more sodding spam...

For you to give feedback to the Heartland moderators. Wish lists, fault reports, etc. You may get an answer, you may not. As in all things, it largely depends on how nicely you ask the people in charge... You're welcome.
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Utterly Bastard Groovy Amphetamine Filth
Posts: 568
Joined: 16 Jul 2007, 03:27
Location: The Horror

Quiff Boy wrote:some very valid points there, and yeah. its a trade off between ease/simplicity of access & registration, and the security/privacy of members, and the general freedom from spam we should all be able to enjoy.
:notworthy: :wink:
They (The Establishment) use sex as an addiction for control, just as they use alcohol and drugs ...
- A programme of systematic frustration in order to sell this crock of s**t as immortality, a garden of delights and love. ...
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