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Posted: 06 Aug 2011, 06:08
by jost 7
very nice, many discussions were held over the years. can you point out once more the enlarged part right in the cover was taken from?

my pictures i once posted in a similar thread, featuring familiar faces





Posted: 06 Aug 2011, 12:05
by robertzombie
What / where are they?

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 08:30
by susky
jost 7 wrote:very nice, many discussions were held over the years. can you point out once more the enlarged part right in the cover was taken from?
Hi. Are you asking about the murky and (seemingly) featureless piece on the far right? This piece here?


I have absolutely no idea what that is. I was more interested in the faces and specific rock surface textures within the original National Geographic Bayon Khmer temple photo which appear to have been used for the left and center portions of the coverart. I have no idea where that blurry piece on the far right came from. I just copied that piece straight from an online image of the Reptile House e.p. sleeve, changed it to gray in MS Paint, and pasted it in there against the actual cropped sections from the original National Geographic picture for good measure.

Also, I did find a copy of the original National Geographic mag online. It's on it's way in the mail now. Once I receive, I'll be checking it out for further clues!

Your Bayon pictures (above) are exquisite. Have you traveled there? Must be incredible to behold in person!

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 08:34
by susky
robertzombie wrote:What / where are they?
The images are taken from a 12th century Khmer temple in Cambodia called "The Bayon". Wikipedia article has some good info:

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 08:59
by jost 7
susky wrote:
jost 7 wrote:very nice, many discussions were held over the years. can you point out once more the enlarged part right in the cover was taken from?
Hi. Are you asking about the murky and (seemingly) featureless piece on the far right? This piece here?


I have absolutely no idea what that is. I was more interested in the faces and specific rock surface textures within the original National Geographic Bayon Khmer temple photo which appear to have been used for the left and center portions of the coverart. I have no idea where that blurry piece on the far right came from. I just copied that piece straight from an online image of the Reptile House e.p. sleeve, changed it to gray in MS Paint, and pasted it in there against the actual cropped sections from the original National Geographic picture for good measure.

Also, I did find a copy of the original National Geographic mag online. It's on it's way in the mail now. Once I receive, I'll be checking it out for further clues!

Your Bayon pictures (above) are exquisite. Have you traveled there? Must be incredible to behold in person!

thx for clearing that, i thought this was also taken from the source already.

i have been travelling there, it's a fantastic place to go, an incredible amount of temple-areas spread over the angkor region, really impressive

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 12:42
by mh
jost 7 wrote:i have been travelling there, it's a fantastic place to go, an incredible amount of temple-areas spread over the angkor region, really impressive
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

And you can say that you've had a "Holiday in Cambodia". ;)

Posted: 07 Aug 2011, 15:36
by Bertran De Born
Amazing job Susky!!! Bravo