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Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 11:11
by allfear
well beg to differ on this one, but since Tim Brichenno left the Sisters have been totally unable to write anything decent, I have Andreas Bruhns solo CD and it knocks the pants of anything eldo and pearson have done (Musically speaking, some of the lyrics are a bit dodgy), (as for wayne, I dont think he wrote anything for the sisters, well apart from amybe marian, Serpents Kiss that eldo rejected, to me is one of the best goth songs of all time)

Chris Starling on the other hands is a different case, I have the startings album valid from crumbd 89-90, and Planey Painkiller, Me thinks Chris keeps the best songs for himslef!


Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 11:27
by Jim
Yeah - I'd kill to see a starling/eldritch collaboration. Chris is such a good songwriter in his own right the combination would be great.

I'd imagine a few sparks would fly though.....

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 11:44
by Ganith
Keep dreaming...


Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 11:53
by Black Dahlia
[quote="allfear"]well beg to differ on this one, but since Tim Brichenno left the Sisters have been totally unable to write anything decent, I have Andreas Bruhns solo CD and it knocks the pants of anything eldo and pearson have done (Musically speaking, some of the lyrics are a bit dodgy),

A bit dodgy?!! Bloody awful more like!! and that accent just doesnt work when he sings - "When we drown" comes out as "When we droon". :lol: I was quite dissapointed I'm afraid.

Mind you, what a babe!! :innocent:

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 12:38
by MrChris
I'm not sure why the departure of Bricheno could have made much of a difference to Sisters songwriting, since he wasn't involved in song-writing. Maybe he had a more subtle influence? I didn't understand Allfear's point about Wayne not writing any Sisters songs either - do you mean APART from most of Side one of First and Last and Always?

I agree wholeheartedly that it would be great to see AE co-writing with Chris Starling, I'd be very excited by that, and I think it's quite likely if they really do make an album. We can dream, can't we?

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 13:30
by filthyrikky
Cheers Matt !!

Anyway. Just a quick note to say that my LJ entry (now deleted) made a joke of this subject and also made it clear (although evidently nor clear enough) that I was just repeating Hearsay and Rumour. Obviously it was naiive to think people would not pick up on this.

As much as anything else I was just having a laugh at the concept. Given all the issues ivolved. I certainly didn't mean to imply that I had any real inside information...merely (I repeat) heresay and rumour. Anything I heard is second hand and not reliable.

A part of me made sure I didn't mention the label in question (and no. It's not Nightbreed- we left them over a year ago to pursue this and several other options) and I'm glad I didn't.

Ultimately I know nothing real or concrete and to repeat it as fact is incorrect. If anything appropriate (i.e definate) on our label status were to be mentioned it would be on the official KM website and not my LJ page. As such, there's nothing to see here. Please move along.

Killing Miranda or a panda or whatever.

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 13:35
by Quiff Boy
filthyrikky wrote:Cheers Matt !!

Anyway. Just a quick note to say that my LJ entry (now deleted) made a joke of this subject and also made it clear (although evidently nor clear enough) that I was just repeating Hearsay and Rumour. Obviously it was naiive to think people would not pick up on this.

As much as anything else I was just having a laugh at the concept. Given all the issues ivolved. I certainly didn't mean to imply that I had any real inside information...merely (I repeat) heresay and rumour. Anything I heard is second hand and not reliable.

A part of me made sure I didn't mention the label in question (and no. It's not Nightbreed- we left them over a year ago to pursue this and several other options) and I'm glad I didn't.

Ultimately I know nothing real or concrete and to repeat it as fact is incorrect. If anything appropriate (i.e definate) on our label status were to be mentioned it would be on the official KM website and not my LJ page. As such, there's nothing to see here. Please move along.

Killing Miranda or a panda or whatever.
thanks for clearing that up rikky... :) :von:

and mucho respect for the panda comment ;) :innocent: :notworthy:

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 13:58
by Jim
Wittgenstein's lovechild

Well _that's_ new.

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 14:01
by Quiff Boy
Jim wrote:Wittgenstein's lovechild

Well _that's_ new.
you know me - never one to sit still and rest on my laurels ;)

:lol: :urff:

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 14:01
by filthyrikky
[quote="Quiff Boy"]

[quote]thanks for clearing that up rikky...

Lets hope so. sort out those "p.diddy is gay" comments.

Killing Miranda

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 14:02
by Quiff Boy
filthyrikky wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:

thanks for clearing that up rikky...
Lets hope so. sort out those "p.diddy is gay" comments.

Killing Miranda
trust me, don't even go there ;)

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 14:04
by Quiff Boy
oh, and welcome to heartland :)

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 14:07
by filthyrikky
Quiff Boy wrote:oh, and welcome to heartland :)
Cheers. We do like the Sisters, although (he he) we're not naiive enough to believe this is reciprocated.

The "we" here being the band. Not the "royal" we.

Might well stick around and have a look.

Hasta l'uego

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 14:09
by Big Si
Hi and Welcome!

"How mista! Iz youze wan ay they rockstars then pal?" :D

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 14:45
by Chairman Bux
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, hahahahahahahahaha, haha, ha

I really really need that.

Nice to see some people manage to retain a sense of humor these days...

Chairman Bux
CEO Buxville

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 14:58
by filthyrikky
Big si wrote: "How mista! Iz youze wan ay they rockstars then pal?"


"fook off, I'm nay ganna buy thee any ciggies"

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 15:00
by Quiff Boy
filthyrikky wrote:Big si wrote: "How mista! Iz youze wan ay they rockstars then pal?"


"fook off, I'm nay ganna buy thee any ciggies"
sounds more yakshire to me! "thee"? :D :D

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 15:05
by filthyrikky

Sadly I hail from that part of the world. Sadly.

S'true. I can hardly throw a half brick without hitting someone with permed hair tied up in a scrunchie.

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 15:07
by Big Si
Chairman Bux wrote:Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, hahahahahahahahaha, haha, ha

I really really need that.

Nice to see some people manage to retain a sense of humor these days...

Chairman Bux
CEO Buxville
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I've just been buxx'd!


Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 15:09
by Black Dahlia
filthyrikky wrote:Yakshire..?

Sadly I hail from that part of the world. Sadly.

S'true. I can hardly throw a half brick without hitting someone with permed hair tied up in a scrunchie.

and that's just the men .......................... :wink:

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 15:22
by Chairman Bux
Big Si wrote:
Chairman Bux wrote:Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, hahahahahahahahaha, haha, ha

I really really need that.

Nice to see some people manage to retain a sense of humor these days...

Chairman Bux
CEO Buxville
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I've just been buxx'd!

I was actually referring to the whole “The Sisters/KM record deal� affair (although I quite liked the quip about the panda).

My views on KM being rock stars or not, are entirely my own, but giving credit where credit is due I have the utmost respect for anyone that can entertain (or endure, as the case may be) a room/bar/hall/stadium/field full of people on a regular (or not so regular) basis.

There, knew you’d be pleased…

Chairman Bux
CEO Buxville

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 16:08
by Quiff Boy
filthyrikky wrote:Yakshire..?

Sadly I hail from that part of the world. Sadly.
likewise... indeed time and space are curved in this neck of the woods ;)

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 16:48
by filthyrikky
My views on KM being rock stars or not, are entirely my own, but giving credit where credit is due I have the utmost respect for anyone that can entertain (or endure, as the case may be) a room/bar/hall/stadium/field full of people on a regular (or not so regular) basis.>>

I think we're rock stars in our own heads. Ultimately thats all that really matters ;)

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 17:08
by Quiff Boy
filthyrikky wrote:I think we're rock stars in our own heads.
agreed. i know i am ;)

Posted: 06 Jun 2003, 17:59
by 6FeetOver
filthyrikky wrote:S'true. I can hardly throw a half brick without hitting someone with permed hair tied up in a scrunchie.'ve just described probably 90% of the U.S. female population, unfortunately. :| :evil: Just be glad that you don't have to live over here... :roll:

Welcome to the madhouse, by the way! ;D :von: