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Posted: 06 Mar 2003, 17:51
by Debaser
Have a wonderful journey...mmmnnn Deep Vein Thrombosis...luvverly

Oh bring me a stick of rock purleaze


Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 12:28
by sam donut
Have a good time, Mr Experience!
May the jollity of your journey be full of japery and general jocularity.

:cry: Hmm.. who am I gunna talk rubbish with now?

Posted: 12 Mar 2003, 19:35
by nearmethexperience
hey guys :)

currently writing this on a macin-s**t :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

anyways, currently having a lovely time, janet is great, her family is great, the school where i'm teaching is great (go figure) and the countryside is, erm, great, albeit fookin cold (was 7F midday on sunday, i left 50F midnight friday, kind of a shock to the system!)...

haven't really been out and about much, though possibly going to vegas this weekend to meet elvis in a drivethrough ..... :D :eek: :roll:

a life less ordinary indeed.....

ok, i have a class to teach, more laters.

Posted: 12 Mar 2003, 19:41
by pikkrong
Hi Meth 8)

Posted: 12 Mar 2003, 19:45
by hallucienate
I know what you mean by chilly, it was only 24 degrees C here today!

I hope they aren't letting you teach children

Posted: 12 Mar 2003, 20:34
by pikkrong
hallucienate wrote:I know what you mean by chilly, it was only 24 degrees C here today!
there is f***ing hot today in Tallinn - approximately 0 by Celsius!

Posted: 12 Mar 2003, 20:41
by hallucienate
pikkrong wrote:
hallucienate wrote:I know what you mean by chilly, it was only 24 degrees C here today!
there is f***ing hot today in Tallinn - approximately 0 by Celsius!
yeah right :!: you expect me to believe that tempratures every get that low :?: I think not :!:


Posted: 12 Mar 2003, 20:44
by pikkrong
hallucienate wrote:
pikkrong wrote:
hallucienate wrote:I know what you mean by chilly, it was only 24 degrees C here today!
there is f***ing hot today in Tallinn - approximately 0 by Celsius!
yeah right :!: you expect me to believe that tempratures every get that low :?: I think not :!:

there was -36 C somewhere in Estonia one night this winter.
and in summer there can be +36 C.