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Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 18:55
by Pista
Erudite wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:Image

Boobies and Star Wars
The question is, would you want to see her in that costume now?
No comment really.
Just a nice picture innit? ;D

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 19:04
by psichonaut
not bad

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 19:19
by James Blast

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 19:38
by Syberberg
Ye gods Blast, what crawled up your fundamental orifice and died? Next time open a window, then stick your hairy backside out of it and launch one.

Carrie Fisher? Then, yes. Now, no thanks. Gillian Anderson, however....

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 19:54
by James Blast
it's the medication I'm on, honest :(

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 20:15
by timsinister
It's rude to open a four-pack of lager, and leave the others, isn't it? I mean, they want to be back with their mate, surely?


Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 20:29
by Izzy HaveMercy
timsinister wrote:It's rude to open a four-pack of lager, and leave the others, isn't it? I mean, they want to be back with their mate, surely?

Well, technically speaking, you could pour the others down the loo then, but it just wouldn't be right eh? ;)

Well, I had a whole day recovering from last night's birtday party, it was really FAB! Stood shaking at Suicide Commando, Aphex Twin and old Thrash and Punk all night till 4.30 ;D Sam and I got some nice pressies (one of them is spinning happily in me CD player as we speak) and the crowd was VERY enthousiastic. Music was, as said, super as always...

I have to say that, while I still feel 20 in mind, my body clearly stated today that I'm 33 :urff:


Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 21:05
by James Blast
isn't 33 a pub?

and why not... ;D

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 21:27
by scotty
Have you read the pish that them havering bints are on about :eek: :roll:
No wonder bloody HEAT, NOW & CLOSER sell as many copies :roll: , they'll be on about Cheryl and Ashley Cole getting back together again soon, you'll see :wink: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Anyway, Tits, Bums, Farts, Drink, Football & ATOMIC KITTEN only here 8) 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 21:34
by James Blast
AMEN! Brother :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

curried air biscuit?

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 21:35
by scotty
James Blast wrote:AMEN! Brother :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

curried air biscuit?
Nib-Nob? :lol:

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 21:38
by James Blast
a Nib-Nob and a nice wee cuppa laced wi summat :D

Thanking Yew!

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 21:41
by scotty
James Blast wrote:a Nib-Nob and a nice wee cuppa laced wi summat :D

Thanking Yew!
Have they breached the subject of Cushions yet? :innocent: they like all kinds of soft furnishings do the Girlies :innocent:

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 21:48
by mh
Dunno, it's scary in there.

I did notice this:
If we could also refrain from bitching about whatever Z-list celebrities women go into toilet cubicles in twos to talk about (yes gents, that's really all they do in there).
And there I was thinking it was to have races! :lol:

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 22:52
by Pista
Are we allowed to take quotes?
I mean should there be rules or something?

Actually. Am I bovvered?

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 23:05
by Pista
Looks like Hexe Luciferia is looking for a bloke.

wehey :D

*washes behind ears*

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 23:12
by Andy Christ 666
*Goes off to peek at the ladies thread.*

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 23:14
by Andie
Pista wrote:Looks like Hexe Luciferia is looking for a bloke.

wehey :D

*washes behind ears*
unfortunately us fat, balding, overweight, ex goths ain't exactly what they're lookin for :cry:

i'm still trying to figure if there was anything positive in that statement :roll:

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 23:32
by psichonaut
...but anyone mentioned they don't like married men ;D

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 23:55
by Big Si

Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 00:11
by Big Si

Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 00:19
by Dark
Yeah, I know. :innocent:

(come on, the ladies are peeking into this thread as well.. :lol:)

EDIT: Oh lord, Hexe appears to like the skinny angrodynous boys.. sorry. :lol:

Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 01:13
by Ramone
We're making great progress dudes ( ok, guys then) this is great can you just feel the pressure and negativity lifting off you. No banal questions about sports and "Does this make me look fat ?"( the answer is always yes - cos you are) and is she prettier than me ?( again - yes, even Stevie Wonder would agree on that one) No talk about sitcoms, Big Brother , Paris Hilton or the price of tampons - this is such a haven .

Today : went to the Fiveways pub with my hetro life mate, had many beers watched the footie on the big screen and then rounded it off with a Chinese ( don't know the name - I was drunk) and no back to the boxers and silly smiles all round - I just love it.

Yes, I've peeked at the 'female forum' and they are yammering on about..well who really cares, we don't listen at the best of times and by Christ I'm not going to start now, am I !! ? :)

Vive Le Revolution !!

Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 07:44
by Syberberg
Andie wrote: unfortunately us fat, balding, overweight, ex goths ain't exactly what they're lookin for :cry:
Speak for yourself mate. I'm 10 and half stone and not balding at all. ;D
James Blast wrote:curried air biscuit?
Not now James, we're busy. Just stick a cork in it for now and keep brewing. That way we can use you to shoot chavs with later.

Reet then, I need a drink. Where's me bottle of Newcastle's finest gone?

Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 10:09
by Maisey
Excellent! I'm a bit of a girley bloke as well, but if there is one thing in life that woman have never understood it's the total awesomeness of everything to do with Arnold Swartzenegger. You'd think that a huge muscley bloke would be right up their allies, but no! To a woman they don't understand.


Let's be honest, if you need to ask why he punched the camel, you wouldn't understand the reason anyway.

How about we all get together, crack open a drink or 10 and try and count how many people get killed in commando eh lads? :D