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Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 16:17
by Norman Hunter
Loved the Mish stuff up to - and including - Carved In Sand/Grains Of Sand. The came Masque... :eek: Then came Neverland :D Then came Blue :? Then came the Resurrection stuff :? Then Aura :) Then that Lighting The Candles/GIAB tripe :eek: Then The End :( Then that new CD that'll be the same as GIAB :eek:

Overall? 7/10 for effort.

Loved the Nephilim stuff up to - and including - Mourning Sun.

Overall? 666/10 for effort.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 16:48
by christophe
I like the Mish, its the sort of band that can't do anything wrong, and at the same time it is/was a bad that never really did it for me.
I don't know how to put it, but I never really think he is putting his soul into it or wants to make a point one way or another, and that is very important for me.
the Fields on the other hand is the other way around, I believe everything they say, but I don't like all of their tunes, and a lot of the times they are to heavy to listen to.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 17:12
by Jeremiah

The Mish: I used to occasionally go through a phase of listening to their very early stuff when I had listened to FALAA a bit too much and wanted something else that sounded kind of the same but different. It never lasted long because of the truly awful lyrics. I only ever had it on cassette, and since my last cassette player broke about 10 years ago, I haven't really missed them.

The Nephilim: Started out trying to rip off the Sisters and made a rather poor job of it, then started trying to diversify into something more original and made an even worse job of it. At least I never had to worry about being embarrassed by the lyrics as I could never make them out.

Of the two, I suppose I prefer the Nephilim as there is still one song (Dust) that I have on my iPod and listen to occasionally.

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 17:50
by boudicca
Andrew S played me God Is A Bullet a couple of months ago - I think Hussey is underrated as a comic genius!

(sorry Andrew for telling them you own a copy of GIAB! :innocent: )

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 17:52
by boudicca
ooh, and "Let me come inside your ivory tower"... what a charming couplet. Who could refuse? :lol:

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 19:13
by markfiend
boudicca wrote:ooh, and "Let me come inside your ivory tower"... what a charming couplet. Who could refuse? :lol:
:lol: good one

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 19:24
by mh
It's almost as though he got his best lines from Sid the Sexist! :lol:

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 08:28
by Norman Hunter
boudicca wrote:ooh, and "Let me come inside your ivory tower"... what a charming couplet. Who could refuse? :lol:
The bloke who wrote f**k Me And Marry Me Young - a match made in heaven. For a year or-so, anyway.

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 18:31
by Mothra
DeWinter wrote:
mh wrote: The Mission likewise have some decent moments, it's the hours I have trouble with. Wayne's not too bad when banging out a good melodic rock tune, but he most definitely should not try so hard to be a "serious artist". As for when he gets "romantic"... brrr.... :urff:
Heh, you're thinking about "Butterfly on a wheel", aren't you?:lol:

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 18:54
by paul
I like the m*****n a lot, saw them many times. Neph are really okay though, although I also don't like these long tracks.

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 19:17
by GC
Never liked The Mish, tried my best but it was all too cheesy, quasi-hippy. Always quite liked the Neph. Like the music and Carl's voice, even though I don't know what the f**k their on about.

BTW I love 2525, one of my favourite Neph songs.

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 20:30
by Quiff Boy
you heard the original? sager & evans. brrrrrr....

it has to be one of the dreariest songs of all time, regardless of who's singing it :urff:

me no likey ;)

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 20:41
by hetfieldsmullet
I used to like The M ission, I suppose up until Masque, but after a few years of listening to other stuff I've found that it hasn't aged well at all. And Wayne's lyrics are worse than a lovelorn sixth former's.
I still think that musically they're ok, stuff like Blood Brothers, Wasteland (copyright Mr McCulloch), Tower Of Strength, Deliverance etc... are all good to stamp your foot to, just try not to listen too much to Wayne.

As for The Nephs, well I like Dawnrazor and The Nephilim and then it all went a bit errr, I don't know. I just went a bit... odd. Not my thing. I do still listen to the Power EP and Blue Water a lot. They make me want to the nasty with the old lady. Good music should make your groin move. 8)

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 20:51
by James Blast
McCoy, well he went progressive and I for one have no problem with that, in my spare time I do enjoy a guid mosh/heidbang so Zoon etc. holds nothing but joy

I liked 'Serpent's Kiss' at the time but that piece of chewing gum has lost its flava purdy damn quickly, the boy can play geetar mind :D

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 21:51
by radiojamaica
oh, I've always loved the Fields! The Nephilim is a classic and tells the whole story really... They had a good thing going and all, but it didn't last and after the 91 break-up it never came good. I do like Morning Sun although the production is rubbish and little ole Carl still doesn't seem to be nudgenudgewinkwink kinda guy, but hey he started his trade in reggae bands so I like him anywayz. Too bad I've never seen the Neph in their heyday... Nowadays they're nice to see and listen to some of yer favourites, but the magic's gone.

The Missie on the other hand is a weird thing. Back in the day I couldn't stop laughing when they were on (those lyrics! Those dresses! Those clips! That complete over-the-topness!), but in the meanwhile I quite liked their music (Mick Brown & Simon Hinkler can join my band anytime) and I have most of their records... But no, I just couldn't take 'm seriously. The Sisters were the real thing and de Missie were the fun guys to have loads of drinks with you know. Then came the farewell tour and bwoy did they do the trick. Even Hussey as a singer made sense (now that was a wake up call!)... Yup, love them too :lol:

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 23:48
by Sita
I seen the Nephilim quite a few times in their heyday (that was Dawnrazor + The Nephilim for me) - I even interviewed McCoy for a fanzine. Oh dear I had such an enormous crush on him, and I couldn't sleep or eat or do anything sensible 2 weeks before, and after meeting him :oops: ;D
With Elizium, I lost a bit interest, but I'm not saying they're bad. Guess the apocalyptic spaghetti Western thing just seemed more appealing to me.

m*****n, I don't know why, I just never could be bothered.

@ Radiojamaica - McCoy started in a reggae band?! Seriously? :eek:

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 04:55
by Nadia81
The worst live show I ever saw was The m*****n-it was so bad that when the band returned to the stage for the encore-half the audience was already on the way out. The music started up-people glanced back and saw the band had returned and then just kept going out the door. It was better than Spinal Tap :lol:

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 08:23
by Silver_Owl
The Metal Gurus were better.

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 09:38
by Quiff Boy
agreed :lol:

the songs were certainly much better.

but then i like slade.

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 09:39
by Silver_Owl
Quiff Boy wrote:agreed :lol:

the songs were certainly much better.

but then i like slade.
:lol: Me too. :wink:

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 09:49
by mh
Sita wrote:Guess the apocalyptic spaghetti Western thing just seemed more appealing to me.
I reckon that's about right. At least it was something wildly original, unlike the generic mystical/occult guff they started peddling soon after.

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 10:23
by weebleswobble
mh wrote:
Sita wrote:Guess the apocalyptic spaghetti Western thing just seemed more appealing to me.
I reckon that's about right. At least it was something wildly original, unlike the generic mystical/occult guff they started peddling soon after.
The Mystical Bollocks? Indeed, pure pish.


Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 10:31
by Norman Hunter
weebleswobble wrote:
mh wrote:
Sita wrote:Guess the apocalyptic spaghetti Western thing just seemed more appealing to me.
I reckon that's about right. At least it was something wildly original, unlike the generic mystical/occult guff they started peddling soon after.
The Mystical Bollocks? Indeed, pure pish.

YOU look Carl McCoy in the eye and tell him that :eek:

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 11:09
by Quiff Boy
you'd have to bend down, risking back strain ;)

Posted: 23 Jun 2010, 12:06
by GC
Quiff Boy wrote:you'd have to bend down, risking back strain ;)
Which 'eye' were you planning to look at... :eek: