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Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 15:48
by markfiend
Spigel wrote:
markfiend wrote: Northern Ireland...
We will be taking that back very soon, thanks very much ;D
:lol: I don't even want to go there. Any comment of mine on this issue is bound to offend someone. So as discretion is the better part of valour, I'm valiantly running away from this one.

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 16:39
by Spigel
Don't worry we are only want to get our hands on some of those decent football players they have up the north cos ours aren't up to much. You can keep the rest. You can take the Corrs if you want them too. We don't mind ;D

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 16:56
by weebleswobble
Let's face it, come the revolution everything will be in Chinese ;D

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 17:26
by Spigel
:eek: Even the Corrs??

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 17:32
by nodubmanshouts
I'm down with adopting any language other than English as the World Language, as long as-

* its easy to pronounce
* easy to spell phonetically
* does not require kanji!

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 18:07
by GC
weebleswobble wrote:Let's face it, come the revolution everything will be in Chinese ;D
I would n't mind being in Chinese :innocent:

Posted: 12 Mar 2010, 22:58
by stufarq
Gollum's Cock wrote:I'm from Gwynedd (sorry for the spell check)
No, don't apologise. Actually, I thought I had corrected it. I couldn't remember which spelling was the correct one so I Googled it. And then obviously forgot to change it!

Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 18:09
by markfiend
nodubmanshouts wrote:I'm down with adopting any language other than English as the World Language, as long as-

* its easy to pronounce
* easy to spell phonetically
* does not require kanji!
Ĉu vi parolas Esperanton?

Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 19:02
by nodubmanshouts
Nope, but I'd be happy to if it were adopted as the world languagE1

Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 19:14
by DeWinter
nigel d wrote:at the risk of sounding racist
you english / johnny foreigner types forget that the uk is 3 separate countries.

england is not britain as a lot of english seem to think.

how many english programmes are broadcast to (english) ex pats in foreign countries (were johnny english is in the minority) at my expense as a license payer.

carry on s4c, BBC wales and all other government funded welsh language programmes.

My school was not funded for allowing me to learn welsh as a child due to english educational pressure.
and my school was as far west in south wales as you could get before falling in the sea.

rant over. gets coat.....
The English believe as they main UK milch-cow in terms of the license fee and every other damn tax going,they ought to get the final say-so in things. Not an entirely unreasonable request, I'd say.
If enough of your fellow countrymen want Welsh only programming or teaching, then pay for it yourselves. If there's not enough of you to pay, you can't have it. In terms of population numbers, there's more sense in the Asian Network staying, or a brand new Polish language channel than Welsh.
By golly, take it!! Talk about a financial millstone around our necks. Even Thatcher tried to get rid of it desperately. At least the Falklands has oil. Mind you, I doubt Ireland could have afforded it a few years back during the boom, never mind now when you're hurtling along with the rest of the British Isles back to the 1970's..

Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 19:44
by nodubmanshouts
Kind of what he said. On planet nodub, everyone pays for the programming they want, and not for the programming they don't.

Having the government decide what programs get made is complete and utter bollox, as demonstrated by the first post on this thread..

Posted: 14 Mar 2010, 23:25
by scotty
Nope, but I watch the Scottish speaking programes sometimes for a laugh, Padraig Post is a right giggle!

Posted: 15 Mar 2010, 09:30
by darkparticle
Let's face it, come the revolution everything will be in Chinese ;D
I think at the moment China is the 3rd largest English speaking Nation :innocent: not the best Engrish though.

Posted: 15 Mar 2010, 10:55
by markfiend
Re Northern Ireland:
DeWinter wrote:Even Thatcher tried to get rid of it desperately.
Did she? I was under the impression she was quite keen on keeping the Union intact.

Or did I imagine the IRA trying to blow her up in Brighton?

Posted: 15 Mar 2010, 21:19
by abridged
Apparently she wanted to redraw the border and give Derry and the other in her view dodgy bits to the Republic. Ironically Derry is now in the last four of the UK city of culture competition! ;D

Posted: 15 Mar 2010, 21:45
by markfiend
Well you live and learn ;D

Posted: 15 Mar 2010, 22:02
by GC
DeWinter wrote:
nigel d wrote:at the risk of sounding racist
you english / johnny foreigner types forget that the uk is 3 separate countries.

england is not britain as a lot of english seem to think.

how many english programmes are broadcast to (english) ex pats in foreign countries (were johnny english is in the minority) at my expense as a license payer.

carry on s4c, BBC wales and all other government funded welsh language programmes.

My school was not funded for allowing me to learn welsh as a child due to english educational pressure.
and my school was as far west in south wales as you could get before falling in the sea.

rant over. gets coat.....
The English believe as they main UK milch-cow in terms of the license fee and every other damn tax going,they ought to get the final say-so in things. Not an entirely unreasonable request, I'd say.
If enough of your fellow countrymen want Welsh only programming or teaching, then pay for it yourselves. If there's not enough of you to pay, you can't have it. In terms of population numbers, there's more sense in the Asian Network staying, or a brand new Polish language channel than Welsh.
By golly, take it!! Talk about a financial millstone around our necks. Even Thatcher tried to get rid of it desperately. At least the Falklands has oil. Mind you, I doubt Ireland could have afforded it a few years back during the boom, never mind now when you're hurtling along with the rest of the British Isles back to the 1970's..
Many of us Welsh would like to pay for it ourseleves unfortunately most of our taxes are collected/squanderd by a certain foreign nation.

Posted: 16 Mar 2010, 02:58
by nodubmanshouts
And which Nation would that be? Obviously not the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Island, since Wales is a part of that nation, and therefore not foreign.

Posted: 16 Mar 2010, 09:42
by GC
nodubmanshouts wrote:And which Nation would that be? Obviously not the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Island, since Wales is a part of that nation, and therefore not foreign.
Wales (and Scotland) did not choose to be part, forced upon takes the warmth away. Compare it if you like to the USSR (only softer :D )

And we've got our own national rugby, football etc teams so that proves we're foreign :lol:

Posted: 16 Mar 2010, 13:36
by DeWinter
Gollum's Cock wrote: Wales (and Scotland) did not choose to be part, forced upon takes the warmth away. Compare it if you like to the USSR (only softer :D )

And we've got our own national rugby, football etc teams so that proves we're foreign :lol:
Scotland did. Act of Union 1707. Signed by Scotland's representatives. Well, using the word loosely. The English public were against it, saw no reason why they should bail Scotland out of the Darien disaster. But English troops stationed in Scotland meant it being used as a base for French operatives less likely.
As for Welsh tax money flowing into England, that's quite funny. Even Plaid Cymru changes it's tune every now and again on full independence because it doesn't think Wales can hack it alone.
Basically, I don't care what my ancestors did to yours, and I decline to pay for your entertainment!

Posted: 16 Mar 2010, 16:09
by GC
DeWinter wrote:
Gollum's Cock wrote: Wales (and Scotland) did not choose to be part, forced upon takes the warmth away. Compare it if you like to the USSR (only softer :D )

And we've got our own national rugby, football etc teams so that proves we're foreign :lol:
Scotland did. Act of Union 1707. Signed by Scotland's representatives. Well, using the word loosely. The English public were against it, saw no reason why they should bail Scotland out of the Darien disaster. But English troops stationed in Scotland meant it being used as a base for French operatives less likely.
As for Welsh tax money flowing into England, that's quite funny. Even Plaid Cymru changes it's tune every now and again on full independence because it doesn't think Wales can hack it alone.
Basically, I don't care what my ancestors did to yours, and I decline to pay for your entertainment!
The English are our entertainment :twisted: :lol:

Posted: 16 Mar 2010, 16:13
by nodubmanshouts
Us... and flossy :innocent:

Posted: 17 Mar 2010, 07:58
by GC
nodubmanshouts wrote:Us... and flossy :innocent:
better than watching s**t welsh tv :lol:

Posted: 17 Mar 2010, 23:46
by stufarq
DeWinter wrote:[The English public were against it, saw no reason why they should bail Scotland out of the Darien disaster.
To stop us from nipping over the border and bullying them. Which we did a lot back then. Plus they didn't want us ganging up against them with the French.
DeWinter wrote:Basically, I don't care what my ancestors did to yours
That. Which is why I refuse to sing Flower Of Scotland at the rugby or anywhere else. Let's let bygones be bygones and then give each other a kicking in the name of sport.