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Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 14:02
by Silver_Owl
Norman Hunter wrote:I've got a better Wank List.
Does it involve no. 6? ;D

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 14:10
by weebleswobble
James Blast wrote:Ewwwww ewwww, get her!
Yes Dear.


Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 15:23
by Izzy HaveMercy
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Norman Hunter wrote:I've got a better Wank List.
Does it involve no. 6? ;D
Or a No. 18?


Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 19:11
by Erudite
Surely 44 should be allowed for Frankie Teardrop alone!

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 20:22
by Petseri
weebleswobble wrote:Lists are subjective, it's not like it's a new law or something. These are the darkest albums: FACT. :lol:

I agree with some and think others are just plain stupid.

The Holy Bible is to me the darkest album ever made, bet it's not yours.
You are consistent. :innocent:

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 20:40
by metal on metal
In what way can This Nation's Saving Grace be considered "dark"? Jesus. Is this comic written solely by teenagers on work experience? As with Jimmy Savile and Hollyoaks, I'm constantly amazed the NME is still going. Its current staff appear to be have less musical knowledge than their 12 year old emo readership. Should have gone the way of Sounds / MM years ago.

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 20:48
by Swinnow
James Blast wrote:6, 22 and 43 I'll allow
And not #37, how odd!

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 21:20
by James Blast
because I'm 52 and I remember when it came out, it was something else but not dark

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 21:34
by Swinnow
Am of approaching the same age and think it has some very dark moments, so dark that it invented a whole new thing....

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 21:39
by mh
Nah, I wouldn't have called it "dark". It's certainly got a good line in ghoulish good humour, and presses all the right buttons for that in a very deliberate (but enjoyable despite that) manner, but it ain't dark.

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 22:41
by Swinnow
mh wrote:Nah, I wouldn't have called it "dark". It's certainly got a good line in ghoulish good humour, and presses all the right buttons for that in a very deliberate (but enjoyable despite that) manner, but it ain't dark.
Hard to imagine the Sabs (of that time point) doing anything deliberately.

Just the first minute of the album conjours up a darkness that wasn't there beforehand, yeah cartoon it may be viewed from today, but then it was very new and original.

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 23:02
by James Blast
Case proved!



Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 23:15
by BillyBadBreaks
James Blast wrote:because I'm 52 and I remember when it came out, it was something else but not dark
AYe, but you remember THE Dark Ages!

I'll get me coat :innocent:

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 23:28
by James Blast
I will stab you

Posted: 25 Jan 2011, 23:56
by Elystan
47 is a good album, don't know about dark?

But yeah that list isn't close to good. 22 obviously beats out the others.

Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 15:45
by Nork1
I'd agree with #48 because the mere mention of them make me want to kill them.

Posted: 27 Jan 2011, 20:29
by n'Emolicia
You made me click back a page for Coldplay?
That's cold.

Posted: 28 Jan 2011, 19:29
by Pursued By Trees
At least their list doesn't include 'Black Parade' by My Chemical Romance, which I probably wouldn't dislike quite so much if I hadn't been subjected to it on quite so many long car journeys.