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Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 20:19
by Little_Sister
eotunun wrote:It was said elsewhere (on this forum, probably) that Andrew wrote some essays for german newspaper Die Welt.
cool, under wich name? about what topics? and are any of those avialable to read online?
EvilBastard wrote: Eeeeeenterestinks
oh oh they really really didn`t like the concert... was it as bad as written?

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 20:41
by eotunun
Dear LiSi, the name under which he wrote his articles there is probably known only to the folks at the newspaper's. I wouldn't seek further, se here Andrew's private life starts.

And now that I read through all the article by Stefan Krulle, I guess I know how Andrew came to think of journalists as lazy and daft, as that Mr. Krulle is rather surprised about the absence of a drummer, for example. Then he ruminates the Lord-of-Darkness thing and makes some allusions about "I know people who know Andrew and say he was a really bad boy in his Hamburg days". Thanks for the no-info, Mr. Krulle. I hope you didn't get payed for that.
Oh, and he found the concert too loud and with bad sound. And too much stage fog. A clear case of a Baby-Boogie-Baby-fan.
Soz, you won't be able to erse me into translating this load of bulls. You read sh*te like that a thousand times anyway.

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 22:37
by robertzombie
Too loud? :lol:

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 23:01
by James Blast
this V you speak of, does it have anything to do with reptile people from another planet, perchance? ;D


Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 23:18
by 6FeetOver
:lol: :notworthy:

Wow, I loved that god-awful series (and even thought Marc Singer was cute, at the time :urff:)!
Good l*rd, was I daft. :|

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 23:24
by psichonaut
then we are a bunch of i watched the entire series

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 23:33
by 6FeetOver
So did I. ;D :lol:

Posted: 13 Jun 2008, 23:47
by James Blast
Marc Singer rhymes with 'plank of bent wood', don't it?
The wee blonde tho.... :innocent:

It was 80s Ham TV, but like Hammer Horrors, a safe, even comforting thing to watch. And we all felt better after an episode/movie. :D

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 18:32
by GC
James Blast wrote:Marc Singer rhymes with 'plank of bent wood', don't it?
The wee blonde tho.... :innocent:

It was 80s Ham TV, but like Hammer Horrors, a safe, even comforting thing to watch. And we all felt better after an episode/movie. :D
Not when they were eating hamsters :eek:

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 18:45
by Ghostrider
i think he's got another income.. but i do still believe in a 4th album..
even if the sisters are his hobby these days.. bringing out an album for the fun of it seems right up his sleeve..(SSV anyone?)

always wondered why they videotape every single gig though.. :s

Posted: 16 Jul 2008, 10:57
by Norman Hunter
Bartek wrote:shower singing and a playing on box of shampoo ?
Not much shampoo, these days :lol:

I stick by my forecast - Leeds will be in the Premier League before another Sisters album. It's gonna be that long :(