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Posted: 28 Apr 2010, 21:19
by _emma_
Quiff Boy wrote:agreed. jenzi's a nice chap, i'm surprised he dropped the ball on your trade :(

he has been awol on here for a while, so maybe there's stuff going on in his real world?

some of our euro members are chums with him, iirc :?:
I don't know what happened , I haven't been in touch with Jenzi since meeting him in person in 2009. But yes I can definitely confirm that after meeting him in person and spending some time together before or after gigs or travelling from one gig to another, it does not seem at all like him to be unreliable. :?

Posted: 02 Jun 2010, 00:19
by Nicole
Just an update - it's all worked out, it was an innocent mistake, said he'd be sending it soon. He traveled to quite a few Sisters show that tour, then went off somewhere traveling with his girlfriend and got busy with work. By the time he made it home it was all forgotten, not that I can blame him, and since he hadn't been back here he didn't see my messages.

Thanks to everyone who helped me get in touch with him! He mentioned talking to Eva and Eggi who mentioned it, and thanks Cyberbio for passing along his Myspace so I could get in touch with him! :notworthy:

Posted: 02 Jun 2010, 08:34
by markfiend
All's well that ends well. 8)

Posted: 02 Jun 2010, 11:07
by paul
Okay, I couldn't imagine Jens ripping anyone off.