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Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 16:50
by scotty
I still miss buying "LP's" :( , there was something much more satisfying in having that big square bit of card than getting a CD, I don't really download anything apart from bootlegs on Dimeadozen.

Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 22:12
by Obviousman
christophe wrote:I never pay for a mp3, its just my own opinion but I like to hold something in my hands when I have bought it (I must be old fashion or something :P )
Me neither. It's not just wanting to hold something in my hands, but I don't exactly like the idea a hard drive crash could mean you'd have to buy all your music again. :eek: I'd never burn downloaded music onto a music cd though, if I want to properly own the music, I just go out to buy it

So I do spend a fair deal of the little money I have on music, I love buying vinyl and on occasions I buy CDs too. :notworthy:

Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 22:20
by Carpathian Psychonaut
scotty wrote:I still miss buying "LP's" :( , there was something much more satisfying in having that big square bit of card than getting a CD
A very good point - a top gatefold sleeve was a work of art in it's own right !

Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 22:26
by Pat
Carpathian Psychonaut wrote:
scotty wrote:I still miss buying "LP's" :( , there was something much more satisfying in having that big square bit of card than getting a CD
A very good point - a top gatefold sleeve was a work of art in it's own right !
And of course..they smell wonderful.There's nothing like ripping off the shrink wrap and breathing in that aroma.

Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 22:44
by Badlander
Pat wrote: And of course..they smell wonderful.There's nothing like ripping off the shrink wrap and breathing in that aroma.
Much like books (the good kind).
That's partly why e-books never took off. What a silly idea. :roll: Image

Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 23:25
by lazarus corporation
Badlander wrote:
Pat wrote: And of course..they smell wonderful.There's nothing like ripping off the shrink wrap and breathing in that aroma.
Much like books (the good kind).
That's partly why e-books never took off. What a silly idea. :roll: Image
True - books smell great. Although other reasons that ebooks never took off were because
(1) it's awkward to read on a computer screen,
(2) Publishers encumbered them with DRM, and
(3) Publishers tried to sell them for the same price as a paper book.

Some of the new ebook-reading gadgets look like they could turn the tide - the ability to store 1000s of books on a reader the size of a single book, and SEARCH your whole 'library' with some Google-esque search facility, and "electronic paper" that reflects light like normal paper (instead of burning your eyes out like a backlit computer screen). The Sony Reader looks like an early model achieveing some of these. Another 2-3 years, I think.

Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 23:30
by 6FeetOver
I just purchased this:


It's all Carpy's fault. :von:

Posted: 31 Mar 2007, 23:32
by 6FeetOver
@ laz: I saw an old guy on the train a couple of weeks ago with something that looked like that; I'd wondered what it was. Interesting...

Posted: 01 Apr 2007, 01:53
by boudicca
*deep breath*

Bless me father for I have sinned. It is 11 and a half years since my last confession... :oops:

I used to pay for all of my music. Usually the records I wanted were way too obscure to be found in Glasgow's branches of Virgin Megastore etc., so I ordered a good proportion of them on t'internet from CDNow (which I believe has now been taken over by Amazon). In my teens I spent many a happy hour browsing round the 30-second song clips on that site, discerning from those whether I liked the sound of the album enough to buy it. Occasionally disappointed once I heard the songs in their entirety but usually it proved quite a good try-before-you-buy strategy. And the thrill of getting that parcel dropping through my letterbox a few weeks later with the goodies was unparalleled 8)

Then, in the summer of 2005, I got Soulseek, and all changed. I don't think I have actually purchased a single CD since. I have been given some from friends but not shelled out a penny for them. And to be perfectly honest, I don't intend on ever buying CDs again, apart from by the handful of my favourite bands. And even with them, only if and when I can afford it.

I do subsribe to the Einstuerzende Neubauten supporters website, but that is a special case as it means I can have input into their creative process with this project, and they have "exclusive" output to me and the other supporters, plus it bypasses the record company. All of which I find very exciting. Yes, and Blixa :twisted: :roll:

Is mine an ideal situation - no. Would some people probably be angry at me - yes. But fcuk them. The fact is I have a very limited amount of money, and while music would be above food in my list of priorities for spending it on if I had to do it, if I am given the option of getting it for free I will take it in a flash and free up a good few thousand pounds, sorely needed. I love holding a new purchase in my hands and looking through the sleevnotes as much as anyone - music and visuals are inextricably tied up for me - but when it comes down to it that stuff is an extra luxury. If I had an unlimited amount of money I'd maybe buy most of my stuff, but who has that? The essential stuff is what I'm going to hear when I put it on, and what that does to me.

I'm not enitrely sure what I think of the "moral" arguments surrounding all this. On the one hand I think the impossibility for a lot of alternative/underground/just-not-that-popular artists of making a living without the "day job" could put them off. On the other, I don't think music making should be an exercise in commerce, once it becomes about maximising profit we're absolutely fcuked :urff:

I fear the ease with which music can be obtained now does devalue it to an extent - the thrill of "taking my new CD home" every other friday night is now a quaint teenage memory. It's not the same when you don't have to go on a lengthy quest to find what you're looking for. But, on the other hand, the accessibility of all kinds of music now on things like Soulseek makes it so easy to discover new stuff you might never have wanted to risk your money on before. So it's swings and roundabouts mate, swings and roundabouts... :P

Posted: 01 Apr 2007, 03:51
by 6FeetOver
Yeah, but Claire: "Let he (or she) who is without sin..." etc. Don't worry your pretty head over it. ;D :twisted: :kiss:

Posted: 01 Apr 2007, 09:30
by lazarus corporation
Tim O'Reilly wrote an interesting article called Piracy is Progressive Taxation, and Other Thoughts on the Evolution of Online Distribution which describes some new (if not unique) ideas about digital piracy:
  • Obscurity is a far greater threat to authors and creative artists than piracy.
  • Piracy is progressive taxation
  • Customers want to do the right thing, if they can.
  • Shoplifting is a bigger threat than piracy.
  • File sharing networks don't threaten book, music, or film publishing. They threaten existing publishers.
  • "Free" is eventually replaced by a higher-quality paid service
  • There's more than one way to do it.
Tim O'Reilly is the founder & CEO of the O'Reilly publishing company (they publish programming books, of which I own several) and they seem to have managed to sell ebooks (i.e. digital content) far more successfully than other traditional publishing companies. So he knows what he's talking about!

Posted: 01 Apr 2007, 09:35
by eotunun
@ Pat: Mate, those are records, not girls! :lol:
But yes, they did have their charm (both). I still buy them, too (the records). My father´s old stereo is about to be used again so I can hear all the good old records again decently.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007, 10:25
by smiscandlon
Erm, in related news... Am I the only one getting this frontpage on Dimeadozen...?


(Remember the date :wink: )

Posted: 01 Apr 2007, 10:40
by Badlander
smiscandlon wrote:Erm, in related news... Am I the only one getting this frontpage on Dimeadozen...?

No you're not and it's awesome ! ;D

Well, except for those out there who always feel like challenging authority. :innocent:

Posted: 01 Apr 2007, 12:35
by christophe
I bought a record last night, just on good instinct. And you know what, he was worth it :D

Posted: 01 Apr 2007, 13:01
by Izzy HaveMercy
lazarus corporation wrote:
Badlander wrote:
Pat wrote: And of course..they smell wonderful.There's nothing like ripping off the shrink wrap and breathing in that aroma.
Much like books (the good kind).
That's partly why e-books never took off. What a silly idea. :roll: Image
True - books smell great. Although other reasons that ebooks never took off were because
(1) it's awkward to read on a computer screen,
(2) Publishers encumbered them with DRM, and
(3) Publishers tried to sell them for the same price as a paper book.

Some of the new ebook-reading gadgets look like they could turn the tide - the ability to store 1000s of books on a reader the size of a single book, and SEARCH your whole 'library' with some Google-esque search facility, and "electronic paper" that reflects light like normal paper (instead of burning your eyes out like a backlit computer screen). The Sony Reader looks like an early model achieveing some of these. Another 2-3 years, I think.
Some people are not in it for the money alone, but they are rare ;)

But I do SO agree, I really love a whole library with real papery beauties instead of a PDA full of bits and bytes...

The same with CDs and Vinyl. People who come and visit me for any reason whatsoever, always have a moment where I am busy doing something (editing their crap music for example :twisted:) and then they start to look around and see all those book cases and CD storages and they start sniffing around in my collection, going "oh, man, you HAVE this? I've been looking for that CD for AGES!". Or: "f**k man, who is this Pratchett dude, you seem to have a fetish for the guy, can I borrow one?"

I can't see that happening when I have a PDA and an iPod lying on my desk... :roll:

Also, I would miss the lovely artwork, as some here pointed out already. With the rise of CD, the artwork started to get smaller again. Then they invented the lovely Digipack to make up for their errors. Now you have to be content with a small image of the album on your cellphone *shudder*



Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 11:03
by Grison
I wouldn´t pay for an MP3 download or any other lossy format. Sometimes I download albums to check out. I f I like it I´ll buy it.
I´ve downloaded some albums I already have on CD, because DRM protection won´t let me copy them, I don´t want to keep expensive CD´s in my car so I bring a copy.

Bootlegs is a different thing, I download a lot. Nobody´s losing any money from them.

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 11:31
by Doktor Gott
Bit of both really.. Given that I have owned a hell of a lot of music in the past that I have either lost, damaged or had stolen, I have little in the way of a guilty conscience in downloading stuff I have previously owned without buying a new copy of it (prompting the argument - is it the music or the medium we actually buy??)

Also, since I'm into techno quite a bit, I download sets left, right and centre, which I am sure there is no copyright on.. :innocent:

However, I will buy new music and quite often download a torrent of it to save me the time of burning it - yes, I am THAT lazy! :D

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 12:13
by paint it black
despite having a house full of records, jnr. PiB had her first experience with vinyl last night. 'daddy, mummy look it's as big as me..oh, wow!! there's a little hole in the middle of it you can see right through'. :lol: :lol:

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 13:48
by Doktor Gott

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 14:32
by aims
If I can find a record, I'll try to buy it, but given my somewhat esoteric taste in music (as applies to most of us here, I guess), I'm most likely to initially hear a track illegally.

As for deleted records, particularly B-sides, they're fair game for sharing imho.

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 16:56
by Dr. Moody
Motz wrote:If I can find a record, I'll try to buy it, but given my somewhat esoteric taste in music (as applies to most of us here, I guess), I'm most likely to initially hear a track illegally.

As for deleted records, particularly B-sides, they're fair game for sharing imho.
Out of print / deleted recordings are definitely fair game as is limited edition tour only, small edition cdrs or anything that goes for silly money on ebay. I guess one of the benefits of this kinda thing is the music gets a wider audience through file sharing and if you really like it hunting down the artifact can be rewarding too.

If I ever win the lottery I promise to employ a personal record buying gimp who can spend his days on ebay and looking through small distro catalogues on a neverending vinyl hunt. ;D

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 20:57
by Maisey
I still miss buying "LP's" , there was something much more satisfying in having that big square bit of card than getting a CD, I don't really download anything apart from bootlegs on Dimeadozen.
I miss buying LPs as well.

Its been aaaaaages since I last had a new bit of 12" card in my hands.

To someone my age "3 days" is a higher proportion of life.

I have discovered something AWESOME.

Vinyl to MP3 ripping

I can now spend between £2-£5 on an album where it might have cost up to £12 on a brand new CD and I can still have a CD version of it for carriyng around :D

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 21:20
by Grison
Maisey wrote:
I still miss buying "LP's" , there was something much more satisfying in having that big square bit of card than getting a CD, I don't really download anything apart from bootlegs on Dimeadozen.
I miss buying LPs as well.

Its been aaaaaages since I last had a new bit of 12" card in my hands.

To someone my age "3 days" is a higher proportion of life.

I have discovered something AWESOME.

Vinyl to MP3 ripping

I can now spend between £2-£5 on an album where it might have cost up to £12 on a brand new CD and I can still have a CD version of it for carriyng around :D
I´ve been thinking about that too, I havet to make room for a Vinyl player near the computers, not an easy task...

Posted: 02 Apr 2007, 21:23
by Quiff Boy
Grison wrote:
Maisey wrote:
I still miss buying "LP's" , there was something much more satisfying in having that big square bit of card than getting a CD, I don't really download anything apart from bootlegs on Dimeadozen.
I miss buying LPs as well.

Its been aaaaaages since I last had a new bit of 12" card in my hands.

To someone my age "3 days" is a higher proportion of life.

I have discovered something AWESOME.

Vinyl to MP3 ripping

I can now spend between £2-£5 on an album where it might have cost up to £12 on a brand new CD and I can still have a CD version of it for carriyng around :D
I´ve been thinking about that too, I havet to make room for a Vinyl player near the computers, not an easy task...
unless you have a laptop and one of these ;) ... view&n=144