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Posted: 19 May 2009, 18:05
by 242headhunter
nice 1
thanks for sharing

Posted: 19 May 2009, 18:48
by Nadia81
Wow.Chris did a fantastic job but that was really ...eerie.Although,for the first time,i realized how strong the SONG is even without Von.

Posted: 19 May 2009, 21:50
by stufarq
dtsom wrote:nice job.
at least you could hear them sing :innocent:
Good point. But well done them for doing it.

As has been said, it's a bit strange to hear it without AE but perhaps even stranger when everyone on stage is a very recent addition to the band and not been entirely accepted by some of the fanbase.

Accept it people: for this song at least, Chris, Ben and Simon were The Sisters Of Mercy. :twisted:

Posted: 19 May 2009, 22:39
by sultan2075
That... was pretty goddam great.

Posted: 20 May 2009, 10:07
by aims
Haven't stopped listening to this since it came up :notworthy:

Sorry Andrew. We'll just put it down to novelty ;) :lol:

Posted: 20 May 2009, 10:25
by Debi
Motz wrote:Haven't stopped listening to this since it came up :notworthy:

Sorry Andrew. We'll just put it down to novelty ;) :lol:
well my novelty is that i still havent managed to hear it yet :lol:

i am preparing myself for a clip 'round the ear though at some point today :innocent:

thanks :notworthy:

Re: Vison Thing sans Eldo - old news?

Posted: 20 May 2009, 11:07
by Debi
Almiche V wrote: ... re=channel

Ben does a gooden for me. 8)
yup. i like that :innocent:

Posted: 20 May 2009, 12:57
by the_inescapable_truth
The boys did good.

Posted: 20 May 2009, 13:49
by Nicole
Quiff Boy wrote:
Evan Von Himmel wrote:Sometimes I think that all of us are the Sisters and :von: is just the director on this... :roll:
i like that notion 8)
Seconded! After all, :von: may ever be the paramount leader but what would they be without their, uh, rather rabid fans?

:notworthy: to Ben and Chris - I really like what they've brought to the Sisters.

Posted: 20 May 2009, 13:51
by 7anthea7
Nicole wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
Evan Von Himmel wrote:Sometimes I think that all of us are the Sisters and :von: is just the director on this... :roll:
i like that notion 8)
Seconded! After all, :von: may ever be the paramount leader but what would they be without their, uh, rather rabid fans?

:notworthy: to Ben and Chris - I really like what they've brought to the Sisters.
Joining the choir... :D

Posted: 20 May 2009, 20:15
by Being645
Nadia81 wrote:...Although, for the first time, i realized how strong the SONG is even without Von.
That's very true ... and that's how it should be, of course ... despite everything I wrote before ...

I must have been led by certain questionable personal impressions .. :oops: :roll: .. I'll never get rid of that, obviously. :(

Posted: 20 May 2009, 21:06
by Bartek
Best cover band playing The Sisters of Mercy songs

Posted: 20 May 2009, 21:12
by 242headhunter
Where's WH?

just kidding.... :innocent:

Posted: 20 May 2009, 21:34
by million voices
Certainly gave the song a new dimension, jolly good and thanks for the link.

Posted: 20 May 2009, 23:04
by Almiche V
million voices wrote:Certainly gave the song a new dimension, jolly good and thanks for the link.
No prob. I think it's the beezneez.

Posted: 21 May 2009, 07:14
by splintered thing
That is wonderful - you can feel the atmos!!! Fab job boys. Top notch.

Posted: 06 Jun 2009, 20:42
by xxonmill
Debi wrote:
Chairman Bux wrote:
dtsom wrote:nice job.
at least you could hear them sing :innocent:
There's always one.

The first one to say they never even noticed the difference gets a clip 'round the ear.
now you just know what i want don't you ;D :innocent:

Posted: 08 Jun 2009, 09:41
by Debi
xxonmill wrote:
Debi wrote:
Chairman Bux wrote: There's always one.

The first one to say they never even noticed the difference gets a clip 'round the ear.
now you just know what i want don't you ;D :innocent:
an i am still waiting ;D

want a peice of cheesecake whilst he decides which ear :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 08 Jun 2009, 21:50
by itnAklipse
Chairman Bux wrote:
dtsom wrote:nice job.
at least you could hear them sing :innocent:
There's always one.

The first one to say they never even noticed the difference gets a clip 'round the ear.
Haha, it's ridiculous - when Jimbo couldn't do a Doors gig and Ray sang, some total idiots actually said that! Like some nut bitch from Jefferson Airplanes. Now i've heard Ray "sing"...and he has no clue to what singing is.

But some people...well, there's a few for every train going the wrong way.

Posted: 08 Jun 2009, 22:31
by 7anthea7
itnAklipse wrote:...when Jimbo couldn't do a Doors gig and Ray sang, some total idiots actually said that! Like some nut bitch from Jefferson Airplanes. Now i've heard Ray "sing"...and he has no clue to what singing is.
He sounds like some sleazy lounge least these days. :urff:

Although his half singing/half talking memoirs-of-Jim show is kind of...interesting. ;D

Posted: 13 Jun 2009, 01:25
by Lord Emsworth
They'll always be the same Shipsters of Theseu...err Mercy

Posted: 02 Aug 2009, 23:11
by itnAklipse
Back in time wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
Evan Von Himmel wrote:Sometimes I think that all of us are the Sisters and :von: is just the director on this... :roll:
i like that notion 8)
Me too. Nice way to define the feeling.
God this is stupid.

Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 01:21
by stufarq
itnAklipse wrote:
Back in time wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote: i like that notion 8)
Me too. Nice way to define the feeling.
God this is stupid.
Have you ever actually said anything nice? To anyone at all? Go on, try it.

Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 06:51
by 7anthea7
stufarq wrote:
itnAklipse wrote:
Back in time wrote: Me too. Nice way to define the feeling.
God this is stupid.
Have you ever actually said anything nice? To anyone at all? Go on, try it.
You won't be holding your breath, I hope.

Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 16:33
by Nadia81
I miss Bartek.