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Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 20:34
by 6FeetOver
Oh, ok. Good thing you weren't trying to imply that I'm big-headed, then, 'cos that'd be a serious mistake (and also, really inaccurate)... :twisted: :P :wink: ;D

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 20:36
by Pista
You appear to be digging a hole. :lol:

Don't worry Sinnie.
I like your big head :innocent:

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 20:37
by bushman*pm
SINsister wrote:Oh, ok. Good thing you weren't trying to imply that I'm big-headed, then, 'cos that'd be a serious mistake (and also, really inaccurate)... :twisted: :P :wink: ;D
you neither convey that impression nor do i get that impression,
you seem far too nice.

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 20:39
by 6FeetOver
But I'm *not* nice. I just tend to play well with clever/witty/smart/sarcastic folks, is all. Take that as a compliment, because it IS one. :twisted: :von:

Posted: 16 Mar 2007, 20:44
by bushman*pm
SINsister wrote:But I'm *not* nice. I just tend to play well with clever/witty/smart/sarcastic folks, is all. Take that as a compliment, because it IS one. :twisted: :von:

for my part i am as deeply philanthropic as i am downright nasty,
it just depends on people and situations.
besides, i dont think ive encountered one nasty person on HL!
luv ya all!

Re: This took me 3 years to post...

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 00:19
by Planet Dave
Kerosene wrote:I registered here in 2004, but you're all such a bunch of intimidating in-jokers that it took me three years to post.

I hope you're happy with yourselves.
Aww come off it, we're a right bunch of cherubs, more like. :D

Welcome to Heartland, fire away, your every question or opinion or concern will be assaulted by a million dissenting voices, but they'll all have a common theme - bond. You're in the right place Kerosene, enjoy. :D

Re: This took me 3 years to post...

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 00:31
by Zuma
Planet Dave wrote:
Kerosene wrote:I registered here in 2004, but you're all such a bunch of intimidating in-jokers that it took me three years to post.

I hope you're happy with yourselves.
Aww come off it, we're a right bunch of cherubs, more like. :D

Welcome to Heartland, fire away, your every question or opinion or concern will be assaulted by a million dissenting voices, but they'll all have a common theme - bond. You're in the right place Kerosene, enjoy. :D
Indeed Dave (owner of the bridge of doom) :lol:

Re: This took me 3 years to post...

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 00:52
by Planet Dave
Zuma wrote:
Planet Dave wrote:
Kerosene wrote:I registered here in 2004, but you're all such a bunch of intimidating in-jokers that it took me three years to post.

I hope you're happy with yourselves.
Aww come off it, we're a right bunch of cherubs, more like. :D

Welcome to Heartland, fire away, your every question or opinion or concern will be assaulted by a million dissenting voices, but they'll all have a common theme - bond. You're in the right place Kerosene, enjoy. :D
Indeed Dave (owner of the bridge of doom) :lol:
Well someone's gotta keep you fcukers on yer toes. :innocent: :wink: :lol: :kiss: (or off them and in the drink :twisted: - why else do you think I invite everyone round to mine, it's not an act of kindness, you know, more a deep-seated desire to watch goths swim :lol: ).

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 01:14
by weebleswobble
Planet Dave-Social Worker

;D ;D ;D ;D :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 01:45
by Zuma

Re: This took me 3 years to post...

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 02:17
by 6FeetOver
Planet Dave's not an act of kindness, you know, more a deep-seated desire to watch goths swim :lol: ).
:eek: G*ths?! Where?! :lol: :P :von:

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 02:22
by James Blast
a reply to post #1

I was of of no help, was I?
Ach well, shit happens.

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 02:24
by Petseri
Welcome aboard. :D Having been around a while, I guess that you know your way among the generous/cranky/cryptic/warm/social/insighful/endearing* group we known as HLers.

* I wear that I was not thinking of anyone in particular when I thought of the desciptions.

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 03:17
by boudicca
Ah, lurkers! The unseen presences that move amongst us, like the love that dare not speak it's name...

... sorry, it's late and I should know better than to attempt to wax lyrical after - um, two bottles of Pepsi Max... :oops:

I'm unsure as to whether or not a welcome is in order, as I don't know just how tongue in cheek the original post was meant to be. If it's not, that only begs the question, why on earth would you bother looking on here for 3 years! :eek:

I personally found HL - well, General Chat anyway - a bit "in-jokey" when I came here, it took me about 6 months, probably even more, before I felt that I was really a part of it. And it's no doubt even more like that now, since there have been meets, friendships, romances, and so on formed between many of the "regulars".
That's all it is though - friends do tend to have certain in-jokes, or at least things they refer to when talking to each other... a lot of things people now talk about on here have actually happened *gasp* in Real Life :eek: ! I have spent much, much more time in the homes and hometowns of people I've met on here than actually typing posts - and that's no mean feat when you see where I am in the statistics :lol: :innocent: .

BUT I don't think there are many here who would want to make anyone "new"(or not so new) feel excluded in any way. I might not speak for everyone but I certainly don't see it like that. There is real friendship, not cliqueship. The poison door is always open :wink:

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 03:19
by 6FeetOver
Fantastic sum-up, sweet Claire! Loverly! And thanks! ;D :kiss: :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Mar 2007, 03:21
by boudicca
SINsister wrote:Fantastic sum-up, sweet Claire! Loverly! And thanks! ;D :kiss: :notworthy:
It's not often I deliver a warm and fuzzy feeling to anyone, I do hope I've done so this time Sinny! :D :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 02:15
by Nic
Welcome onboard. 8)

Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 03:02
by ryan
Welcome :D

Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 11:17
by Spigel
Hello come in, sit down there .Will you have a cup of tea??

Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 11:39
by Ozpat
Welcome newbie and get bitten.... :twisted:

I could never understand why you wait for years to post but I wonder
what made you decide to do it now....

Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 13:02
by Lynchfanatic

I know what you mean, I tend to be set into lurker mode too alot. :innocent:

Posted: 18 Mar 2007, 14:07
by stefan moermans
so welcome to the madhouse :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: enjoy the ride :eek:

Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 11:50
by markfiend
Hello and welcome 8)

Just dive in and make a gobsh!te of yourself, that's what I did...

Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 18:34
by mh
Hello and welcome, Kerosene!

Re: This took me 3 years to post...

Posted: 19 Mar 2007, 19:20
by Cat
Planet Dave wrote:
Zuma wrote:
Planet Dave wrote: Aww come off it, we're a right bunch of cherubs, more like. :D

Welcome to Heartland, fire away, your every question or opinion or concern will be assaulted by a million dissenting voices, but they'll all have a common theme - bond. You're in the right place Kerosene, enjoy. :D
Indeed Dave (owner of the bridge of doom) :lol:
Well someone's gotta keep you fcukers on yer toes. :innocent: :wink: :lol: :kiss: (or off them and in the drink :twisted: - why else do you think I invite everyone round to mine, it's not an act of kindness, you know, more a deep-seated desire to watch goths swim :lol: ).
I'm not a f*cking goth and I did'n't actually fall in :oops: Had another accident this weekend when I was completely sober and now have a nice bruise on my chin, arm, hand, knees etc. Maybe I'm just accident prone :lol: