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Posted: 11 May 2009, 22:32
by robertzombie
It should be iTunes soon, hopefully you'll be able to get it then :D

Posted: 12 May 2009, 22:25
by Maisey
I just made my first (and LAST) digital download purchase.

While I'm not happy about the medium, I'm still up for supporting The Mumbles and I have to admit curiousity about the track itself!

Posted: 13 May 2009, 13:45
by robertzombie

Posted: 13 May 2009, 16:34
by Maisey
Well, this is easily the best thing The Mumble Brothers have come out with to date.

Rob's vocals are stronger than ever before - mixed subtley with some female backing that really compliments the main vocal line (provided by none other than Missus Mumbles I'm assured).

James is definately getting to grips with the instrumental section - the entire piece seems much less... clunky than previous output.
The whole thing retains the subtle beauty of The Mumbles "Piano Goth Rock" but sounds an aweful lot less artificial than it has done in times past. What the band have done is successfully combined the grandiose and melodramtic stylings of their guitar goth influnces with their own unique, keyboard driven, take on making music.

If they can keep up the quality I see no reason why the new album will be anything other than seminal.

The Robot still wants a little fattening out though, although this wipes the floor with his performance on The Wire EP.

Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 01:27
by robertzombie
It's been a while since I've done a proper update regarding the goings-on at Mumbles Towers, so I thought I might as well.

"Night Train" has been out for a few months and is still growing in popularity. If you haven't already done so you can download it from a multitude of online stores including iTunes and AmazonMP3 for a very reasonable price.

The new album is 40% complete (in terms of recorded material) and we hope to release it this autumn. So far we have recorded the following tracks: "Fire Danse", "Getting The Fear", "Control", "Hate, Pride And Fear", and we'll soon be revamping the Mumbles' classic (yet strangely unreleased), "Doktor Death" to be included on the record. We've decided to take a different approach to writing and recording this time by doing the two processes pretty much at the same time! Whereas our previous method allowed for songs to develop through rehearsals it meant that a single song could take months to finalise and record. This way we're knockin' 'em out like coconuts at a shy! That isn't to say the songs aren't quality products though...

The aforementioned "Fire Danse" can now be heard in its finalised "Trad Club Mix" form on our MySpace page. This version is different from the album mix and is intended for DJs and anyone else who fancies playing it at full whack.

We hope to have between eight and ten tracks on the album, which will be released both on CD (through Amazon) and in a downloadable format.

Once all the songs are finished a promotional video might be released if we have time to record one.

In the meantime, sit tight and enjoy Night Train (and perhaps The Wire EP as well)...

Keep The Faith!
