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Posted: 02 Aug 2011, 19:44
by DeWinter
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: Sometimes I forget how funny you are :lol: Although I miss your link with a Zionist plot in this posting ;)

I've been playing Bmack Metal for 15 years since the early nineties, trust me, I know the people.

Most of them are just nice guys dressing up and being a weekend-satanist. The nutcases are the same you find in rap music, rock music and others. They abuse the image and attributes of the genre to feed their own psychoses.

And satanism is just like any other religion, it is a meta-perspective from your own self. Only this one wears black leather instead of a white gown and a beard.

I always assumed Black Metal slinked away in shame and died in a corner when Cradle of Filth came along and quite blatantly parodied the entire concept. That band were a Black Metal version of Spinal Tap.
Sita wrote:Scandinavia is very posh, and everyone's supposed to be so damn sober and protestant, with their little white and red houses - I wouldn't be surprised if turning a little morbid is just a healthy reaction to it.
Go on the Helsinki Metro on Wednesday or Friday and witness the quite astonishing drunkeness there, assuming Finland's remained roughly the same since I left it.

Posted: 02 Aug 2011, 21:08
by markfiend
DeWinter wrote:... Cradle of Filth ... were a Black Metal version of Spinal Tap.
Oh god I absolutely dare you to find a CoF fansite and say that :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 03 Aug 2011, 17:01
by Ahráyeph
itnAklipse wrote:[...] it's not a coincidence a "philosophy" such as satanism doesn't appeal to healthy people endowed with normally rich instinctive substratum.
That depends on what you'd regard as satanism. By now, the term covers as broad a spectrum of religious and philosophical ideologies as does christianity, i.e. there is no one true 'satanism', like there is no one true 'christianity'. Many so called satanic BM musicians abhor homosexuality (to the point of one of them stabbing a gay man to death back in the 90's in... Norway), but then there are BM musicians who openly come out about them being gay and declaring it very satanic to be gay. By the same token, I'm sure there are vegetarian and vegan satanists along with omnivorous and carnivorous satanists, who all could defend their standpoints from their satanist ideologies. Some would say that with my - non religious - spiritual ideologies I'm a satanist. Which is fine with me, as satanism for me is all about true freedom of the individual and hence could never be be a religion as religions are inherently bound by rules, thus it's a contradiction in terms.

Oh, and by the way, I consider myself to be quite sound of mind and intelligence...