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Posted: 28 May 2003, 13:34
by Ed Rhombus
10 songs in a week?

16.8 hours a song

If they're all like War on Drugs, they could easily have the whole weekend off

Posted: 28 May 2003, 14:08
by nearmethexperience
or if slept is anything to go by they'd be on a mythical 2 day week :P

Posted: 28 May 2003, 20:44
by Black Shuck
This may be a stupid question, but what is 'War on Drugs' about?

Posted: 28 May 2003, 20:52
by Almiche V
Black Shuk wrote:This may be a stupid question, but what is 'War on Drugs' about?
I think it's about the futility of the USA's War on Drugs. Shame it's not in the film Traffic.

Posted: 29 May 2003, 10:25
by Jim
Crikey, how much do you guys have in your pockets - I can put up 10.64, and a plectrum.

We'll get to half a mill in no time.

Maybe a telethon.

Posted: 29 May 2003, 10:26
by Jim
Or should that be "vonathon"


Posted: 29 May 2003, 10:32
by Quiff Boy
Jim wrote:Or should that be "vonathon"

£3.57 and a used tissue :|

Posted: 29 May 2003, 10:42
by MrChris
They were apparently asking for a million a year or two ago, so it's obviously coming down. Still cheaper than Morrissey, who is in a similar situation, but wants £3mill - lots of record interest, but none of them will take a risk and write that cheque. There must be a seriously rich Sisters fan somewhere out there... or do we wait until 2009, when they'll be asking for two pints of lager and the legendary packet of crisps?

Posted: 29 May 2003, 10:43
by Quiff Boy
war on drugs

the title is a pun - on one hand we have the usa's self-declared "war on (against?) drugs", on the other we have the chorus - "let's do the war on drugs"

the whole set of lyrics make me think of apocalypse now, one of von's fave films: references to the delta (mekong delta?) and fighting a war while high on drugs etc - pure apocalypse now :)

i love the smell of patchouli in the morning! :D :D :D

mix that with shouts of "wha hooo" (gung ho marine-style) and references to areas of leeds (kirskall) and its quite an interesting set of lyrics really :)

the title also reminds me of the SSV track "drugs czar" - with similar bad punning in the chorus: "we know where the drugs czar" etc :roll:

i like th track. i've heard a few different versions of it and think its coming along nicely - its by no means one of my faves, but its not bad.

the early performances of it were very shaky though, and prone to slipping horrible out of time during the time-change/fast bit at the end! but these days is pretty tight. :D :D

Posted: 29 May 2003, 11:03
by Scardwel
That pretty much sums up my feelings on W.O.D. too :)
I like the track (the groovy lyrics in particular), but musically it certainly isn't the Sisters at the best - another Temple Of Love it is not! :|

Posted: 29 May 2003, 11:34
by Black Shuck
MrChris wrote:They were apparently asking for a million a year or two ago, so it's obviously coming down. Still cheaper than Morrissey, who is in a similar situation, but wants £3mill - lots of record interest, but none of them will take a risk and write that cheque.
Apparently, Morrissey's just been signed by Sanctuary records.

He's probably a safer bet than the sisters, though- I've got a funny feeling that a new sisters album will make the top 20 in it's first week (as all us lot rush out and buy it) only to rapidly dissapear from the charts...

Posted: 29 May 2003, 11:41
by Jim

As soon as they get the smallest amount of single play the world will catch up and everybody will buy it.
