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Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 21:18
by Quiff Boy
Dan wrote:
Debaser wrote:...where the feck IS it??
Go down Woodhouse Lane past the university until you get to Hyde Park, turn left and you should find Hyde Park Road, go down that a while and then turn right when you get to Royal Park Road, then go along until you get to the Royal Park. Its a big place, you can't miss it!

I will be there most likely. If anyone sees me say hello (long hair, battered leather jacket with big sisters head & star on the back and some other band names at the top that paintstripper didn't remove entirely).

Funny story from last time. I asked someone if he was Quiff Boy, but he said he wasn't. The reason I asked was that he had quite a magnificent quiff, in fact the only hairstyle there that night that could be described as a quiff. I bet now QB will reply and say he doesn't even have said hairstyle.
nope. i dont! not any more!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :lol:

Posted: 15 Feb 2003, 16:19
by Mrs RicheyJames
<<I will be there most likely. If anyone sees me say hello (long hair, battered leather jacket with big sisters head & star on the back and some other band names at the top that paintstripper didn't remove entirely).>>

Ahem!!!! Was is Spice girls or Bros?

Posted: 15 Feb 2003, 18:27
by Debaser
Tonight I think I will wear the orange shirt...basically so I can clash with Ginger 'sexy new hair do'


Course it's got nowt to do with the fact 1) I like my orange shirt 2) my lime green shirt is in the wash...

See you soon


Posted: 16 Feb 2003, 02:09
by Padstar
Yup.... nice shirt it was too.... and the hair doo you were talking about was indeed sexy.....


Paddy (feeling cheeky!)

Posted: 16 Feb 2003, 03:04
by Lars Svensson
Talking of which, Mr Padstar...

Anuvva damn fine show by all concerned! :notworthy: :notworthy:

Hope u had a good one too...and I for one am looking forward to Sisters Weekend 2003, and your combo's role in it..! :D

W'hoo! ;D ;D :von: :von: 8) 8)

Posted: 16 Feb 2003, 14:03
by Mrs RicheyJames
I Agree..bloody top night!! Although my feet hurt now!!!!!!!! 8)

Posted: 16 Feb 2003, 23:31
by Debaser
Snippet thoughts about last night:

Fabtastic to see you again Paddy.....the extra pherenomes at the end did it fer me ;-)

Ginger (although I can't speak for her ) wasn't really quite sure what hit her...but the company is always excellent.

We managed to drive past the Cockpit twice attempting to eat and Leave LOL

Had to's obvious that amphetimines are no longer the drug of choice......

Nice also that the younsters can name check a great band too ;-) AND without prompting...LMAO

Will always know who to ask about all things Sister related - thanks Dan :-)

Big hugs to Quiffles, Andrea, lars, Ginger, Ryan, Scardwell, Ryan, Ron and Elaine - thanks fer waving Bar Code...did you notice that twisting's all the rage with the kids??? Had BG, and SG pointed out to me should've waved...but didn't ...soz

Am being requested to vacate puter chair..


Posted: 17 Feb 2003, 10:43
by Mrs RicheyJames
Ya bugger!!!! Nevermind!!! Felt like a bloody motorhead gig though, woke up with the biggest bruise you've ever seen on my arm!!! And my hips hurt?????? Now thats ROCK!!! lol :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Feb 2003, 11:10
by Debaser
Ahhhh moshing injuries........I've a few tales to tell on that score but took it cool and sedate on Sat brewing up fer a Puressence gig in March and I daren't carry any old injuries into that one, t'would mean certain death!


Posted: 18 Feb 2003, 22:13
by Ginger
Well I had a great night last Saturday thanks to Paddy, Debaser, Gaz and everyone else :D

Posted: 19 Feb 2003, 13:02
by Padstar


Paddy :oops:

Posted: 19 Feb 2003, 19:17
by Debaser
Hey Paddy....did you have a bit of nasal stuffiness?

I presume the towel on the head thing was so you could sneakily have a sniff of Vic and boiling water tucked behind the amp?? I'm sure someone would've rubbed some on yer chest - if you'd have asked.

NOT as Ginger declared,the fact you were a revealed member of the KKK...or was it the Rocky Balboa look? OR were you just pretending to be a ghost? wwwhhhhooooooooooooooooo


Always a pleasure Paddy and Co....thanks


Posted: 19 Feb 2003, 19:20
by Mrs RicheyJames
lol, well it scared me!!!!!

Posted: 19 Feb 2003, 20:41
by Padstar
It just seemed like thwe right thing to do at the time........

Sg - your too easily scared....

Debs - Ide NEVER ask !


Posted: 19 Feb 2003, 22:14
by Ed Rhombus
Hurrah for the spontaneous artist!

Whip it up Pad!

Posted: 24 Feb 2003, 22:07
by bar code
Sexygoth wrote:Ya bugger!!!! Nevermind!!! Felt like a bloody motorhead gig though, woke up with the biggest bruise you've ever seen on my arm!!! And my hips hurt?????? Now thats ROCK!!! lol :notworthy:

Er..sorry if it was me - I do tend to flail a lot when I (er...) dance :oops:

Posted: 25 Feb 2003, 14:59
by Carrie
Ahah, found my way in at last...

*promptly falls over*

Top gig chaps!

Posted: 25 Feb 2003, 15:01
by Quiff Boy
Carrie wrote:Ahah, found my way in at last...

*promptly falls over*

Top gig chaps!
welcome!! glad you made it at last.... :von:

good to "meet" you (however brief it may have been) at teh smurphs gig... :)

Posted: 25 Feb 2003, 16:35
by Carrie
Cheers for raising the portcullis, lowering the drawbridge etc Quiff Boy...I *thought* I knew who you were but er, I was also assuming you were the bloke with the quiff who's always down the Phono & apparently you aren't...

Posted: 25 Feb 2003, 20:37
by Ed Rhombus
Come away dear.

You're causing a scene

Posted: 03 Mar 2003, 11:13
by Mrs RicheyJames
lol@Mr Rhombus

Posted: 05 Mar 2003, 12:31
by X
I was also assuming you were the bloke with the quiff who's always down the Phono & apparently you aren't...[/quote

Quiff boy has no Quiff? Well I for one feel cheated!
Isnt there some kind of descriptions act to protect people from this kind of thing? I'm off to write to the complaints department.
You'll be telling me next that Sexy Goth isnt sexy and is a New romantic.
He would hate that! But what the hell, I owe HIM. :lol: :P :wink: :kiss:

Posted: 05 Mar 2003, 12:53
by Ed Rhombus

Face like a smacked arse!

Posted: 05 Mar 2003, 20:14
by X
Arse like a smacked face too.

Posted: 05 Mar 2003, 20:18
by X
Now be honest , Does this bag suit me? Does it make my bum look big?