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Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 20:17
by Badlander
timsinister wrote: Nah, this sort of thing makes me cringe, because it does rock our boat. It's hard enough getting by with a decent jacket and shades after dark...these idiots make life that little bit worse.
No one will ever stop me from wearing my stylish hat and leather raincoat... even if it might be true it makes me look a bit like a Gestapo agent.
:roll: :lol:

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 20:53
by boudicca
timsinister wrote: Nah, this sort of thing makes me cringe, because it does rock our boat. It's hard enough getting by with a decent jacket and shades after dark...these idiots make life that little bit worse.
No s**t, I've walked through town with you many a time and I can testify to the fact that you do attract a significant amount of jolly Northern "humour", especially with le chapeaux :lol:

I used to get the s**t ripped out of me (well I did wear a cornucopia of cringeworthy fashion choices, from PVC trousers to purple lipstick, into Glasgow city centre, and this was in the '90's :eek: :lol: ), but these days I don't seem to attract so much as a snigger no matter what I wear. Possibly because I lost the whole teenage "I'm so anti-"society" and misanthropic" vibe, 'cos minus the dodgy trousers I don't look much different. I'm just a lot less self-conscious now, look people in the eye and got a bit more humour about the whole thing. It was character-building

I think it's a very simplistic - and rather childish - view to place anyone who wears a dog collar as an "individual" flying in the face of "the masses" and "convention", and to assume that is without exception a positive thing. Human beings are herd animals, like it or not our societies are one of the keys to our success and survival and it's very hard to organise a society without convention. That's not to say we should be slaves to it, and that there is no place for those who aren't blind followers - far from it. But I get really sick of people just (rather ironically) jumping on the trendy, lazy-thinking bandwagon of saying everyone should "do their own thing" all the time. If we all operated as complete individuals, without any common ideas or views, we'd all be constantly ripping each other to pieces, or at the very least nothing would ever get done as there would be no consensus. We'd disintegrate.
I'm all for great and original individuals fulfilling a particular role in society, innovators and catalysts for real change - but you know, I don't think wearing a Lip Service trenchcoat and dragging your girlfriend around by the neck quite fits that bill. Far more common than genuinely original individuals are those who like to think they are.

Just my two euros, natch :wink:

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 20:57
by EvilBastard
SINsister wrote: case you weren't aware, one of our very own was GGotW's first-ever superstar, ages ago... :P
I wasn't aware of this! :eek: Who was it? Who who who? :D

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 21:15
by 6FeetOver
boudicca wrote:I used to get the s**t ripped out of me (well I did wear a cornucopia of cringeworthy fashion choices, from PVC trousers to purple lipstick, into Glasgow city centre, and this was in the '90's :eek: :lol: ), but these days I don't seem to attract so much as a snigger no matter what I wear. Possibly because I lost the whole teenage "I'm so anti-"society" and misanthropic" vibe, 'cos minus the dodgy trousers I don't look much different. I'm just a lot less self-conscious now, look people in the eye and got a bit more humour about the whole thing. It was character-building

I think it's a very simplistic - and rather childish - view to place anyone who wears a dog collar as an "individual" flying in the face of "the masses" and "convention", and to assume that is without exception a positive thing. Human beings are herd animals, like it or not our societies are one of the keys to our success and survival and it's very hard to organise a society without convention. That's not to say we should be slaves to it, and that there is no place for those who aren't blind followers - far from it. But I get really sick of people just (rather ironically) jumping on the trendy, lazy-thinking bandwagon of saying everyone should "do their own thing" all the time. If we all operated as complete individuals, without any common ideas or views, we'd all be constantly ripping each other to pieces, or at the very least nothing would ever get done as there would be no consensus. We'd disintegrate.
I'm all for great and original individuals fulfilling a particular role in society, innovators and catalysts for real change - but you know, I don't think wearing a Lip Service trenchcoat and dragging your girlfriend around by the neck quite fits that bill. Far more common than genuinely original individuals are those who like to think they are.

Just my two euros, natch :wink:

I've gotten the shit ripped out of me nearly all my life by the "herd animals" on these shores, simply for being far above the average height for a woman (my asthma and far-above-average IQ were simply additional traits that helped to fuel others' animosity, vitriol, and verbal and physical violence against me). I'm therefore really hard-pressed to mock or condemn folks for their appearance or lifestyle choices (whether their unconventional aspects are inborn or purely preferences). No irony nor bandwagon-jumping here whatsoever, I'm afraid. ;)

Incidentally, the herd mentality - not the ideals of individual thinkers - led to the annihilation of entire groups of indigenous peoples here in the Americas and elsewhere, and the enslavement and brutalization of an entire race of human beings here in the U.S., just as a couple of examples. Perhaps the herd mentality of certain Europeans in the early part of the last century, which led to the mass slaughter of Jews, "gypsies," free-thinkers and nonconformists, should also be ignored...

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 21:28
by James Blast
SINsister case you weren't aware, one of our very own was GGotW's first-ever superstar, ages ago... :P

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 21:35
by 6FeetOver
James Blast wrote:
SINsister case you weren't aware, one of our very own was GGotW's first-ever superstar, ages ago... :P
SINsister wrote:first-ever
Actually, it was "...of the Month," in that era. My bad.

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 21:55
by James Blast
was I correct?

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 22:00
by 6FeetOver
No. See "first-ever," again.

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 12:12
by Pista
Anyone reckon "Graves" is his real name? :innocent:

& just in case they think it's original

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 13:44
by boudicca
SINsister wrote: Incidentally, the herd mentality - not the ideals of individual thinkers - led to the annihilation of entire groups of indigenous peoples here in the Americas and elsewhere, and the enslavement and brutalization of an entire race of human beings here in the U.S., just as a couple of examples. Perhaps the herd mentality of certain Europeans in the early part of the last century, which led to the mass slaughter of Jews, "gypsies," free-thinkers and nonconformists, should also be ignored...
Of course not - not for a moment. Don't get me wrong, I dislike this aspect of humanity as much as anyone else with half a brain. But it's like all things - there is, sadly sometimes, always another side to the coin. The traits that help us survive as a species do also contain the seeds that will probably wipe us off the planet one day, if we don't keep them in check. If it's not a self-destructive society it will be the atomic fruits of our own "intelligence", probably :lol: :roll:. All I was saying was that the "herd mentality" doesn't always spring from an entirely bad place.

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 16:23
by James Blast
SINsister wrote:No. See "first-ever," again.

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 16:28
by EvilBastard
Pista wrote:Anyone reckon "Graves" is his real name? :innocent:
I hear you calling, Marian
Can you hear me calling you to
Save me, save me, save me from the Graves... :lol:

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 16:36
by James Blast

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 17:38
by Planet Dave
Yorkshire indeed...they won't let her on a bus, but they've no problem letting her run round badger sets / rabbit warrens trashing everything she comes across.

Hey maybe she should get an invite to the subculture Sarah? :twisted: No 'plus 1' obviously, as Claire says there'd be far too much howling in derision.

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 17:45
by Pista
Planet Dave wrote:Yorkshire indeed...they won't let her on a bus, but they've no problem letting her run round badger sets / rabbit warrens trashing everything she comes across.

Hey maybe she should get an invite to the subculture Sarah? :twisted: No 'plus 1' obviously, as Claire says there'd be far too much howling in derision.
Meeow! :innocent:

:lol: :lol:

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 17:49
by Planet Dave
Hey that wasn't a dig at her, it was a subtle dig at the Ways Of The Ridings. She's ace!

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 18:26
by Pat
My t'penceworth.
I think it's great that kids are dressing up again,as with mods,new romantics,punk etc every generation should have their identity .I see this as the cry for attention it so obviously is,an act of rebelion.The major disappointment here is the lack of originality or creativity but still better than the Burberry hat and knife culture.

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 18:39
by James Blast
No Rock and Roll Fun wrote:Dani said: "He doesn't like the fact we wear black clothing. We expect the odd comment, but we don't expect it off a bus driver."
We're not entirely sure - despite having bus drivers in our family - that we'd necessarily be more surprised to find bus drivers being less tolerant of crypto-alternative lifestyles than anybody else. Perhaps Dani was brought up on On The Buses and believes that drivers are disposed to take sides against authority.

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 18:55
by silentNate
As this thread keeps rolling I can only think that round North London this wouldn't get more than a second glance. In East London where I live it would probably draw a crowd but on a saturday night in London isn't this kinda normal...

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 19:00
by Brideoffrankenstein
Personally, I do find this a bit cringeworthy and would have probably had a snigger or two if I had been on the bus but there was no reason so push her off the bus really was there?

I love it when all the young goths turn up with each other on leads :lol:

Posted: 24 Jan 2008, 19:09
by timsinister
boudicca wrote:
timsinister wrote: Nah, this sort of thing makes me cringe, because it does rock our boat. It's hard enough getting by with a decent jacket and shades after dark...these idiots make life that little bit worse.
No s**t, I've walked through town with you many a time and I can testify to the fact that you do attract a significant amount of jolly Northern "humour", especially with le chapeaux :lol:
Ah, ironic understatements. :P
badlander wrote:... even if it might be true it makes me look a bit like a Gestapo agent.
That's a bad thing? :wink:

Posted: 25 Jan 2008, 01:14
by 6FeetOver
James Blast wrote:Image
Aye. Wonder where he's gone off to..? :|

Posted: 25 Jan 2008, 03:58
by D.A.

Posted: 25 Jan 2008, 05:20
by EvilBastard
Bit off-topic there, I think. You want to be posting in the Photographs thread, or possibly start your own - perhaps you might like to call it "Dozy Twunt reads one bit of politically-suspect literature and thinks that posting stuff on message boards is a good move".

That topic's a bit long though, isn't it - why not just stick with "I'm a dozy twunt," brevity being the soul of wit and everything.

EDIT - that being said, any twunt silly enough to be posting pictures from David Horowitz's website devoted to an organization that counts Christopher Hitchens, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly among it's fans probably ought to be buried up to his neck and stoned to death, pour encourager les autres if nothing else.

And someone should buy the designer of that poster the Photoshop manual - my cat could do better, although he does have opposable thumbs, something which I understand Mr. Horowitz doesn't.

Posted: 25 Jan 2008, 07:07
by 6FeetOver
Quality points, imho, EB - but sadly, in this instance, merely feeding a troll. ;)