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Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 13:39
by psichonaut
eotunun wrote:ImageImageImage, Image, Image Yay!! etc.

Köln!! ;D
@Marco: Maybe it's a good idea to wait for italian dates? After all Italy in spring is nice and warm, the girls are pretty and the bars never close..
Italy is a good place in spring, but moving for me isn't cheap :cry:

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 14:13
by Ganith

So that's my '09 dose coming up!!!!


Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 14:41
by lachert
it will be the last tour called "birthday party tour 2009" from 16.02.2009 till 15.05.2009. you'll see ;)

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 15:13
by TheBoyNextDoor
euphoria wrote:Just got a hint from a very reliable source that there are *discussions* about Sweden in march...let's hope and pray!
Excellent news! :notworthy:

Though I will probably take a trip to Reeperbahn and Berlin as well. :innocent:

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 15:42
by euphoria
TheBoyNextDoor wrote: Though I will probably take a trip to Reeperbahn and Berlin as well. :innocent:
But of course you will :D

Strange that nothing has leeked from the UK yet...I feel it is an obligation as a believer to at least once in a lifetime go to Leeds to worship :notworthy:

28 is an important enough birthday to celebrate, I think!

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 15:49
by radiojamaica
Wowee Zowee :D

I wanna go to gigs in Berlin, Leeds, Antwerp & Hasselt. Powers that be: make that happen, please 8)

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 16:23
by christophe
radiojamaica wrote:Wowee Zowee :D

I wanna go to gigs in Berlin, Leeds, Antwerp & Hasselt. Powers that be: make that happen, please 8)
I'll go for the last 2 on that list. :P

but hell baby even if I don't even get to see a gig, it is good to see our sissies alive and kicking :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 16:26
by Syberberg
Hom_Corleone wrote:Why do I still get a small feeling of excitement when things like this get announced?
A glimmer of expectation that thing smight be unfolding...

I don't know to be honest...but I do. :D
Are you sure you don't mean "unraveling" there HC? :twisted: :wink:

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 18:07
by Brad
Good authority would suggest there will be no Sisters gigs in January and the first part of February.

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 18:09
by psichonaut
Why?.......... Von's x-mas hangover so long?

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 18:14
by Brad
Aren't we all :)

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 18:23
by Pat
Eureka Machines are looking for gigs January-Febuary.

it's a myspace bulletin, you may have to log in.

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 19:02
by Bill Hicks
WoW! Top nites out! :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 19:52
by Obviousman
I'll do everything I can to get the Z-mobile driving to Koeln, I've said I wanted to see them in Germany for far too long now :lol: ;D

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 19:58
by dtsom
great news!!!!!!

i know in what i´m going to spend the extra pay in christmas time!!!

see you in 3 dates, as minimum.... :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 20:05
by Ozpat
Obviousman wrote:I'll do everything I can to get the Z-mobile driving to Koeln, I've said I wanted to see them in Germany for far too long now :lol: ;D

Good choice! Had a great time there in 2006.

Currently still excited and hoping for some Dutch, Belgian and UK dates. Would love to see the band in their hometown. But....happy already with Cologne. :D

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 20:08
by Obviousman
Ozpat wrote:
Obviousman wrote:I'll do everything I can to get the Z-mobile driving to Koeln, I've said I wanted to see them in Germany for far too long now :lol: ;D

Good choice! Had a great time there in 2006.

Currently still excited and hoping for some Dutch, Belgian and UK dates. Would love to see the band in their hometown. But....happy already with Cologne. :D
Ah, yes, if they're playing Holland or Belgium I'm in too of course :D UK, well, perhaps when it's a weekend but not sure what sort of days I'll manage to get off...

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 20:52
by aims
MH 3 wrote:There are tickets for Hamburg, Köln, Dresden,Wiesbaden and München.



Fscking grr!!! doesn't quite say it :lol:

Good to see that the wheels are in motion again 8)

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 21:53
by Purple Light
Wiesbaden is on my birthday. Now if I can only stay in my job & actually earn some good money then this sounds good to me. :wink:

Call me young & silly (you will after readng this) but all these new dates appearing so soon (pretty much) after the longest & widest stretching tour in the bands history could, just could possibly indicate that something might be on the brink of possibly happening. There's obviously been a lot more activity gig wise since the 2 Chris' got onboard so maybe, just maybe, they'll encourage Von to to get sommat out record wise.

Youthful exuberance eh?! (that's one of those double meaning things that you can attribute to me or the two Chris'. See what I did there!? :lol: )

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 21:56
by psichonaut
crise of mortgages?

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 21:56
by robertzombie

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 22:30
by Victim of Circumstance
Köln (Cologne) - great!!! :D :D :D

Although, their last gig in Köln 2006 wasn't that great from my perspective, I'll look forward to it and will be there, my 30. Sisters gig as far as I can remember :roll:

So, if there's a meet up of Heartland members at Köln Live Music Hall, let me know

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 22:32
by psichonaut
Victim of Circumstance wrote:Köln (Cologne) - great!!! :D :D :D
So, if there's a meet up of Heartland members at Köln Live Music Hall, let me know
it seems many HLers will be there :wink:

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 22:37
by Victim of Circumstance
psichonaut wrote:
Victim of Circumstance wrote:Köln (Cologne) - great!!! :D :D :D
So, if there's a meet up of Heartland members at Köln Live Music Hall, let me know
it seems many HLers will be there :wink:
Look forward to meeting you :wink:

Posted: 30 Sep 2008, 22:44
by psichonaut
Victim of Circumstance wrote:
psichonaut wrote:
Victim of Circumstance wrote:Köln (Cologne) - great!!! :D :D :D
So, if there's a meet up of Heartland members at Köln Live Music Hall, let me know
it seems many HLers will be there :wink:
Look forward to meeting you :wink:
:oops: :oops: :oops:
me too :D