DPM (Debian Package Manager) everything that works under Debian (As Ubuntu is a Debian derivative) which says you have thousands of programs available.
The usual installing of software is even easier than with Windows.
It may get tricky using the terminal. You have to use command line and sudo for that. GUI fixated users will not like it, but I found it works nicely enough, and the root rights, which are necessary to do anything to your system are only in power for a few minutes, so no viruses or trojans or anything have a chance to instal themselves on the drive.
A fine OS.

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 02:00
by Izzy HaveMercy
Trust me, if Linux came with a decent alternative for Cubase, I would not hesitate... :|


Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 02:34
by Dan
sistersvisions wrote:Dont do it just yet, wait till they iron out all the problems.

Give it a couple of months

I'd wait a year or 2 for them to plug the security holes, issue service packs and the like. Then download a cracked version with all the s**t (such as DRM) removed.

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 03:33
by James Blast
lazarus corporation wrote:
James Blast wrote:... no, I'll leave it...

Cox's Pippin, anyone...?
Given that OSX has gone through 5 upgrades since 2001 (each upgrade costing just under £100), with a sixth on the way, I think it's probably wise to leave it this time! ;)
No arguements here Paul, ya spot-on-Khunt!
... but as a semi-pooter savvy type myself, I find it hard to believe the general (Big Brother watching) public didn't latch onto Mac OSs (way pre Big Brother and tabloid hell) a long time ago. It really is more intuitive, admit that?

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 12:31
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:
lazarus corporation wrote:
James Blast wrote:... no, I'll leave it...

Cox's Pippin, anyone...?
Given that OSX has gone through 5 upgrades since 2001 (each upgrade costing just under £100), with a sixth on the way, I think it's probably wise to leave it this time! ;)
No arguements here Paul, ya spot-on-Khunt!
... but as a semi-pooter savvy type myself, I find it hard to believe the general (Big Brother watching) public didn't latch onto Mac OSs (way pre Big Brother and tabloid hell) a long time ago. It really is more intuitive, admit that?
Be glad, James. Otherwise YOU wou be the laughing stock of HL with a 1 million different OSX Trojans to clean and a DRM problem ;)


Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 12:45
by Ghost
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:
Ghost wrote:
sistersvisions wrote:Dont do it just yet, wait till they iron out all the problems.

Give it a couple of months
Exactly, as there are minor issues to solve on the app sides too for compatibility, not to mention the lack of some drivers or full acceleration on them (as with audigy cards etc).
Audigy, you say ?

That would, at best, be stuffed latency with my Audigy card/interface & Alesis Photon controller.

/makes note to self to pat XP on the head and stick with it or ruin Cubase setup......
At least eax acceleration with older models was broken, currently there are only xi-fi drivers supporting it via openAL wrap, but a2 and a4 are left out for now. For ASIO I don't know who is current support.
I didn't even take the plounge for xp x64 (the OS I'd use now) because thrustmaster keeps delaying x64 drivers for the hotas cougar.

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 15:14
by mik
Personal experience of the betas (hurrah for MSDN!) for the last year has been largely positive.
Last version I installed was the Release Code version which I installed on an Athlon 1700 with 512MB RAM and it worked fine, and in fact pretty much any PC running XP with a graphics card with 128MB of memory will run the full Aero interface. Also dual boot installed this on my Dell Laptop (Latitude D820 / 1GB RAM / Centrino Duo) and it easilty outperformed the XP SP2 installation in the other partition on all apps including Office 2003 / 7, Adobe Studio CS2, Macromedia Studio 8 although it wouldn't run Visual Studio 2005 so I needed to Get VS2007.
Can't say I've experienced any problem with memory usage - especially in idle - although CPU does go up when in idle to create the indexes used for the desktop search (think Copernic or Google desktop search). Once the initial indexes are created it only needs to do incremental indexes so this is next to nothing.
Would I upgrade my own machine? Well, I would except that the soundcard I have (Hercules Game Theatre XP 7.1) doesn't have any Vista drivers. I emailed Hercules support who said that they're not going to bother writing drivers for legacy hardware.
So; I'm being held back by the lazy arsed component vendors rather than by Microsoft.
Also; can't say that there are enough real benefits to want to shell out upwards of £100 on an upgrade when you can get a lot of the 'bells and whistles' stuff like WMP11, IE7, Desktop Search etc either as official enhancements or equivalent 3rd party freeware offerings.
Personally I'd wait until you need a new 'puter and then get it preinstalled with a guarantee that all the components have working drivers for it. In fact that's exactly what I am doing, unless I decide to get a new iMac when the new version of osX is released that is ....

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 19:04
by James Blast

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 19:45
by Carpathian Psychonaut
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 20:34
by Planet Dave
I've no idea what any of you are on about, but I would like to point out that mh's new avatar is bloody funny. Any computer that can knock that up is fine by me. :D


Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 20:54
by Dan
I've only just discovered that OS X is pronounced "OS TEN". I'd always read the X as the letter of the alphabet, having never heard anyone say it out loud until a day or 2 ago.

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 22:09
by EmeraldSignal
there's new WINDOWS???????

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 23:18
by Izzy HaveMercy


Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 03:26
by weebleswobble
New windows, new doors, new f*cking roof-just can't afford it :urff:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 11:26
by markfiend
Dan wrote:I've only just discovered that OS X is pronounced "OS TEN".
:lol: Not by me it's not. While, obviously, I know that the X is the Roman Numeral for 10, and that OS X is the successor to OS 9, I still pronounce it "Oh Ess Ex".

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 12:30
by Izzy HaveMercy
markfiend wrote:
Dan wrote:I've only just discovered that OS X is pronounced "OS TEN".
:lol: Not by me it's not. While, obviously, I know that the X is the Roman Numeral for 10, and that OS X is the successor to OS 9, I still pronounce it "Oh Ess Ex".
A lesser known fact is that Windows XP was initially called 'Windows 10p', named after its true value.

That one got fecked up just like OSX...


Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 12:37
by markfiend
:lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 14:21
by mik
Planet Dave wrote:I've no idea what any of you are on about, but I would like to point out that mh's new avatar is bloody funny. Any computer that can knock that up is fine by me. :D

Is that a youngerer, gofferer Herr Quiff on the far right of yours? :innocent: