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Posted: 12 Mar 2003, 17:26
by Lynchfanatic
Karst wrote:Women and tattoo's - why does LiveTV spring to mind?
The wonders of the mind.
LiveTv??? Hmm, dont know what you mean :oops: But does that mean you think its a bad thing? Its too late for me to change my mind, allready got one.. :innocent: And I found out what kind of tatoo Im gonna get this time, its not a sisters tatoo. Not yet, maybe next time.. It is a tatoo that has to do with David Lynch, I been "making" it, and Im very pleased with it, I love it....

Posted: 23 Jun 2003, 08:04
by paint it black
Dimehart wrote:I remember seing some Nazi-party pins from the thirties at a military show some years ago where a similar ring surrounded the swastika. I've failed to find a photo of the pin on the net but as I remember it was a yellow circle on red surrounding a black swastika on white.
see my quote on what I've been watching :wink:

seems it was the Socialist workers party, but I'm still working to confirm that 8)

which also explains why it looks like an inverted gear ;D

just in case

here it is at long last i found it :wink:}naz.html

Posted: 07 Jul 2003, 13:12
by paint it black
paint it black wrote:
Dimehart wrote:I remember seing some Nazi-party pins from the thirties at a military show some years ago where a similar ring surrounded the swastika. I've failed to find a photo of the pin on the net but as I remember it was a yellow circle on red surrounding a black swastika on white.
see my quote on what I've been watching :wink:

seems it was the Socialist workers party, but I'm still working to confirm that 8)

which also explains why it looks like an inverted gear ;D