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Posted: 13 May 2007, 21:50
by Tidal

Anything Goes Goth

Anything-Goes Goth


Understanding Outsider


Confused Outsider


Ethereal Goth


Fantasy Goth


Old-school Goth




Death Rocker


Romantic Goth




Perky Goff


I'm not gothic myself, I just like the Sisters ;D

Posted: 13 May 2007, 22:09
by smiscandlon
SINsister wrote:The quiz left out "mopey g*th," which would have been my designation 100% about...uhhh...15 years ago. ;D :roll:
Mopey goth?

I think Emo is the word you're looking for... :P :lol:

Posted: 13 May 2007, 22:12
by 6FeetOver
There was no "emo" 15-20 years ago, silly. Over here, there is/was a such thing as a "mopey" goth (aka trad g*th, romantig*th, etc. - at least in the places I lived). ;P

Posted: 14 May 2007, 10:19
by itnAklipse
i won't let myself be defined by scripts or idiots.

Posted: 14 May 2007, 10:32
by markfiend
You scored as Old-school Goth.

You are an old-school goth. Forget Tina and Rogue, your idols are still Siouxsie and Peter and Fat Bob, and black lipstick and white powder is still the way to go. Click on my name to take my other tests if you liked this one.

Old-school Goth 75%

Posted: 14 May 2007, 11:14
by Ozpat
None... :innocent:

Posted: 14 May 2007, 11:27
by markfiend
markfiend wrote:white powder
Ha! Just noticed that... :innocent: :notworthy:

Posted: 14 May 2007, 12:54
by eotunun
"You scored as Ethereal Goth.

You are an ethereal goth... you favor Projekt and Dead Can Dance and have very refined tastes. You like the fine arts and probably prefer red wine to snake bite."

Now what do I get?

A plush bat?

Posted: 14 May 2007, 17:29
by Ghost
You scored as Old-school Goth.
You are an old-school goth. Forget Tina and Rogue, your idols are still Siouxsie and Peter and Fat Bob, and black lipstick and white powder is still the way to go.

Old-school Goth 88%
Industrial/Rivet-Head 63%
Ethereal Goth 50%
Romantic Goth 38%
Understanding Outsider 33%
Anything-Goes Goth 33%
Death Rocker 29%
Cyber-goth 25%
Fantasy Goth 13%
Perky Goff 8%
Confused Outsider 4%

OH NOES, I'm A GOFF something!!!!

Posted: 14 May 2007, 17:40
by streamline
old-school goth.

whoop whoop.

Posted: 14 May 2007, 19:42
by 6FeetOver
itnAklipse wrote:i won't let myself be defined by scripts or idiots.

Posted: 14 May 2007, 21:00
by 9while9
itnAklipse wrote:i won't let myself be defined by scripts or idiots.
Unclench your panties mate, have a go. :roll:
You may accidently have fun. :D

Posted: 14 May 2007, 21:30
by timsinister
Post-Punk :P

Posted: 15 May 2007, 20:38
by Elfeyth
Old School (mostly) and Romantic (almost as much). Guess the inner goth never dies ...

I'll have the plush bat if etonunn doesn't want it.

Am very amused by the suggestion that some people might wear goggles and / or wooly hair extensions often. My word. :)

Thanks for the amusing quiz. :D

Posted: 15 May 2007, 20:39
by Elfeyth
Apologies eotunun (hope I got it right this time) :oops:

Posted: 15 May 2007, 21:15
by Bartek
You scored as Understanding Outsider.

You are not a goth yourself, but you may know goths and you understand and appreciate, or at least respect, the gothic subculture.
Understanding Outsider 71%
Anything-Goes Goth 58%

uff :lol:

Posted: 15 May 2007, 21:50
by Nic
Old-school Goth 75%

your idols are still Siouxsie and Peter and Fat Bob...

Aye. 8)

Posted: 17 May 2007, 15:10
by sarah_orange
You scored as Perky Goff.

You are a perky goff! You like cute things, glitter, and scary carnivals. You think that the contrast between playful innocence and dark corruption is tantalizing, which is why you like to dress up like an evil dollie. Click on my name to take my other tests if you liked this one.

Perky Goff 71%

Fantasy Goth 71%

Old-school Goth 67%

Anything-Goes Goth 58%

Cyber-goth 54%

Industrial/Rivet-Head 54%

Understanding Outsider 50%

Romantic Goth 46%

Death Rocker 42%

Ethereal Goth 38%

Confused Outsider 8%
well I don't think that was a great suprise really

a bit worried that they guessed what I was wearing to wendyhouse though :eek:

Posted: 17 May 2007, 15:22
by Ramone
Is Pseudo Goth Sympathiser part of the list?

Judging by my track record, I could barely call myself a goth. I never bought a single recording by Siouxsie, The Cure, Dead Can dance, Christian Death.

Bought maybe one single by Bauhaus and one Single by Sex Gang Children (Sebastian).

But aside that; during the 80's I was more your L.A Guns, Poison, Aerosmith, Guns n Roses kinda guy.

Quite liked the Sisters ( bought the stuff but didn't live or die by them) and I always found going to and hanging out with the Mishun much more fun.

I suppose managing Rosetta could go against me in the 'Damn it boy your a goth" stakes'but judging that two out of three human members of the band weren't strictly 'goths' kind of exonerates me, I suppose. *gulp*

:eek: :lol: :innocent:

Posted: 17 May 2007, 18:24
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ramone wrote:Is Pseudo Goth Sympathiser part of the list?

Judging by my track record, I could barely call myself a goth. I never bought a single recording by Siouxsie, The Cure, Dead Can dance, Christian Death.

Bought maybe one single by Bauhaus and one Single by Sex Gang Children (Sebastian).

But aside that; during the 80's I was more your L.A Guns, Poison, Aerosmith, Guns n Roses kinda guy.

Quite liked the Sisters ( bought the stuff but didn't live or die by them) and I always found going to and hanging out with the Mishun much more fun.

I suppose managing Rosetta could go against me in the 'Damn it boy your a goth" stakes'but judging that two out of three human members of the band weren't strictly 'goths' kind of exonerates me, I suppose. *gulp*

:eek: :lol: :innocent:
Congratulations! ;D

You are a pseudo-angst-ridden-glam-emo-föhn-rocker! ;D


Posted: 17 May 2007, 18:28
by Maisey
Yeah, but I heard that the good Madame wouldn't be seen out without an inch of eyeliner round her volume knobs.

Posted: 17 May 2007, 18:33
by Maisey
itnAklipse wrote:i won't let myself be defined by scripts or idiots.
You scored 100% as a unique individual - You express yourself without conforming to stereotypes and have nothing to do with that dreadful g-word.

Definately not.


Posted: 17 May 2007, 22:00
by EmeraldSignal
confused outsider

Posted: 17 May 2007, 22:31
by timsinister
Ramone wrote:
I suppose managing Rosetta could go against me in the 'Damn it boy your a goth" stakes'but judging that two out of three human members of the band weren't strictly 'goths' kind of exonerates me, I suppose. *gulp*

:eek: :lol: :innocent:
You know what happens when you claim not to be, mate!


Posted: 17 May 2007, 23:50
by Ramone
Oh God Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! :eek: