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Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 19:11
by Maisey
What an excellent time for this thread to come up... I did an all nighter clean last night that might usually have involved some form Chemical Enhancment at any point in the last year or so...

A few years ago I was sitting listening to my copy of First And Last And Always and I suddenly thought - I wanna know.

Anyway, to cut a long story short. I've proclaimed my love to the world any number of times on extacy. My top drug would have to be speed - dancing to Adrenaline during my first time on speed was amazing. It has a special place in my heart, certainly. Acid, yeah - once. It was like having my mind raped. We took liquid acid, for any of you who know about that its like the hardest hitting stuf. I'm glad I did it, but I spent 8 full hours in the woods with Psytrance all around me, seeing, thinking and feeling things I've never seen, thought or felt before or since.

No.1 moment? Festival in Scotland, taken a load of E and then returning to the tent to find a toad bouncing around inside...hilarity ensued. Oh yeah, same night - watching Jarvis Cocker and being the brunt of this AMAZING heckler/stage interaction.

Jarvis: So, I mean if they artificially inseminate dolphins, does that mean someone wanks them off?

Me: what? wanks what? Ha yeah, wanking! YEEEAHHH!! WANKING!!!!!

Jarvis: *points at me* That man, right there, masturbates dolphins.


Sorted for Es and Whizz? Much?

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 20:11
by eotunun
In my neighbourhood there lived a tattoer whom I got to be pals with. Now that chap used to smoke entire bushes of weed in a day. (metaphorically speaking), and thus I got invited frequently to have a bong at his.
The first one was actually interesting. Listening to music afterwards an interesting experience. This sensation got weaker though after having three or four nights with hash.
Then came the crunchy night:
I was in some trouble, was about to lose my flat, didn't know how to pay next days food etc. Bad times.
I had the Bong at the tattoers "To calm down and relax for a good night".
Back home, headphones on and looking forward to the music the unpleasant bit started with a narrow feeling in the chest and some problem at breathing. Soon after a I felt my heart beat harder and harder, started sweating like a wet sponge someone had tread on.
A funny little panic attack. Ho-Hum.
That went on to give me a good sharp pain in the chest, it almost felt like my heart was cramping.
All was well the next day, though.

Need I mention I never touched weed again? :wink:
Oh, and I just hate the stench of that shite

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 20:17
by James Blast
that's what's known as a 'whitey' with no racial overtones

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 20:27
by Silver_Owl
James Blast wrote:that's what's known as a 'whitey' with no racial overtones
Ironic really as in my experience it's the same as blacking out. :?

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 20:32
by Dark
I thought a "whitey" was usually from drinking too much alcohol when high.. though I suppose that's just the cause, and the effect is the same.

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 20:35
by Silver_Owl
Dark wrote:I thought a "whitey" was usually from drinking too much alcohol when high.. though I suppose that's just the cause, and the effect is the same.
Whitey is a slang term for when a recreational drug user, as a direct or indirect result of drug use (usually cannabis), begins to faint and usually faints. The term comes from the way one's skin turns pale during and after a fainting episode. While fainting is usually only a problem for those with low blood pressure, it can become possible for those without hypotension to faint after using cannabis or other drugs which have the short-term effect of lowering the blood pressure. Whiteying is perceived by the stoner subculture as the result of using too much cannabis within too short a period of time. In fact the factors that usually facilitate fainting, such as tiredness, lack of fluids and food, and a hot and humid environment, as well as natural hypotension, are just as important as the amount of cannabis involved. Therefore, one can 'throw' a whitey having used only what may be regarded as a perfectly moderate dosage. Whiteying sometimes involves vomiting and shakiness. It has been alleged in some internet sites that Whiteying(in this case, vomiting) is a result of having low blood sugar, and that eating something with a high sugar content will reduce the risk of vomiting, but this is merely hearsay, and is backed by no real evidence.

Another form of whiteying is "the dead zone" as it is popularly known amongst certain groups of Cannabis users. The dead zone causes you to become aggressively submissive and dizzy. When in the dead zone any form of mobility and communication is extremely difficult and stressful, all these symptoms combined would create the illusion that you are indeed "dead". The dead zone can last for an hour or ten minutes depending on the person. To enter the dead zone you must combine drug use and alcohol in amounts, you are not certain to enter the dead zone it depends on the same factors as the normal whitey.
I refer you to my experience outside The Greenhouse Centrum on the last visit to Amsterdam. 3 tokes on a spliff, outside for a breath of fresh air and bang. Lights out. :roll:

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 20:46
by markfiend
Heh. Everyone has to throw at least one whitey in the Dam. :lol:

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 20:49
by mh
My favourite was the time I asked for a pizza with mushrooms. The waiter looked at me puzzlingly, and enquired if sir would like "normal mushrooms". :lol:

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 20:59
by boudicca
markfiend wrote:Heh. Everyone has to throw at least one whitey in the Dam. :lol:
Let Andrew S tell you about his "Laibach Experience"... :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 21:01
by eotunun
mh wrote:My favourite was the time I asked for a pizza with mushrooms. The waiter looked at me puzzlingly, and enquired if sir would like "normal mushrooms". :lol:
That's "Pizza Spaceiale", with the non-normal mushrooms? :lol:

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 21:51
by Maisey
I've thrown a couple of whiteys in my (all be it, short) time. They weren't all that fun it has to be said, but an experience non the less - I vomit then start to hallucinate!

I once decided it would be a great idea to combine the opus that is Elizium with cannibis - I had a panic attack by the time Sumerland kicked in because of the war between heaven and hell occuring INSIDE MY HEAD.

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 22:12
by psichonaut
the history started with the trip of Jesus in the desert...we took lot of peyote and ran all over the desert for 40 days....
i used to be a normal pot smoker in my a day kept the doctor away
then tried heroin (sniffed), but i didn't like the way i felt
from 20 to 25 years i was often to rave parties where i took all the drugs: ecstasy more often, cocaine, cocaine/heroin mixed, LSD/ecstasy together, hashish/marijuana for drink, amphetamines...but i drunk only coca-cola
have been cocaine-user a few years ago fort about 3 years after the first experience (23/26 years old) when i used it every-day
actually i use cocaine sometimes...but it makes me a bit schizofrenic and i don't enjoy it much

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 22:15
by mh
markfiend wrote:
mh wrote:I do work rather near a methadone clinic, so I get to see - on a fairly regular basis (everytime I walk out the door!) - the actual real effects of heroin on people, so if you touch that I'll kick your ass up and down the corridor.
Yeah. I used to work near a methadone clinic too. That and the aforementioned spiking by smackheads have given me an antipathy to H.
Bit of an eye-opener, ain't it?

It's actually important to get the facts straight on heroin. Stuff folks might read about Nick Cave and Sonic Boom is nowhere near the reality: these people may have been addicts, but they were still able to write songs, do performances and give interviews. There's a hell of a long long way to go downhill from there. Dave Gahan's experiences are probably closer to what I see (and you saw) every day, but still not even in the same ballpark, and he did have a small army to look after him. The state some real junkies are capable of getting themselves into makes Trainspotting look like a walk in the park.

Definitely one substance where "just say no" is what the smart person does. :|

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 23:21
by Maisey
I glorify drugs, without a doubt. They are dangerous and glamerous - but that doesn't mean I underestimate them.

Kids, moderation, moderation, moderation. Yes, it's fun - but I always have been and always will be, careful. I don't touch anything too often (more than once every month or two) and always have a safe place/exit plan to hand.

I'm on a clean streak for the forseeable future due to basically feeling that I've taken so many drugs over the course of a year that I don't NEED the experience anymore. I was capable of being fully fufilled by sex and music before and I'm just as capable now.

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 23:54
by boudicca
Lest we forget (and I think we have) - there are people who need drugs of a different sort to stop themselves staying up for days on end, believing things that aren't real and hearing and seeing things that aren't there. It's not at all fun or groovy.

I'm not anti-drugs particularly, but I must say to all those who constantly chase a real proper out-your-head experience... having your mind well and truly bent isn't necessarily all it's cracked up to be. "Alternate realities" can be f**king horrific places :|

Posted: 31 Aug 2008, 23:56
by James Blast
preach sister, preach :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 00:32
by Andrew S
boudicca wrote:
markfiend wrote:Heh. Everyone has to throw at least one whitey in the Dam. :lol:
Let Andrew S tell you about his "Laibach Experience"... :innocent: :lol:
Bloody hell! Oh, all right...

When I was visiting Aaron in Amsterdam, we decided to get a pure pre-rolled joint, as I thought it would taste less disgusting than a tobacco one and would go a bit further between the 2 of us. I completely forgot that grass tastes even more disgusting! Anyway, we took it to the Vondel Park and after smoking it, felt absolutely nothing - for 2 minutes. Then it started to hit and I knew we were in for something unpleasant. It was really hot (36 degrees) so we ran for the nearest bit of shade while I could still stand, which was a patch of grass between 2 busy paths. I think a combination of the heat, unfamiliar environment, heavy human traffic and a generator humming in the background triggered off my first ever trip on weed. Everrything was spinning anti-clockwise and I felt too ill to even sit up (I apparently turned yellow). The only good bit was this stunning deep, dark industrial soundtrack playing in my head for the entire trip (3 or 4 hours). There was no visual hallucination and I was still rational but I couldn't get rid of the soundtrack or stop the spinning. I just had to lie it out and force myself to have the occasional drink of water till I felt better. I was also aware that the dog s**t I could smell was no hallucination but thankfully we'd managed not to land in it!

All for €6 :notworthy: Well at least we weren't ripped off :lol:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 01:17
by Dark
Sounds interesting, Andrew.. if I get a drug which lets my brain play its own industrial, I'm stocking up on it. :lol:

At the moment, my poison of choice is "Meo Summer Pills". Everyone who takes them seems to advocate taking both in the packet at once. For £11, no, I will not. Every time I've had one on a night out, I've spent an hour feeling where the pill's been in my throat, and thinking "Great, bastard thing hasn't worked this time". Then everything feels warmer, the music gets me swaying, everyone's just that little bit more appealing to hug, and I feel great about dancing for the next 3 hours, stopping only for a small glass of water every twenty minutes or so. :)

I agree fully with Maisey (though haven't quite taken as many things!) that the key thing is moderation. I'm sure what I'm taking is harmful, but then, the alternative is alcohol, and I need a lot more of that to get the same effects, and am probably doing more harm to myself from it. So long as I'm not hooked, and I keep healthy, and not too out of pocket, I can probably be forgiven the occasional legal drug to make a night out better.

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 07:24
by eotunun
So that's a whitey? Well-I don't need it. I don't drill holes into my knee for fun, I don't enjoy whiteys, so I avoid the stuff. The times I tried it were not really worth it either.

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 09:19
by markfiend
Moderation is for wussies. :lol:

I do remember smoking too much weed once where I had to hold onto the floor to stop myself falling off.

There was the time we did acid and Kerry couldn't put her shoes on because they kept biting her feet.

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 10:49
by Silver_Owl
markfiend wrote:Moderation is for wussies. :lol:
Now he tells me. :roll:


Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 11:22
by weebleswobble
I once cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom while tripping

I don't clean much these days :innocent:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 11:53
by markfiend
That reminds me of the time that, while we were all speeding, a former housemate of mine, at 10pm when we were just about to go out to a club, decided it would be a good idea to start washing some socks.

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 13:28
by Maisey
The first time we ever tried speed we snorted it off a 12" copy of First and Last and Always :von:

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 13:29
by mh
weebleswobble wrote:I once cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom while tripping

I don't clean much these days :innocent:
Your missus, on the other hand, probably wishes that you would! :lol: