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Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 20:49
by CellThree
heh, I would like one as well. When I get back to the UK I will be reliant on the evil hotmail otherwise! Guess I've got used to using Outlook!


Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 21:14
by Quiff Boy


3 to go :)

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 23:17
by dead stars
Quiff Boy wrote:maybe it was something to do with them introducing this? a few teething troubles, maybe?

Hotmail caps email
By Tim Richardson
Posted: 25/03/2003 at 11:38 GMT

Microsoft is capping the amount of email punters can send using their Hotmail accounts in a bid to crack down on spam.

I'd noticed that.
No, it says i've disabled cookies which isn't true.
(Please don't tell me to go to Tools, internet options... been there, cookies are activated! Besides, Heartland recognises me).
I can't enter any of my Hotmail accounts, lost all my addresses, it's Hell!

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 23:44
by CellThree
Set them up in Outlook Express or something. I haven't had any problems so far using it with Hotmail.

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 23:54
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:3 to go :)
so i'm still in time to get

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 00:43
by Quiff Boy
RicheyJames wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:3 to go :)
so i'm still in time to get

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
yup, thats 8.


will start setting them up tomorrow and PM each of you with the details when they are done.

di - do you want one? :)

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 03:49
by dead stars
Quiff Boy wrote:
di - do you want one? :)
Thank you so much but I'll decline. I've got too many accounts already. But my Hotmail account was the major account. $#%&"#""$"#$$#

Tell me, You-that-know-all, is there another place on the computer where I might have disactivated cookies for a specific site unwillingly, while all the other sites can still add cookies? :eek:
(You see, it's simply all my address book that went... *sigh*)

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 04:09
by dead stars
dead inside wrote: Tell me, You-that-know-all, is there another place on the computer where I might have disactivated cookies for a specific site unwillingly, while all the other sites can still add cookies? :eek:
(You see, it's simply all my address book that went... *sigh*)
Forget it. Hotmail is back... after two days and 40 (40!!!) new messages, and it looks as stranger as never before and a maze to get inside.
Meaning, no it wasn't my $#$"&&$&U(&() browser, it was #$#%%&&!#&"$% Hotmail destroying my nerves and patience! :evil:


Posted: 11 Apr 2003, 03:28
by Petseri
No rush whatsoever, but is this offer still valid? Is QB just waiting for two more subscribers? :?: As I wrote, no rush. I am just curious.

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 20:44
by Black Dahlia
Could you count me in too please? .............. :) (if I'm not too late)

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 20:48
by Quiff Boy
my apologies. most of these addresses have been done, i just forgot to tell anyone! :lol: :urff: ;D

bd: nope, you're not too late...

bare with me and i'll get details published in the next couple of days, and i'll pm each of you you with usernames and passwords....

i will mention this though - the very 1st thing you should do once i give you your details is go to the webmail page (i'll tell you that too), login and change your password to a) something personal and b) something i dont know ;)

so, 9....



Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 21:06
by X
Hey Quiffy ... If yer looking for ten, And yer just want someone to make the numbers up...... Ya can always count on me!
Ok ok so X is a bit of a non descript kinda name and will probably make a useless address, but hey ... Y'know? I still kinda like it so if ya can do anything with it ...... I'm in!

Errr but if y'know , ya dont need me .... I was only trying to help Ok ?

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 21:09
by Quiff Boy
not sure if it requires a minimum number of 2 letters or not.

i'll have a look ;)

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 21:14
by X
OK ..... Try XonXnoX
And bloody hell .... Are you sat there waiting for a reply ?

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 21:49
by Quiff Boy
X wrote:OK ..... Try XonXnoX
And bloody hell .... Are you sat there waiting for a reply ?
err, no? :D :D :D

ok, i'll use that xnox thing! :urff: :lol:

Posted: 13 Apr 2003, 02:36
by Petseri
I figured bouncing this thread to the top again would fill up the 10 available slots. :) Good to hear that these addresses are in the works.