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Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:15
by Mrs RicheyJames
lol, I did mean the Mish board, and for your information I left crimping monthly due to an argument I had with another member about the best crimper.....I said babiliss, she said philips....Honestly, I ask you..... :innocent:

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:17
by Quiff Boy
Sexygoth wrote:lol, I did mean the Mish board, and for your information I left crimping monthly due to an argument I had with another member about the best crimper.....I said babiliss, she said philips....Honestly, I ask you..... :innocent:
i'm with you on the babiliss. or at least i used to be... :lol:

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:21
by sam donut
Quiff Boy wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:lol, I did mean the Mish board, and for your information I left crimping monthly due to an argument I had with another member about the best crimper.....I said babiliss, she said philips....Honestly, I ask you..... :innocent:
i'm with you on the babiliss. or at least i used to be... :lol:
Yep, me too. Was a loyal babyliss customer for many years. They're especially good when the outer-casing cracks a bit, due to high pressure crimping, and the internal thermostat breaks and they become superheated. For a crimp that never fades!

Luckily I no longer crimp.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:28
by nearmethexperience
never been a crimper...

when i was still young enough to dress like a goth and not look like a pratt i was more of a von/lucretia goth, shortish black hair slicked back, mirrored aviators, short/tight bikers jacket, ripped jeans...

my mate jordan was a crimper though, a pure curehead, we used to balance ashtrays on his head in the mayfair!!!

oh the days!

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:42
by Thea
oh man...
i'm new
i'm scared

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:44
by nearmethexperience
d00mw0lf wrote:oh man...
i'm new
i'm scared
welcome doomwolf, don't be afraid now, just walk on in.... :P

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:45
by Mrs RicheyJames
I'd be scared if I were you!!!!!! lol

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:52
by Black Shuck
I'd just like to add that this is the only forum I've ever been to which isn't full of twats.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:53
by Black Shuck
Ooh! they censored my word (rhymes with 'bats').

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:54
by Mrs RicheyJames
Hhhhhhhmmmmm dunno about that mate, I've now joined!!! :twisted: ;D

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:56
by Quiff Boy
Black Shuk wrote:I'd just like to add that this is the only forum I've ever been to which isn't full of ****.
thanks! :)

but full of what? :?: ;D

oh my god, its full of stars! :eek: ;D

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:56
by nearmethexperience
Black Shuk wrote:Ooh! they censored my word (rhymes with 'bats').

erm, blats?¿?¿? (spot the geeks now ;))

anyway, welcome shuk :)

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 13:06
by Black Shuck
Hey, thanks. BTW if you're ever bored and feeling especially cruel, I recommend that you go and have some fun at a Manic Street Preachers forum - I've found that their fans are really easy to wind up.
Oops, guess that makes me a twit!

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 13:19
by Ed Rhombus
Maybe we should all pick a day and go visit the Manics board

Right so check list of people over from MWIS this week

Sexy Goth

The message board over the road has been going down you see.

I think Wayne keeps forgeting to pay the bill.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 13:40
by X
Oh no! m*****n take over, I'm out of here!

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 13:41
by X
Wow, LMAO, The word m*****n is a no go, Thats funny, I like it!

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 13:45
by Quiff Boy
X wrote:Wow, LMAO, The word m*****n is a no go, Thats funny, I like it!
by popular consesus :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 13:47
by Mrs RicheyJames
<Holds up handbag in Reeves and Mortimer Style> ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;D

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 16:32
by rian
Hello and welcome all you newbees. Have fun! :wink:

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 19:27
by cyn
It's ok doomwolf I'll protect you.

Hey, question how do I get my pixels smaller?


Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 19:33
by Mrs RicheyJames
Wash them in a really hot wash, then tumble dry!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 20:15
by Thea
cyn wrote:It's ok doomwolf I'll protect you.

Hey, question how do I get my pixels smaller?

woohoo! not scared anymore :D

a pixel is a pixel... i don't think you can make pixels smaller :\

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 20:17
by Mrs RicheyJames
Put your pic in a photo tool thingmy and re-size it!!!!!!!

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 21:36
by 6FeetOver
W00tw00t! Welcome new kiddies! No need to be afraid - we don't bite!

Well...that is, unless we're asked first... :twisted: ;D :innocent: :von:

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 22:07
by cyn
Sexygoth wrote:Put your pic in a photo tool thingmy and re-size it!!!!!!!
Too bad that doesn't work for most men....
