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Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 17:43
by markfiend
James Blast wrote:I'm so upset, lemme say "I'm a peecee, no I'm not. I is Mac, I will allas be Mac, dammit"!
Blegh. I'm forced to be a peecee at work and I hate the f*cking thing.

(I hope it didn't hear me type that, it's prone to throw a wobbly at me.)

Posted: 15 Jan 2010, 17:57
by James Blast
mail sent to the fiendish one and Big Boss Fella, now tae get pished! :evil:

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 00:39
by Izzy HaveMercy
poke 53280,5

10 cls
20 print "My HL, HL HL"
30 goto 20
40 end

All my base are belong to orange.

IZ (C64 geek and proud offit)

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 11:18
by markfiend
Couldn't do orange on a Speccy as I recall. :lol:

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 16:53
by Obviousman
I remember our first computer had Windows 3.1, a turbo button and both small and big floppies. Probably about 1990, my dad also briefly had a laptop (but I don't really remember the looks of that) and we even had a modem. Not bad!

My uncle at the time said we'd never be able to fill up the 250MB HDD :lol:

Oh, and I still have a Windows for Workgroups 3.11 screwdriver somewhere here :D

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 18:18
by Being645
Oh and I remember having to pay invoices via btx at work ... :urff: ... :lol:

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 19:16
by streamline
A friend lent me his ZX80 for a while! I don't think it even had storage. God knows what it would be worth now (probably nothing).

My first proper pooter was an Atari 800 - it was huge, had a proper keyboard, cost a fortune and weighed a ton - I loved it!

Eventually got a disk drive and managed to convert single sided disks into double sided by cutting a notch out of the disk (am I imagining this?) then flipping it over and slotting it in (now I'm being pervy!)

My mate still uses his BBC-B to play Elite - but didn't the world play Elite at one point :lol:

My first PC was a 286 that I built from bits and I think the hard drive was something like 30Gig and I never thought I'd use it all up.

Anyone remember QEMM (the memory manager) and the aggro in getting games to work?!

and remember how slow the porn was - especially if it was ASCII pictures!!

:lol: :lol:

<<ramble mode off>>

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 22:40
by MadameButterfly
How about when those times were dawning upon us and the computer programs that we had to work with?

* dos
* word perfect (can't remember the version though)

Those were the days when from dating records from the books with white paper and all those funking blue & red lines that were different for each entry made those days and at school in expense reports and then that going over to the computerized version of debtors & creditors? :lol:

Yeah I was there done that and have the papers to prove it! :wink: :lol:

Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 09:29
by Prescott
Texas Instruments: Hunt The Wumpus, favorite game.

Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 12:22
by radiojamaica
We started out with this:

It's still standing on the attic. I've been planning to dig it up for quite some time now, it's like ancient culture :lol:

After that came the inevitable Commodore 64 and the Amiga 500. Only used for games of course...

Then the IBM type things to end up here with the Macbook Alu.

And I still don't know how to work with the bloody things :oops:

Posted: 18 Jan 2010, 10:05
by markfiend
streamline wrote:managed to convert single sided disks into double sided by cutting a notch out of the disk (am I imagining this?) then flipping it over and slotting it in (now I'm being pervy!)
Hah! No, you're not imagining that—at least, unless I am too.

Posted: 18 Jan 2010, 12:47
by nodubmanshouts
First bit of hardware programmed: Atari VCS
First game hacked: Atic Atac, Spectrum (256 lives)
Bed time reading as a teenager: The ZX Spectrum ROM disassembly
First cool program: Z80 assembly program to draw circles about 100 times faster than the ROM code - rounder too!
Second cool program: Hyperload/save for Spectrum.
Number of Spectrums broken: unknown. Somewhere in the 20s.
Late night memories: coding the Spectrum at 11pm quitely in the dark, listening to John Peel on a low volume at the age of 12. I actually didn't know it was John Peel, but Radio 2 switched to Radio 1 on FM at 10pm, and I think this had a profound effect on my musical/programming tastes.
Most stupid Spectrum programming idea: Spectrum spelling game. It would print the word on the screen, then you would have to spell it. DUH.
Best magazine: Crash
Loyalty: Sinclair. Commodore is, was, and always shall be.... poop :)
Elite Rating: Deadly (BBC)