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Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 15:17
by boudicca
Ramone wrote:Possessed Mimes and Germans!
:lol: There is little on this earth with greater power to strike terror into the hearts of men :P :lol:

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 15:37
by psichonaut
when i wath my old photos i think:
ooohhh good times....and my daughters like those wife no
but she has different thoughts about fashion and different music tastes

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 20:08
by Andy Christ 666
On the subject of photos that make you think
"What the hell was I thinking?"
I thought I looked great at the time, looking back, I look like a stick of candy floss.
This was the late 80s' by the way, when big hair and pointy boots was the order of the day,
nowadays it's shaved head and Docs.
The shaved head isn't a choice though, Curse you rapidly receeding hairline!!!

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 20:17
by Dark
I'm 17. I wear black jeans, and black t-shirts with varying band names or chemical hazard symbols. And paraboots (thanks Ness!).
I have next to no jewellery, because I can't find any I like. I intend to decorate a plain t-shirt, next week, with safety pins and various items from the fabric section of Boyes.

I'll look back on myself in a few months and wonder why.

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 21:44
by timsinister
A few months experimenting can be a good thing man, don't knock it!

Funny thing is, I want to look like you lot did, because the modern alternative is frankly pish. So, be proud! You've influenced successive generations for years, and hopefully will keep doing so...

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 22:31
by robertzombie
Dark wrote:I'm 17. I wear black jeans, and black t-shirts with varying band names
Same here, plus the standard issue black shirt for going out.

Although for some unknown reason the [boring/plain] "Maine" section of Debenhams has become very appealing lately... :urff:

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 22:34
by smiscandlon
robertzombie wrote:Although for some unknown reason the [boring/plain] "Maine" section of Debenhams has become very appealing lately... :urff:

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 22:36
by James Blast
what is an Debenhams, pliss?

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 22:40
by sarah_orange
I'm better dressed now. but not really less goth. I blame a liking for all about eve - I was a guppy - all purple and green and other colourful stuff. yak. scarves and bangles ahoy. ok so I have red hair now and have had black in the past but it's the corsets and black pvc that fit the bill so well. I'm amazed I never owned any black pvc before 5-6 years ago...

Posted: 21 Jun 2007, 23:17
by James Blast
I got some black leather strides made for me (I wanted pockets on the back like jeans had/have) between the fitting and me paying for them, they shrunk. I was so in awe of them and the feel of them, I never complained and I do believe they cost all of £80 of my hard earned.
... never fitted me, but what the hell, I wore them every Friday and/or Saturday, whenever I was missing The Sisters Of Mercy, X~Mal Deutschland or The Cult and too busy getting pished with Flat-Tops in Hurricanes!

happy days :D

Posted: 11 Jul 2007, 15:45
by silentNate
My ex-fiance destroyed the photos but whilst I was indeed 'g*th' I'm more ashamed of the baggy stuff I wore after discovering >insert name of class A sustance<. These days I still wear the old black jeans but more 'dress down friday' than rock god I'm afraid :lol:

Love those adverts.