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Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 11:08
by smiscandlon
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:All we need now is a perfectly typed post from Claire and we'll know for sure !
Claire's posts are always perfectly typed.

Utter gobshite, but always perfectly typed.

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 11:26
by eotunun
smiscandlon wrote:
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:All we need now is a perfectly typed post from Claire and we'll know for sure !
Claire's posts are always perfectly typed.

Utter gobshite, but always perfectly typed.
Which makes the current situation even more entertaining..
;D :D :) :eek:
I´m doomed..

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 16:12
by Izzy HaveMercy
I just put on the num lock on my laptop, and you see what happens next with the letters: absolutely nuffin... I have to press the "FN" button simultaneously with the letter 'I' for axample to get a "5"

Nw when rn n the -adtc ttbn gyt ths (this is typed with the PAD LOCK on and actually reads "Now when I turn on the pad lock this happens", So the Pad Lock button is solely used to translate English into Welsh...)

With BOTH Num Lock and Pad Lock on: this happens: w6th b6th n4+ 36c2 and -ad 36c2 6n th5s ha--ens. This is the LEET SPEEK option of your keyboard, to no use whatsoever for normal human beings with some education.

So I would try to use a special key found somewhere on the lower left of the keyboard, most of the time in a different color (in my case the "Fn" button) and hold it, then press the Num Lock button (most of the time womewhere upper right on the keyboard. Try to type again. If nothing happens, repeat with the Pad Lock key, and afterwards even try it with the Scroll Lock key.

Have fun ;)


Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 16:16
by smiscandlon
smiscandlon wrote:"Have you tried turning it off then back on again?"
Surely that would reset the number lock etc?

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 16:19
by Izzy HaveMercy
smiscandlon wrote:Alterntively...
smiscandlon wrote:"Have you tried turning it off then back on again?"
Surely that would reset the number lock etc?
Not always...I'm not THAT computer savvy, but I seem to remember you can also turn it on or off in some BIOS systems... So when it is 'accidently' turned on in the BIOS it stays that way when you reboot...


Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 16:22
by James Blast
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Nw when rn n the -adtc ttbn gyt ths (this is typed with the PAD LOCK on and actually reads "Now when I turn on the pad lock this happens", So the Pad Lock button is solely used to translate English into Welsh...)

With BOTH Num Lock and Pad Lock on: this happens: w6th b6th n4+ 36c2 and -ad 36c2 6n th5s ha--ens. This is the LEET SPEEK option of your keyboard, to no use whatsoever for normal human beings with some education.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 18:30
by MadameButterfly
Claire, rule one, never listen to what a boy tells you to do regarding your computer/laptop.

Same thing happened to me yonks ago and all the keyboard needed was a good ol' bang on the table, banging the keyboard upside-down. You can imagine how dirty it must have been, as all shag bits & ash came tumbling out. Do the same with the laptop, it sure worked for me!

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 18:35
by Obviousman
MadameButterfly wrote:Claire, rule one, never listen to what a boy tells you to do regarding your computer/laptop.

Same thing happened to me yonks ago and all the keyboard needed was a good ol' bang on the table, banging the keyboard upside-down. You can imagine how dirty it must have been, as all shag bits & ash came tumbling out. Do the same with the laptop, it sure worked for me!
And then we haven't even had Keith's way out yet :eek: :lol:

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 18:41
by boudicca

Thank you Uli! Hip hip hooray!

(I'd have liked it if Debs' method had worked though :twisted: )

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 18:41
by MadameButterfly
:eek: You listen to Keith? :eek:

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 19:12
by uli
boudicca wrote:Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Glad it worked. Even if it was the most boring of all suggestions. :)

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 19:18
by James Blast
Keith, you've got a rival IT wizz in the shape of uli here. About time we had a new one, welcome Sir. :D


Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 19:20
by boudicca
uli wrote:
boudicca wrote:Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Glad it worked. Even if it was the most boring of all suggestions. :)
I'm a boring kind of girl ;D

And welcome indeed 8)

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 19:24
by eotunun
boudicca wrote:
uli wrote:
boudicca wrote:Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Glad it worked. Even if it was the most boring of all suggestions. :)
I'm a boring kind of girl ;D

And welcome indeed 8)
Fishing for compliments.. :wink:

And! YES: We absolutely didn´t take care of that properly:
Welcome, ULI!

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 19:25
by uli
James Blast wrote:welcome Sir. :D
Thanks. :notworthy: :D

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 19:29
by Izzy HaveMercy
uli wrote:
James Blast wrote:welcome Sir. :D
Thanks. :notworthy: :D
Welcome indeed, IT whizz! ;D


Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 19:34
by MadameButterfly
boudicca wrote: (I'd have liked it if Debs' method had worked though :twisted: )
Well just remember it for next time! :twisted:

Howzit uli, so that's you done from lurking then?
Welcome and buckle up and in and around and around.

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 20:20
by uli
boudicca wrote:I'm a boring kind of girl ;D
Yeah, I'm sure about that.

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 20:30
by uli
And thank you all for the warm welcome.

Very comforting for a lonely guy sitting in front of his computer on a Friday evening. Sniff. :wink:

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 20:37
by James Blast
uli wrote:
boudicca wrote:I'm a boring kind of girl ;D
Yeah, I'm sure about that.
Yur Deid! :twisted:

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 21:33
by MadameButterfly
James Blast wrote:
uli wrote:
boudicca wrote:I'm a boring kind of girl ;D
Yeah, I'm sure about that.
Yur Deid! :twisted:
Trust me...

Fact! :twisted:


*running to the no-hills*

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 21:38
by bushman*pm
mabye your computer has had a stroke? :lol:

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 21:43
by MadameButterfly
bushman*pm wrote:mabye your computer has had a stroke? :lol:

"maybe your computer has had a stroke? :lol: "

perhaps you shouldn't post in this thread.... :wink:

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 22:36
by weebleswobble

Posted: 16 Feb 2007, 22:43
by eotunun
weebleswobble wrote:Image
THAT must be a Mac as in MacHeartlander
:notworthy: @weebles :lol: