Heartland Interview with Gary Marx (discussion about)

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just back off me hols and wham! - an outstanding interview awaits.
Respect to you, mate. Ditto with the scapbook stuff. I've shedloads of old reviews and cuttings meself, but always assumed everyone else had them too.

Nice one

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Great interview, very interesting - thanks a lot for doing it!

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very cool.
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Superb! Is he still working at LIPA? i noticed his personal page has gone/moved.
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Jim wrote:Superb! Is he still working at LIPA? i noticed his personal page has gone/moved.
nope, and hasn't been for a year or so from what i gather... but that's about all i know. :(
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I thought it was interesting that Gary still has very conflicting if not downright contradictory feelings about AE. Kind of a love-hate compulsion thingie, bitterness and still a little bit of hero-worship. I guess he's one of those people who you kind of don't ever put behind you...

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HL) And just for the anoraks, what make of guitar is it?

GM) It’s a Gibson Les Paul (LS1 I think), a model which never really took off.


Was there ever an LS1 ? couldn't find any mention of it in the Gibson reference books, maybe Mr. Marx is confused by his old Leeds postcode.

The Anaconda guitar's looks more like an SG than and LP anyway.

Finally found an ARIA 12-string ala Wayne for those who are interested, feels cheap and nasty but has a lot of sustain with the neck-through.

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I had always been suspicious of Mr E's claim that the Sisters were more rooted in the town than in the University, but had assumed this was due to GM being a native of Leeds. Clearly not. Mr E's desire to be 'of the people' may explain his alleged courting of the Goths, as the majority certainly seemed to be born-and-bred Leeders. At that time, very few self-respecting students would have spent that long getting ready for a night out.

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Update: got a couple of publicity photos from Mr Marx :)

http://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic. ... 0278#30278
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Quiff Boy wrote:Update: got a couple of publicity photos from Mr Marx :)

http://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic. ... 0278#30278
Once again: cool! 8)

I think I'll order the album soon. Propaganda works ;-)

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cool - tell him i sent you ;) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


i *really* should order a copy too! :roll:
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Quiff Boy wrote:Update: got a couple of publicity photos from Mr Marx :)

http://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic. ... 0278#30278
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like I said somewhere else, got the album and am really enjoying it....
not perhaps what you would expect...nuffin wrong with that though!
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Quiff Boy wrote:Update: got a couple of publicity photos from Mr Marx :)

http://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic. ... 0278#30278
It has just occurred to me that if the original sisters line up DID reform and tour, it would be like watching a gothic 'Right Said Fred'...
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Black Shuk wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:Update: got a couple of publicity photos from Mr Marx :)

http://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic. ... 0278#30278
It has just occurred to me that if the original sisters line up DID reform and tour, it would be like watching 'Right Said Fred'...
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

yeah, but the skinny version
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hallucienate wrote:
Black Shuk wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:Update: got a couple of publicity photos from Mr Marx :)

http://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic. ... 0278#30278
It has just occurred to me that if the original sisters line up DID reform and tour, it would be like watching 'Right Said Fred'...
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

yeah, but the skinny version
they're too sexy for a recording contract ;)
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Quiff Boy wrote:
hallucienate wrote:
Black Shuk wrote: It has just occurred to me that if the original sisters line up DID reform and tour, it would be like watching 'Right Said Fred'...
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

yeah, but the skinny version
they're too sexy for a recording contract ;)
"i'm too sexy for the press
too sexy for the goths
too sexy for this war"
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pikkrong wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:
hallucienate wrote: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

yeah, but the skinny version
they're too sexy for a recording contract ;)
"i'm too sexy for the press
too sexy for the goths
too sexy for this war"
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I thought it was interesting that GM (effectively) singled out Floorshow and Adrenochrome as the two best songs from that whole period. Interesting because I've always thought the same, absolutely cracking songs. Whereas Anaconda, as GM says, is very weak and lifeless. Should never have been a single. (Much like Body and Soul, but let's not get started on that). Good judgement, whatever else went on. So the ideal scenario is, AE writes and records a lot of songs, GM decides which ones to release!

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Surprised he didn't mention Body Electric - that is a CHOON!
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Utterly bastard groovy.

But do you really think it's true that Andrew is mellowing...... dont scare me that way!
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There is a "news"-section on Gary's website now...

and a realaudio-file of one of the songs he wrote for andrew in 1995
It seems my return after an extended silence has prompted a good deal of speculation about the 'missing years'. In particular we have received a good many questions about the material I wrote for a new Sisters album in 1995. I've detailed how it came about elsewhere (as for why it has never been finished...), suffice to say I've decided to dust off the tracks and preview some of them here. The first of which is called 'Black-Eyed Faith'. Downloads of other archive material will be online in the near future.
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well apart from the awfull design of the site.. *just pissed cos he spent 5 mins trying to find the link for the audio file* i quite like 'Black Eyed Faith' although im not sure i can imagine eld doing a track like that now..
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you'll have to look for this button ;-)
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F*cking hell!!!!!!!

The phrase "On that bombshell..." springs to mind... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Bl**dy good.... :notworthy: :notworthy: And like they've never been away, and like there'd been no Floodland or Vision Thing (for better or worse :urff: ) Like some sort of missing link (or is this just exaggeration?)

Hmmmmmmmmm...Mr Marx calls this a 'preview'...Does this mean the trax may yet see the light of day officially (though presumably never under the SOM moniker) sometime soon?

I wish...Come on Von, swallow yer pride and Do The Right Thing!! :roll: :eek:
Amused to death...
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