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Posted: 03 Mar 2009, 16:09
by dinky daisy
paul wrote:I have some sisters text on my body in Caslon Antique. The tattooist was quite happy about that, because he didn't need a firm hand on that shaky font :lol:
How different would that be with Comic Sans!

(and ouch, what if you have Gary Glitter in Comic Sans on your back... No more beach for you)

Posted: 03 Mar 2009, 16:56
by paul
dinky daisy wrote:
paul wrote:I have some sisters text on my body in Caslon Antique. The tattooist was quite happy about that, because he didn't need a firm hand on that shaky font :lol:
How different would that be with Comic Sans!

(and ouch, what if you have Gary Glitter in Comic Sans on your back... No more beach for you)
... no beach anyways for this old goff :lol:

Posted: 03 Mar 2009, 20:59
by Nic
paul wrote:I have several Sisters tattoos made over the past years. Even last week I was under the needle ...
Pics please. :D

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 11:23
by LaGwardia1
having most of my body tattooed and very visibly having my whole throat and neck done,aswell as my head and hands done ages i figured it was ok to get the logo done on the back of my head, but get this, when i got home my missus(whose 7 yrs older than me and VERY heavily tattooed...and piercing like 12 years so no stranger to body mods) was like

'thats too big, why did you do that?'

......quick as a flash...and i had to grin....i said 'it was a slight case of overbombing' :D...i attribute that to the couple of Finlandias i had after work..... ....

she still thinks its too big....

and is opposed to me getting 'Utterly Bastard Groovy' tattooed down the sides of 3 fingers....while i already have words on the left hands side fingers....

Biting the Silver Bullet in Arpil (im gonna be 25) some people...well alot of people say im WAY to covered than is neccessary but feck for a penny in for a million quid :D

im just looking forward to being old so i can have a cane....a la Von.... :P

Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 18:55
by Dr. Moody
Nice tattoo, I've got one just like it on the inside of my skull ;D
oh and what Spigel said...


Posted: 06 Mar 2009, 20:44
by eastmidswhizzkid
i was tempted to have the MR logo for my first tat 20 years but there seemed to be a few about at the time. when i had it done ten years later it became and remains my favourite.

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 19:47
by Ramone
I finally got the Ramones Presidential Eagle on my upper arm. But not the name just the logo - so it now looks more like I'm a fan of Obama!!

Years ago, during the Black October and FALAA tours there was a famous tattoo seen at many of the Sisters shows of a M.R tattoo that had been done. It's a just a shame it was reversed and looked 'wrong' !!

Now the poor idiot has to live with that for the rest of his life. This reminds me of the mults who get their girlfriends / wives names inked on them and right on cue said woman exits stage left and they are left with some random female name on their skin. Mind you, it also looks ridiculous for a man to have a female name on them.

That along with pictures of kids, dogs, Mum and dad, stars on elbows, "cut here" around the throat, tears and star wars characters -a re all just wrong and people with any of these should be banished to Wales!

:eek: :x

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 19:58
by GC
@Ramone - What's wrong with Wales, we've already had our share of misfortune; we'd win "having s**t neigbours" contest hands down.

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 20:03
by Ramone
Gollum's Cock wrote:@Ramone - What's wrong with Wales, we've already had our share of misfortune; we'd win "having s**t neigbours" contest hands down.
No you wouldn't.. pity the poor people of Dover who have to look out to sea and see their closest neighbours..France. Or worse still the poor souls of Belgium ! ding ding ding we have a winner !! :innocent:

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 21:27
by GC
Ramone wrote:
Gollum's Cock wrote:@Ramone - What's wrong with Wales, we've already had our share of misfortune; we'd win "having s**t neigbours" contest hands down.
No you wouldn't.. pity the poor people of Dover who have to look out to sea and see their closest neighbours..France. Or worse still the poor souls of Belgium ! ding ding ding we have a winner !! :innocent:
I think what's important to remember here is the difference between. semi-detached and detached accomodation. Wales is a lovely cottage next to a high storey inner city flat.

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 23:57
by 7anthea7
Ramone wrote:...That along with pictures of kids, dogs, Mum and dad, stars on elbows, "cut here" around the throat, tears and star wars characters ...
Or 'Born Dead' on their forehead... :wink:

Posted: 10 Mar 2009, 01:25
by Maisey
Ramone wrote: That along with pictures of kids, dogs, Mum and dad, stars on elbows, "cut here" around the throat, tears and star wars characters -a re all just wrong and people with any of these should be banished to Wales!
Quite agree with you on all but one count.

I don't have, or intend to have, any of the cast of Star Wars or any other cult sci fi (not that SW is cult, but you know what I mean) inked to me - but I wouldn't look down on someone that did :wink:

In recent months I've been tempted by this design for some time (minus the text).

I love the design for itself, and it obviously has the Rosetta link. On the one hand I would do it because of eveything the music has meant to me and will continue to mean to me and how much its shaped my life so far. On the otherhand, I don't think I could stomach such a plege of alligance to something that went so sour so long ago.

In the end I don't think I will, but then settling on a tatoo design is something I've been struggling with for years, and will continue to do so until the day I decide to just pick a design and go for it.

Posted: 10 Mar 2009, 14:59
by Quiff Boy
if you do fancy that, have a word with this chap:

he's done a bit of pre-raphaelite:

on HL he's called biggy

Posted: 10 Mar 2009, 17:11
by moses
Quiff Boy wrote:if you do fancy that, have a word with this chap:

he's done a bit of pre-raphaelite:

on HL he's called biggy
They are absolutely stunning :notworthy: But some people do have some strange stuff tattooed on themselves - the two ronnies??

@QB - Riding out to echo beach
A million memories in the
trees and sands, oh no
How can I ever let them go?

Posted: 17 Mar 2009, 01:24
by Ghost
Quiff Boy wrote:when i was thinking about tat ideas i quite fancied having SISTERS in caslon antique running the length of my upper arm in large lettering

but i knew how arsy i would be about the font being EXACTLY right (like, every jagged edge and swirl :lol:), and given that tattooing text is never that precise, i decided to go for something more abstract :)
That's exactly the good thing about it, if Caslon Antique is only the reproduction of a very used and rough Caslon typeface, no two prints would look the same. And maybe for that size, the result wouldn't be so far.

Posted: 03 Aug 2009, 00:03
by throughthecables

finally :):):):):)