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Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 17:48
by 7anthea7
I regret to admit that I have never been at a show that played two encores.
Really? Then I have to assume he's either been to a lot of lame shows, or in a lot of lame audiences.
It felt like a reward, although I’m not sure what we did to deserve it.
Neither am I, after reading that review :?

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 18:26
by Ghostrider
always and everywhere the same people who think it's still 1985; asking for a bassplayer and thinking :von: can still howl like back in the day..

newsflash.. it's 2008-2009, and it's a mean rockmachine which lives in a rainbow of fog..
enjoy the shows and let go of the past, bunch of overgrown goth goblins.. :lol:

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 18:28
by Quiff Boy
i wonder why no one complains when bassment jaxx turn up with drum machines, synths and backing tracks :?:

f**king idiots.

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 18:30
by silentNate
I can imagine having the vocals low in the mix is annoying but to complain about the fog is just churlish imho...
If I'm honest the anxiety that :von: might not play Blighty is just making me more upset at the bad reviews... :?

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 19:05
by mh
Not quite "press", but some comments here: ... &sk=t&sd=a

What is it with this Sisters/Spiritualized crossover thing anyway? Mebbe a topic for another thread?

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 22:09
by dinky daisy
"I saw them at the Lyceum in 1984 and they were dreadful then! I left early too."

At last, that's the spirit.

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 22:26
by lachert
mh wrote:Not quite "press", but some comments here: ... &sk=t&sd=a
it's getting bored :urff: and wtf is spiritualized :eek: some kind of deep underground bluegrass?

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 22:37
by _emma_
mh wrote:Not quite "press", but some comments here: ... &sk=t&sd=a
Jesus, why have I just wasted 12 minutes of my precious lifetime reading this nonsense? I have to get up early tomorrow, collect my internet-ordered parfumes and stockings from the post office before work, and then at work ring the travel agents to check the connections to Barcelona and Stockholm before the headmistress arrives, why oh why have I just spent 12 minutes reading this when I should be falling asleep instead? :lol:
Free tickets at a shop round the corner my ass, f**k off motherfuckers.

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 22:58
by dinky daisy
lachert wrote:
mh wrote:Not quite "press", but some comments here: ... &sk=t&sd=a
it's getting bored :urff: and wtf is spiritualized :eek: some kind of deep underground bluegrass?
It's too long lasting noise schlager, but with some decent tunes.

Someone on that forum wrote:
Totally was into goth growing up w/ Bauhaus, Love and Rockets, the Cure, etc. - miss the good old days ...
And of course the old cheese of 'they were at best when's Husky Dog was in'

What was the other option so that 'them former goth college kids' would still like it, i'm wondering? Andrew & The Bunnymen with a 10-piece band that play some nostalgia for the degenerated 50+ during Night of The Proms?

Just gimme a crummy, mumbling speed machine that's operated by two young monkeys and one funny bald mister who's one inch away from the bodybag in a haze of fog instead. Suits me.

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 23:22
by _emma_
dinky daisy wrote: a crummy, mumbling speed machine that's operated by two young monkeys and one funny bald mister who's one inch away from the bodybag in a haze of fog
This should be added at an updated version of the official site just above the "we make records, sometimes" statement. :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 23:28
by 7anthea7
@dinky daisy - Thank you for consistently pulling me out of my snarly mood after reading these rubbishy reviews :lol:

Posted: 26 Nov 2008, 23:42
by dinky daisy
Sometimes you deserve it. You know it.

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 07:14
by bismarck

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 16:11
by Petseri
Do you know of the recording which the journalist mentions. :innocent:

Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 17:58
by bismarck
Petseri wrote:
Do you know of the recording which the journalist mentions. :innocent:
Ha haaaa... that's pretty neat.

Posted: 09 Dec 2008, 07:17
by bismarck
Any more reviews from the west coast gigs? online or otherwise...

Posted: 09 Dec 2008, 14:20
by Nicole

got this link from Hypernova's blog - review on, uh, Playboy (Los Angeles) ... ecast.html

Their blog has been a pretty good read throughout this tour - few pics of Ben with them on there, and stuff like -

" *We Partied with The sisters tonight ...Chris is the funniest human being on this planet .
*We danced to Billy jean with Ben ...Ill upload the video if I find it !
*2 Stupid girls thought Ben was faking his british accent hahah...they still thought he's faking it after he showed them his british passport ! haha"
"+One thing that we noticed in these concerts is that : Goth girls dance very cute !"

Hehe - anyways it's at if you're interested.

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 20:53
by bismarck
Thanks Nicole, you're a great researcher!

Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 22:19
by Nicole
You're very welcome bismarck! Apparently I'm pretty good with searches, both for personal use and at work, but I think I get lucky sometimes too. I'll make sure to post if I find anything else.

Posted: 09 Jan 2009, 17:42
by Nicole
More reviews - just blogs, but reviews nonetheless.

Cleveland: ... -post.html
Ian Eldritch? :?:

Las Vegas: ... fined.html
"Guitarists Ben Christo (formerly of Alkaline Trio)" :lol:

Positive reviews, despite the errors in accuracy...