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Posted: 14 Aug 2007, 10:13
by Veda
Whatever kinks would have to be w orked out but by this point why bother. Face it, the music/entertainment industry is largely youth driven and oriented and Sis sell by date has passed. Infliential and legendary band they are and Von's an icon but they are/he is likely washed up commercially for good. They were never as big as the few 80's survivor bands (U2 - in a league of their own, TC, DM, BJ, MC, DL, DD) who can still play large venues but whose sales may at best respectable will likely never match up to in their heyday when they were young and the bands of our youth and of the times.

also People would be expecting something mind blowing after so long after the last release that anything that falls short fo that will prolly be seen as failure. If it comes it comes if it don't it don't and I don't waste any time or thought thinking of it, for those that do :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 11:11
by bookish
Veda wrote:They were never as big as the few 80's survivor bands (U2 - in a league of their own, TC, DM, BJ, MC, DL, DD)
Oh a quiz. Neat.

TC= The Cure
DM= Depeche Mode
BJ = Bon Jovi ??
DD = Duran Duran

The rest escape me though.

Posted: 15 Aug 2007, 13:37
by The Green Lantern
bookish wrote:
Veda wrote:They were never as big as the few 80's survivor bands (U2 - in a league of their own, TC, DM, BJ, MC, DL, DD)
Oh a quiz. Neat.

TC= The Cure
DM= Depeche Mode
BJ = Bon Jovi ??
DD = Duran Duran

The rest escape me though.
I will go with:
MC = Mötley Crüe
DL = Def Leppard?

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 15:09
by dinky daisy
itnAklipse wrote:The problem is same as it ever was.

The industry.
Inter alia.

Posted: 16 Aug 2007, 23:26
by Electrochrome
The Sisters is still the weekend gig (or the summer gig) in between...whatever else Von does. Read the paper. Smoke. Go out for breakfast.

It's not just "releasing for $", it's getting at least enough cash to make the whole pain worthwhile for him, he's said it before and would probably say it again. He hates the industry side of it (who can blame), and he's always called for "competent exploitation" of his music.

He saw what incompetent exploitation was like, he backed out, and likely never wants to get into it again unless there is total control or an iron-clad agreement.

Only the posters on HL are waiting dearly for the next one to arrive (and we deserve it). The Sisters aren't going to sell a million copies of their next mythical album.......but sheesh...if they can play 60+ dates last year, surely some label will give them SOMETHING.

I'm still confident we'll get some kind of 'new' release in the next five years. Something....most likely studio versions of songs we've all heard for years now (Summer, Crash and Burn, etc etc). But we'll take it.

That, and the man clearly can't be bothered.

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 09:27
by markfiend
Electrochrome wrote:I'm still confident we'll get some kind of 'new' release in the next five years.
Yeah, I thought that.

In 1996.

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 09:43
by doctoravalanche
Andrew should release it on his own label. He would earn more money and as a consequence he would be able to spend a bit more for promotion.
Moreover recording an album with the numeric technologies should be quicker, less expensive and more efficient than it was at the begnning of the 90's. No need 1 year like in the Puk Studio ...

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 14:52
by million voices
If he wanted to put an album out under his own steam then he would have done.

The Sputniks released three CDs off their own bat available through the fan club and at gigs, and presumably they did OK out of it.

When you compare the Sisters fan-base to that of the Sputties its like N zillion times more - well a lot.

The basic fact is that there is no new product. For whatever reason Eldo cannot be bothered to release any.

He is quite content to become and remain his own tribute band - a Showaddywaddy for the 21st Century.

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 19:30
by Electrochrome
So true.

Eldo did meet with the majors, and according to that blurb from last year, or whenever, there was some other interest. I don't see The Sisters doing their own label thing...might be hard to swallow to start your own label, get a major backing, then go back to a mom-and-pop setup when you're nearing 50. Even though others have done it...

He wants a major label with resources and cash. Enough to make the pain worthwhile (presumably the pain of recording 800 takes of Summer, or something).

And no new product, anyway. How many 'new' songs since 2000? Crash 'n' Burn, Slept, Still, Top Nite Out? Sheesh.

How long can he stay as his own tribute band? (A long time).

Ah, well...

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 20:56
by nowayjose
Another thing might be that he's probably fed up to the back teeth with that "when's the new album" thing. I mean, everywhere he utters a word, on the web (and I guess in real life aswell), his "fans" pester him about that. Maybe we should just give him some peace.

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 21:05
by weebleswobble
nowayjose wrote:Another thing might be that he's probably fed up to the back teeth with that "when's the new album" thing. I mean, everywhere he utters a word, on the web (and I guess in real life aswell), his "fans" pester him about that. Maybe we should just give him some peace.
he utters word(s)?

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 21:14
by nowayjose
weebleswobble wrote: he utters word(s)?
Well.. hypothetically (see the guardian thread)... and on "that" mailing list, too. Of course anything immediately shut down with a "when's the new album" salvo.
The man probably thinks to himself "ah, likc my balls", grabs a beer from the fridge and watches some taped St. Pauli game instead.

Posted: 17 Aug 2007, 21:16
by weebleswobble
nowayjose wrote:
weebleswobble wrote: he utters word(s)?
Well.. hypothetically (see the guardian thread)... and on "that" mailing list, too. Of course anything immediately shut down with a "when's the new album" salvo.
The man probably thinks to himself "ah, likc my balls", grabs a beer from the fridge and watches some taped St. Pauli game instead.
he has balls?

ok I'll stop there :wink:

Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 11:09
by million voices
He can't lick his own balls?

Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 13:22
by Dr. Moody
million voices wrote:He can't lick his own balls?
that explains the delay then. :lol:

Posted: 18 Aug 2007, 19:44
by markreed
Releasing a record is an expensive business. Studios need to be booked or bought, musicians paid and fed, production takes time and effort, artwork needs to be compiled, prepared, music needs to be mastered. These things can be done cheaply - but Andrew is a perfectionist and that is one of the reasons his records stand the test of time and others don't. If I were to go to the time and expense of releasing a record - be it through my own label or someone else - I would expect to be compensated appriopriately. As we have seen, Andrew is prepared to tour at length these days, and I would expect that releasing a new album would take a lot of time, work, and effort ensuring that it is released to the standard he would require, including the requisite touring.

In addition, these days, the business model for the industry is that artists do not generally make significant amounts from their releases unless they sell extraordinary amounts and the record is seen as the promotional tool for the live show - hence why even very big selling artists tend to tour their bollocks off.
MJK: "We had to look at the record company and show them, "See, this is what we make when we tour. THIS is what we make on album sales. We don't need to make albums."

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 00:21
by hellboy69
and then he says:
AVC: Do you have a favorite so far of the wines you've released through your winery, Caduceus?

MJK: I've only released three so far. There's the classic cabernet, which I think is going to be one of my high-end wines. It's a long, long-aging wine that you can lay down; it's definitely an investment, but it's not my favorite. There's the [Nagual de La] NAGA, which is a super Tuscan-style blend, a Sangiovese cabernet; lots of fruit, cherries—a real Brunello di Montalcino-style of wine, which I really like. But the one that's my favorite is kind of an experiment: I took some Shiraz-style Syrah, added just a touch of Malvasia, which is an Italian, white varietal, to it, and it gave it this really approachable nose; you smell it, and it's all these flowers and honey, but then you drink it, and it's like a big Shiraz. So it's a nice introduction to wines, because you can just sit down and have a glass of this, and you don't really have to understand it. It just presents itself to you. But it's not deceiving: Like Yellowtail Shiraz, you get that at the grocery store, and it's basically not even grape juice; it just tastes like wood juice. It's seductive, but it's not really wine. But the Premier Paso, the Shiraz-Malvasia blend, is one of those wines that, if you get a bottle, you're either going to be a fan of wine, or you're not.
...and disappears quickly up his own arse

where are the punk rockers?


Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 15:28
by million voices
I have never heard of the beat combo Maynard James Keenan, let alone heard them. I thought it was a dyslexsic economist.

But from the description of the Premier Paso I think I have drunk that - it must have been on offer at Tesco.

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 15:34
by markfiend
Maynard James Keenan is the singer of the band Tool

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 16:15
by million voices
I have heard of Tool - but never heard them. so just checked them out on Youtube.

They probably sound a lot better after half a box of Keenans plonk

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 16:23
by markfiend
:| I really like them.

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 16:28
by 6FeetOver
Tool's got some great tunes, though I've not heard anything of theirs in recent years...

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 17:01
by Bartek
i used to like their tunes but now i think that music is to pompous and bumptious but sometimes brilliant and catchy.
any way i like all those weekend punk.

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 17:03
by Dr. Moody
gonna see em in brixton tomorrow night, Tool are great. ;D

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 17:04
by 6FeetOver's all about that bass and the voice...