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Re: Cleveland Show SUCKED

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 23:29
by Prescott
7anthea7 wrote:
industrialgrrl wrote:I posted this on, and I'm posting it here too.
To what end, exactly? :?
Sabotage, obviously.

I am COMPLETELY over these whiny G*th f*ckwits expecting the Wayne, Craig and Andy show from 1984 (no offense to some of you old schoolers) and then being all miserable and whiny and offended when it's the shiny, raw, grindingly pixelated Sisters some of us have come to cherish since 1996.

WTFE! :roll:

With a "fan" like yourself I wouldn't blame someone for giving you such a s**t performance. Too busy talking through the concert and taking shoddy cellphone pictures no doubt. :evil:

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 23:30
by mh
bismarck wrote:
mh wrote:Sounds vaguely like Metallica to me. :?

Bit of a Master of Puppets feel to it....
Ben's influence no doubt.

Will someone post an mp3 please?
Here you go, then. ;) I only have track 6, so that's all I'm posting, naturally.

Wittily titled "Sisters of Muppets". ;D

Re: Cleveland Show SUCKED

Posted: 17 Nov 2008, 23:59
by JeffDub
Prescott wrote:
7anthea7 wrote:
industrialgrrl wrote:I posted this on, and I'm posting it here too.
To what end, exactly? :?
Sabotage, obviously.

I am COMPLETELY over these whiny G*th f*ckwits expecting the Wayne, Craig and Andy show from 1984 (no offense to some of you old schoolers) and then being all miserable and whiny and offended when it's the shiny, raw, grindingly pixelated Sisters some of us have come to cherish since 1996.

WTFE! :roll:

With a "fan" like yourself I wouldn't blame someone for giving you such a s**t performance. Too busy talking through the concert and taking shoddy cellphone pictures no doubt. :evil:
I think this person is simply giving her opinion about the show and she was obviously very disappointed. Some of us will agree, others will disagree, but we have to respect that.

Most of my friends hated the 2006 tour and I did enjoy it. So, what ? They did not come again this year and in my opinion they missed a really great show.

Re: Cleveland Show SUCKED

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 00:08
by Prescott
JeffDub wrote:
Prescott wrote:
7anthea7 wrote: To what end, exactly? :?
Sabotage, obviously.

I am COMPLETELY over these whiny G*th f*ckwits expecting the Wayne, Craig and Andy show from 1984 (no offense to some of you old schoolers) and then being all miserable and whiny and offended when it's the shiny, raw, grindingly pixelated Sisters some of us have come to cherish since 1996.

WTFE! :roll:

With a "fan" like yourself I wouldn't blame someone for giving you such a s**t performance. Too busy talking through the concert and taking shoddy cellphone pictures no doubt. :evil:
I think this person is simply giving her opinion about the show and she was obviously very disappointed. Some of us will agree, others will disagree, but we have to respect that.

Most of my friends hated the 2006 tour and I did enjoy it. So, what ? They did not come again this year and in my opinion they missed a really great show.
That's all well and good, and I agree with you, and no it's not even about agreeing. Maybe it would be nice if these new people around here might share some positive anything about the Sisters and THEN give us their opinion about a recent show.

Instead of their first two posts being utterly bastard crappy. :wink:

Re: Cleveland Show SUCKED

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 00:57
by 7anthea7
Prescott wrote:
7anthea7 wrote:
industrialgrrl wrote:I posted this on, and I'm posting it here too.
To what end, exactly? :?
Sabotage, obviously...I am COMPLETELY over these whiny G*th f*ckwits expecting the Wayne, Craig and Andy show... :evil:
What I don't get is someone who's a self-described huge, longtime fan coming here, to a forum that's been around for a number of years, and is obviously Home of the Hardcore, and pissing all over everyone when it's THE FIRST BLOODY SHOW SHE'S EVER BEEN TO!!! I mean, given the facts, on what does she base her opinions? The one show and some 20-25 year old recordings? Anyone who's been around as long as the girls have had bloody well better have changed in the interim, or they're f**king dead. And while there are those who undoubtedly think rigor mortis has indeed set in, what's the point of saying it here? Go find yourself some people who'll commiserate with you (I suggest trying Dominion...).

Bah. I'm cranky enough without the encouragement :?

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 01:01
by Brad
Amen, 7anthea7.

Re: Cleveland Show SUCKED

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 02:14
by Petseri
industrialgrrl wrote:I was in the first row!!
industrialgrrl wrote:you were probably the one guy that was rocking out in front of me the whole time.
So, was that Ben, Chris, or Andrew who was rocking out, or was your back to the stage?


Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 04:56
by DrG
So I breezed through the thread... noticing a negative vibe regarding sound.

Does anyone here wear earplugs at a gig? :?:

Put them in people! I was a doubter, but I learned... everything sounds better. :wink:

Also, the recording put up on Dimeadozen sounds great... despite the chatter! ;D

Re: Cleveland Show SUCKED

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 08:20
by Ozpat
industrialgrrl wrote:I posted this on, and I'm posting it here too.

This was the worst show I have ever seen in my entire life. I am a huge Sisters fan, and have been for many years. This was my first opportunity to see them. We drove from Pittsburgh to Cleveland to view the biggest disappointment ever. When the band came out on stage, we were waiting for an explosion of sound and excitement, but there was none of the above. The music was quiet and the vocals were nonexistent. As for the band, you could not even see them through the unrelenting fog. I was in the first row!! I was able to have a conversation with the people around me at a normal voice. The songs were cut short, and you couldn't even tell what you were listening to until the chorus. Andrew never moved, nor did he speak with the audience. At one point the house lights came on, and stay on for the entire show. Everyone had a look of disappointment and anger on their faces. I thought that it was going to be a repeat of the Milli Vanilli show. STAY HOME! DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY!
Shame you were disappointed but don't claim to be a huge Sisters fan. :evil:
A true fan surely can be disappointed but would not take the fukced up words you use in your last sentence. A true fan who saw them the FIRST time would be thrilled and full of good vibes. FFS stop whining and do stay home next time and listen to other bands or whatever. Certainly do not advice people the way you do. But hey, you probably always have been lurking round here and leave in a short while again. Good thing that is! :twisted:

It's time to come to Europe Girls and next time you'd better do some less shows only for the Americans who have a right to call themselves true fans! :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 08:54
by Ghostrider
glad they are just using the states to warm up for europe and get the routine of the "new setlist" in a bit hé.. aye.. ;) :lol:

if she was such a big fan..
she would have known this, as recordings of the tour are to be found on dime.. and she would have investigated in excitement of seeing them..
she would have found this place ages ago, as it's in the top list when you google the sisters (fanbases).

she says "don't go see them".. i say see em as much as you can, cause once in a while you get a top quality show like Tienen..

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 09:01
by Ghostrider
bismarck wrote:
mh wrote:Sounds vaguely like Metallica to me. :?

Bit of a Master of Puppets feel to it....
Ben's influence no doubt.

Will someone post an mp3 please?
first thing i tought of was Floorshow.. with the chords cut short and slightly changed.. :innocent:

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 09:01
by bismarck
mh wrote:
bismarck wrote:
mh wrote:Sounds vaguely like Metallica to me. :?

Bit of a Master of Puppets feel to it....
Ben's influence no doubt.

Will someone post an mp3 please?
Here you go, then. ;) I only have track 6, so that's all I'm posting, naturally.

Wittily titled "Sisters of Muppets". ;D
Wow! Thank you so much... it's a truly great song. And I'm not a fan of all the unreleased songs. But this one is really pretty special, I must say. So much better than Slept (blech). Thank you Thank you.

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 13:39
by _emma_
Question - would it have been better if industrialgrrl had stayed at home instead of going to the gig?
Answer - yes of course.
But on second thoughts no, because 1 ticket price is equal to several tins of whiskas, so no, people like industrialgrrl should always be welcome at Sisters gigs :D, just maybe not necessarily in the front rows, OK?

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 14:39
by Ozpat
_emma_ wrote:Question - would it have been better if industrialgrrl had stayed at home instead of going to the gig?
Answer - yes of course.
But on second thoughts no, because 1 ticket price is equal to several tins of whiskas, so no, people like industrialgrrl should always be welcome at Sisters gigs :D, just maybe not necessarily in the front rows, OK?
She should have bought a ticket for her collection, stayed at home and watch the Wake video. :D

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 16:30
by DancingtheGhost
@ozpat....very good point! The band still gets the revenue from the ticket sale even if the ticket isn't used. To all the Europeans here: please don't judge all US fans based on the ignorance of a few. The majority of us are cool. :D I just think that people should keep the negativity down...if you don't like a show, just say that you didn't have a good time. There's no reason to rant & rave about it. I would give just about anything to get to another gig on this tour, just to meet up with more true Sisters fans, the hell with the sound quality :lol:

Random musing....I thought that all baritones(like Von), sang in low, deep voices.

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 16:59
by weebleswobble
I think the lassie is entitled to her opinion folks, a bit rampant on the objections FFS. :roll:

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 17:04
by JeffDub

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 17:07
by markfiend
weebleswobble wrote:I think the lassie is entitled to her opinion folks, a bit rampant on the objections FFS. :roll:
To be honest, you're not wrong. 8)

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 17:49
by DocSommer
Bad habit to punish every negative opinion.

I think constructive criticism is always better than saying nothing and leaving wthout any trace. Well, first of all I don't agree that the overall sound is muddy - I checked the cleveland recording and say it's quite good. But I agree that the vocals are way too low in the mix. OK, they are always low since many years (why else does it takes ages to sound out the lyrics of new stuff like c&b...) but that cleveland vocal performance is indeed a lot below the standard.

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 18:19
by Ozpat
weebleswobble wrote:I think the lassie is entitled to her opinion folks, a bit rampant on the objections FFS. :roll:
Well, nobody is telling her to "f*ck off then" hey? :P

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 18:31
by 7anthea7
markfiend wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:I think the lassie is entitled to her opinion folks, a bit rampant on the objections FFS. :roll:
To be honest, you're not wrong. 8)
I fully grant everyone their right to voice an opinion. Plenty of other folks have posted about their dissatisfaction with this, that, or the other thing about recent shows. Even though a lot of them have been pretty amazingly uninformed (I refer you to the smoke issue...), I haven't said a word in response.

What annoyed me about miss grrl was 1) her nasty attitude, and 2) that fact that her initial post was a total negative RANT. I just wanted to know why she felt it was necessary to vent her bile here, of all places. It seems as if she joined for the express purpose of dumping on the band that is the reason for the existence of this forum. So what's up with that? :? Not very civil, if you ask me... (But of course, you didn't, so I'll just crawl back in my burrow now...) :|

Posted: 18 Nov 2008, 18:43
by Ozpat
7anthea7 wrote:
markfiend wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:I think the lassie is entitled to her opinion folks, a bit rampant on the objections FFS. :roll:
To be honest, you're not wrong. 8)
I fully grant everyone their right to voice an opinion. Plenty of other folks have posted about their dissatisfaction with this, that, or the other thing about recent shows. Even though a lot of them have been pretty amazingly uninformed (I refer you to the smoke issue...), I haven't said a word in response.

What annoyed me about miss grrl was 1) her nasty attitude, and 2) that fact that her initial post was a total negative RANT. I just wanted to know why she felt it was necessary to vent her bile here, of all places. It seems as if she joined for the express purpose of dumping on the band that is the reason for the existence of this forum. So what's up with that? :? Not very civil, if you ask me... (But of course, you didn't, so I'll just crawl back in my burrow now...) :|
Seconded! :notworthy:
Except for the crawling back part as no one was personally insulted here.

Cleveland: Voice much to low! Fact!

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 21:32
by mitty13
DancingtheGhost wrote:@ozpat....very good point! The band still gets the revenue from the ticket sale even if the ticket isn't used. To all the Europeans here: please don't judge all US fans based on the ignorance of a few. The majority of us are cool. :D I just think that people should keep the negativity down...if you don't like a show, just say that you didn't have a good time. There's no reason to rant & rave about it. I would give just about anything to get to another gig on this tour, just to meet up with more true Sisters fans, the hell with the sound quality :lol:

Random musing....I thought that all baritones(like Von), sang in low, deep voices.

This is so spot on. If I had the time and money, I'd fly out west to catch this show one more time. I'm still giddy.

Posted: 19 Nov 2008, 21:50
by Nicole
mitty13 wrote:
DancingtheGhost wrote:@ozpat....very good point! The band still gets the revenue from the ticket sale even if the ticket isn't used. To all the Europeans here: please don't judge all US fans based on the ignorance of a few. The majority of us are cool. :D I just think that people should keep the negativity down...if you don't like a show, just say that you didn't have a good time. There's no reason to rant & rave about it. I would give just about anything to get to another gig on this tour, just to meet up with more true Sisters fans, the hell with the sound quality :lol:

Random musing....I thought that all baritones(like Von), sang in low, deep voices.

This is so spot on. If I had the time and money, I'd fly out west to catch this show one more time. I'm still giddy.
Fully seconded! I'd give anything to see another show this year!


Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 23:02
by industrialgrrl
WOW....what a bunch of angry vultures you people can be. The title of the forum was "Report from the Cleveland Show." I thought I'd simply be able to post my opinion like everyone else does on this board. I guess it should have been titled "Positive Comments about the Cleveland Show ONLY!" Thanks to those that did stand up for me. :)

Sorry if I offended all of you, but those were my thoughts on the show. I'm 30 years old, and have been listening to SOM since I was 12. The last time they came through Pittsburgh, I was 13. I was unable to go to the show due to my age. I've been to hundreds of shows. I listen to a wide variety of music. The Nick Cave show in DC last month was awesome....and I'm not even a fan of his music!! This was seriously the worst show I have ever seen in my life.

I don't ever carry a cell phone, nor was I chatting much during the show. I was desperately trying to appreciate the music, but I simply couldn't because of the lack of sound. I don't care about the smoke/fog, I could care less about actually seeing them. The sound was what I care most about, and it was nearly nonexistent. You could not dance to anything being played, let along figure out what he was singing. There was little to no effort being put into the music. You cannot deny that...and if you do your expectations are quite low for this band. I expected them to have mastered the albums that they brought out 20 years ago, instead it sounded like they were trying out the songs for the first time.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to waste on discussion boards. I just wanted to make people aware of the poor quality of sound and presentation of this current tour. I wish I would have read the message boards before attending the show. I might have been slightly less disappointed.