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Posted: 24 May 2003, 22:06
by Petseri
bismarck wrote:
Petseri wrote:Has anyone outside of Britain received a copy of the CD? I am overseas. Do you think that I can get a copy? Would it make a difference if I provided an address of some buddies in Germany?


Yes, I received mine in the USA, about 10 days after I wrote in and asked if he'd send it to me. He replied, said he would, and did. Then I ripped the package open and tore the nice letter in 2. ****.
Thanks. Now I am a bit more optimistic.


Posted: 25 May 2003, 18:39
by Y
I live in Canada and received my free CD last Friday (one week after I sent the email).

I think the 2 songs are fine and curious to see how the album is...
Anybody bought the album??


Posted: 26 May 2003, 12:58
by Blaine
i sent an email to him last saturday (24) and still haven't received an email reply..... did you all receive an email reply from him after you sent your address?

Posted: 26 May 2003, 14:14
by Y
Blaine wrote:i sent an email to him last saturday (24) and still haven't received an email reply..... did you all receive an email reply from him after you sent your address?
I didn't get the reply... just the CD and note in the mail!

Posted: 26 May 2003, 14:24
by nearmethexperience
What's it like taking on the role of vocalist ?

" It's the dumbest job going...I love it. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed it...the only reason I stopped singing was because I thought Andrew was so much better at it than I was, but when I look around there's only him and a couple of other people I'd rather have sing my songs. None of them are currently available - I'm not even sure if any of them are alive."
hummmmmmm, even after all these years it appears his tongue is still firmly stuck up vons arse, how quaint...

Posted: 27 May 2003, 10:46
by Jim
I quite like it too - not enough to buy the album though.

At least he's (all together now....) releasing albums.

Posted: 28 May 2003, 00:13
by Vox
Speaking of Ebow's I see Adam lists a POD amp modeler as part of his outboard gear, has anyone actually seen this being used live? or is it studio-use only?

POD's generally sound s**t amp'd unless it's through a good clean keyboard amp or direct to the board, anything else colours the sound too much.


Posted: 28 May 2003, 13:22
by Ed Rhombus
All right then Boys and Girls!

So if Mister Marx was to play a gig in Leeds, who'd go?

Posted: 28 May 2003, 14:38
by Quiff Boy
moi ;)

Posted: 28 May 2003, 19:42
by Chairman Bux
If I was in town at the time...


Posted: 29 May 2003, 11:18
by Ed Rhombus
What about if he played First and Last properly?

Posted: 29 May 2003, 11:21
by Quiff Boy
Ed Rhombus wrote:What about if he played First and Last properly?
:D :D :D :D :D :notworthy: :twisted:

Posted: 29 May 2003, 19:49
by Zuma
Just got the CD and note - nice touch. Got to say I like it quite a bit, love the line in the second song "stuck between the devil and the vitamin C"...

As for the voice, well if the man thinks he's the best for his material, who's to argue - I had a little beat combo a few years ago and wrote all the songs - despite me not being a vocalist (and we tried quite a few out), it always sounded more "real" if I did the singing.

And there is always a list of people who were never perfect vocalists, but whose voice suited the song...
Lou Reed, Nick Cave etc. hell even Bob Dylan, would hear them over any of the supposedly "perfect" voices such as Witless Useless (sorry Whitney Houston) - she knows how to murder a song big style by stripping the song out and adding all that technically brilliant, but hateful warbling

Yes, production could be better, but who is to say what budget this was done on...I'll send off a cheque for the album methinks.

Anyway, enough of my rambling - better just mention for the benefit of Mr Rhombus I'm still thinking about getting a Tele and adding a humbucker - there you go, got it back to guitars in the end !

Posted: 04 Jun 2003, 07:32
by 6FeetOver
Just a quick note: I emailed Gary last Tuesday, and I've already got my CD sampler in my hot little hands. How's *that* for customer service?! :eek: ;D Haven't had a chance to give it a listen yet, but even if I don't care for it, it's all good - Gary signed my CD! W00tw00t!!! Totally cool. ;D 8) :von:

Posted: 04 Jun 2003, 18:06
by hallucienate
Mine arrived today, signed letter and signed CD :)

I like it.

Posted: 05 Jun 2003, 08:43
by Ed Rhombus
We could p*ss him off by offering our signed CD's on Ebay

Posted: 05 Jun 2003, 08:46
by hallucienate
Ed Rhombus wrote:We could p*ss him off by offering our signed CD's on Ebay
ha ha. but he's still giving them away for free... oh wait, that never stopped people from buying stuff on ebay :roll:

Posted: 10 Jun 2003, 13:11
by Hapcibeno
Petseri wrote:Has anyone outside of Britain received a copy of the CD? I am overseas. Do you think that I can get a copy? Would it make a difference if I provided an address of some buddies in Germany?

I'm from Hungary, I received the new single last week
Shipping takes 2 weeks

Posted: 11 Jun 2003, 02:22
by 6FeetOver
Verdict: not bad, but IMHO, the songs are much too short and too "sparse." Hmm. Might need to give it another listen...

Posted: 30 Jun 2003, 17:06
by Jim
I've given his single considerable listens. I'm now of the opinion that it's absolutely ace. The second song is especially strong (even if his voice isn't) - I agree that the production is too lo-fi and sparse, but the material is of a good quality - reminds me (strangely) of Chris Starling output.

Posted: 25 Sep 2003, 10:27
by Big Si
Finally got round to getting my copy (which turned up this morning), will sent him a cheque next week for the album (pay day tuesday! :roll: ).