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Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 19:33
by James Blast
Revr'nd Image

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 19:42
by Ozpat
Well said Claire..... I agree.......:notworthy:

Though I hope for good news from the Girls' front every day.... :lol:

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 19:43
by Debaser
Ah, so there are rules to typing randomness are there? So what you are saying is that once he has posted 1000 times (just as an example) then it'll be ok to start to post narrow/marginalised topics? You mention that inclusive threads are what we strive for, well he invited people to click the link, nothing exclusive in that.

So all he has to do each day is say why he's pissed off, why he's happy, what he's listening to, what the weather's like, what he's eaten, what he's reading and in a few months time he can post what he likes?

It might have been better if people had just realised it wasn't of any relevance to them and quickly moved on to another thread.

It's a funny word 'clique' it upsets people and they race to defend themselves (and I class myself as someone who has done the same) and those around them. Anyway, it not really life and death stuff and I'm sure we're all big enough and ugly to cope with or without YouTube mularky worrying us.

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 20:06
by boudicca
Debaser wrote:Ah, so there are rules to typing randomness are there? So what you are saying is that once he has posted 1000 times (just as an example) then it'll be ok to start to post narrow/marginalised topics? You mention that inclusive threads are what we strive for, well he invited people to click the link, nothing exclusive in that.

So all he has to do each day is say why he's pissed off, why he's happy, what he's listening to, what the weather's like, what he's eaten, what he's reading and in a few months time he can post what he likes?
It's never great to be typing stuff on a public forum that's dedicated exclusively to just a couple of folk... but let's face it, there are few on HL who aren't offenders there. Of course there is no rule of the type you describe, but I just thought it was kind of common sense that if you are going to talk about personal stuff, you get to know the people you are addressing with it a bit first. Then they might be very interested, who knows.

In reference to the currently threads - there's nothing to say that he has to make banal posts in those either. Quite a few people on HL avoid them. I do see something exclusive in the way the thread was started - are we supposed to know who winnie is and why we should be watching him?... and all I was doing was making a call for him to be a little less obscure. It wasn't meant to be nasty.

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 20:24
by Debaser
boudicca wrote: are we supposed to know who winnie is and why we should be watching him?... and all I was doing was making a call for him to be a little less obscure. It wasn't meant to be nasty.
I have no idea who is is apart from what I've picked up on this very forum.

And for the record before someone picks up on it...I never said anyone was nasty :eek:

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 20:30
by 6FeetOver
This is a forum that was founded as an online meeting place for Sissies fans. Everyone's welcome to contribute, and TSoM "fanaticism" is hardly a prerequisite; my dedication to the band isn't anywhere near what it once was, ffs, so if die-hard, rabid clinging to The Man and What Was But Probably Never Will Be Again were required, I'd have to boot myself off the forum for hypocrisy! :lol:

That said, this is a true community, when all's said and done. The vast majority of the folks who post here regularly are active, enthusiastic contributors across the board (HA! :lol: :roll: Sorry, folks...). People who merely drop by now and then to deliberately stir up nonsense, or to hold private, insular snickering sessions in a thread or two, whilst contributing nothing of value whatsoever to the overall community, are not only missing the point of the forum, but are really demonstrating an utter lack of manners. YES, many of us have been guilty of "inside joke" threads, or behaving in a clique-ish manner now and then - but that's been the exception, rather than the rule, as I see it. Speaking only for myself, I'm truly not interested to hear about who knew whom back when, and I don't give a rat's arse who shagged who in some loo 20 years ago. That kind of inane, irrelevant, and pointlessly-puerile banter's suited solely for PMs, not for Heartland threads.

Heartland's head honcho is considerably more diplomatic and tolerant than I; I can only assume that that's why these folks are still HL "members". :von:

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 20:34
by Debaser
Ok, Sinny

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 20:39
by 6FeetOver
Debaser wrote:Ok, Sinny
That wasn't directed at you, dear Ness! :lol: ;)

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 20:45
by boudicca
Debaser wrote:And for the record before someone picks up on it...I never said anyone was nasty :eek:
For the record, Ness... I know :wink: - I just didn't want what I was saying to come across too unpleasant that's all. Saying something I thought needed said... but I don't wish to offend the guy (or his mates).

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 20:45
by Pista
Oh Please, not another Hearts**k :(

You both have very valid views, but it is a fact that keith's dad has not really taken part in the over-all HL er... how do I put it? community.
Look at Maggie (ThousandAndrews) who, at least came & said hello to everyone.
Now, if folks did that a little bit more, then when/if personal vblog links popped up we might (or some of us might) actually understand what was going on. In KD's case, we don't & for the sole reason we don't really know the guy. @KD. If you want to chat to us then chat. If not, then don't.
I don't know what , or who winnie is (other than a bear that eats honey) & to be fair, I am really not interested.
On the other hand, I am fairly interested to know what like minded people are listening to & have discovered a lot of v. good music via that thread.
In terms of the weather thread, i think it's nice to know without having to watch the sodding tv.
So, even the seemingly banal threads bring a bit of something else to some folks.
Nuff said.

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 20:53
by Ozpat
Pista wrote:Oh Please, not another Hearts**k :(
Nah......I think the ladies are dealing with the subject well. :D

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 20:57
by weebleswobble
As long as it's not a link to nuns doing it with pigs (I have enough of that anyway) peeps should post want they want

There are a number of wee cliques on this forum, and strange threads can at times ruffle feathers but at the end of the day why.the.fcuk.not? Beats some other feker asking 'will we have a new album this year?'

The answer to that one is:Naw :wink:

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 20:58
by Pista
Good point, well made.

:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:03
by 6FeetOver
weebleswobble wrote:As long as it's not a link to nuns doing it with pigs (I have enough of that anyway) peeps should post want they want

There are a number of wee cliques on this forum, and strange threads can at times ruffle feathers but at the end of the day why.the.fcuk.not?
Because. Established members, who've been around awhile and have actively participated at the forums since joining? Sure! ;D
Folks who only recently joined and who never seem to contribute, but who nearly always behave like snot-nosed schoolkids when they *do* drop by? Nah. They haven't earned it, you see. :von:

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:06
by eotunun
Good pint, well made! ;D
Psst-Duvel folks, that's bottle#1, right?

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:11
by weebleswobble
SINsister wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:As long as it's not a link to nuns doing it with pigs (I have enough of that anyway) peeps should post want they want

There are a number of wee cliques on this forum, and strange threads can at times ruffle feathers but at the end of the day why.the.fcuk.not?
Because. Established members, who've been around awhile and have actively participated at the forums since joining? Sure! ;D
Folks who only recently joined and who never seem to contribute, but who nearly always behave like snot-nosed schoolkids when they *do* drop by? Nah. They haven't earned it, you see. :von:
I have to disagree on that one, but won't hold it against you


Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:13
by James Blast

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:14
by 6FeetOver
weebleswobble wrote:I have to disagree on that one, but won't hold it against you

Thanks, dear weebs, but you should know that it really wouldn't matter to me if you did, as I'd still luuuurve you, anyway! :lol: :kiss: ;D

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:16
by 6FeetOver
@ Jam~es: that formal apology MadLib rules, hahaha! :lol:

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:17
by Pista

Box Tickers of the world unite
:notworthy: :notworthy: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:19
by 6FeetOver
I used to love to fill out forms when I was a kid - yikes. :eek:

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:27
by Izzy HaveMercy
I can't see the difference between Keith's Dad's postings and PiB's postings, or some of the Aulde Thrash Harry/Francis posts, or even some of the 25men posts, to name but a few.

Most of the time I don't react upon these posts, I did now because KD put in some unintelligible (YouTube) coding and I thought it kinda amusing to reply with a logarithm. har har.

OTOH, as said, the recent Green Biro thread falls in the same category as this post.

Just let it drift down the board I say.


Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:36
by scotty
boudicca wrote:
Debaser wrote:And for the record before someone picks up on it...I never said anyone was nasty :eek:
For the record, Ness... I know :wink: - I just didn't want what I was saying to come across too unpleasant that's all. Saying something I thought needed said... but I don't wish to offend the guy (or his mates).
Have neither of you got dishes to do? :innocent: :twisted:
...............only kiddin' :wink:

I don't think winnie posting his threads is any diffirent from others posting things about thier music , for example.
He's posting for what to him and others is comedy, and like music, comedy is about taste, some like one thing, others don't, but as a public forum he's entitled to unless it's offensive and is banned.
I have no problem with winnie or his posts, how could I?, he followed LOUD & Salvation :notworthy: 8) :notworthy:
I do see where Ness is coming from though, I found HL quite "cliquey" when I first joined, but that's Forums for you.
Now play nicely Kiddies, there's room for everyone.......................hopefully.


Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:36
by 6FeetOver
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:I can't see the difference between Keith's Dad's postings and PiB's postings, or some of the Aulde Thrash Harry/Francis posts, or even some of the 25men posts, to name but a few.
Funny, I can't, either. ;) :von:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:OTOH, as said, the recent Green Biro thread falls in the same category as this post.
Yep. I guess lots of folks here are lucky that I don't run the show, eh? :innocent:
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:Just let it drift down the board I say.
It *could* always be locked, too, of course...but I suppose that that would end the sporting atmosphere pretty quickly. Hmm. :von:

Posted: 03 Jan 2008, 21:39
by weebleswobble
scotty wrote: Now play nicely Kiddies, there's room for everyone.......................
Apart fae those fcukin' goffs! :twisted: