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Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 21:07
by James Blast

too late, pissed on yer chips now

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 21:08
by James Blast
MadameButterfly wrote:is there meat in there?
hmmm... only 'mecanically recovered' stuff

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 21:27
by Sita
I come from a punk rock background too. But what the history books teach me, from the Spanish Inquisition to Cambodia, is that it isn't people who choose silly user names or show up in funny shirts who hurt others, but the over zealous ones. If you catch my meaning...

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 21:45
by MadameButterfly
James Blast wrote:
MadameButterfly wrote:is there meat in there?
hmmm... only 'mecanically recovered' stuff

nuff said. rather a delicious salad with mosterd sause and fresh veggies is enough for me... rabbit food if you will. or a potatoe dish out the oven with garlic, onions and all italian herbs and spices! i like my food raw rather than cooked, but there is no way in hell i'm eating potatoe (e)? (sp?) fuckinghell... raw! got to be cooked. but other than that i'm not fussy.

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 22:03
by James Blast

I can't reply to that

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 22:06
by MadameButterfly
James Blast wrote::lol:

I can't reply to that
yay! victory!


Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 22:08
by Being645
dummkopf wrote:That's why I carefully phrased it 'a certain nick' as opposed to a 'random' one. Of course there is not necessarily a political implication in picking let's say "birth88" for a nick. "Combat88" on the other side, and I am putting it mildly, at least has enough potential to earn you a raised eye brow.
Well, even "Combat88" could be appropriate, if you're angry enough about your mum ... :lol: ...
dummkopf wrote: As far as "Burzum" goes .............
Funny, you're now telling me more about that guy and his music than I'd ever cared to know. It's like the German media in the early and mid-1990ies daily referring to Nazi crimes and citing Nazi terms like "Zecke" on TV, on the radio, in the press just along with unemployment rates. This stopped only when the elections were through. And the next wave of Nazi issues ended with HARTZ-IV. Now we've got the results and any further wave will take place on a European level ...
dummkopf wrote: Would anyone have ever cared about his music if it weren't for all the 'sidegimmickery'? IMHO, the answer is no. And that's why mainstream cultures adaption and/or tolerance of crap like Burzum annoys me. I can't even go to a single DIY show with a 'heavy' band on the bill without someone showing up in a Burzum shirt. Coming from a punk rock background, I might be a bit overly sensitive in that respect. However, s**t is just wrong.

IIRC, "culture" has most of its time been in the service of whatever power.
That's nothing new. Of course, it's annoying like it was that we were all having to have sex only on a sadomasochist level in the 1990ies to be accepted as somewhat "adult" ... whether you were from a punk rock background or whatever. Death metal bands even offered somewhat an alternative ... * cough ... which was obviously needed, since those parts of the, say scene one would expect to see through that sort of "culture"-based delivery to abolishing employee's rights were either merely impressed or trying to adapt to the "spirit of time" in order to survive/make money ...

Mainstream ... what is mainstream ... :roll: ...

@ sita ...
yeah, but even choosing silly user names or turning up in funny shirts can mark some
utterly yelling crowds throwing stones at a stoning (in extreme) ... just a question of fashions ...
Zealousness comes with the expectation ...

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 22:14
by James Blast
please seek professional help :| :|

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 22:22
by Being645
James Blast wrote:please seek professional help :| :|
too lazy? ... :lol:

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 22:29
by James Blast
stop getting on my dick then

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 22:34
by Bartek
I moved my arse er... fingers to check this Burzum- reading more about this silly black mental band- and guess what?! Word burzum has other source, it has something with this Nazi J.R.R. Tolkien ( after wikipedia: "Burzum" is a word of the Black Speech of Mordor meaning "darkness").

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 22:37
by James Blast
I'm dead scared noo

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 22:52
by Being645
James Blast wrote:stop getting on my dick then
Yeah, I noticed you're steadily rubbing it at my feet ... :lol: ...

Uprightly sorry, if I stepped on it ... can't look down all the time ... :wink: ...

Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 23:21
by dummkopf
Bartek wrote:... has other source, it has something ...
Yeah, so does the Swastika. But it is not because of its origin why everyone recognizes it. the first 3 pages on a google search don't even make a single reference to 'your find'. it is not until page 4, that it spits it out. in any case, all is good. you guys dont care, I do.


Posted: 30 Sep 2011, 23:41
by Bartek
OK, now it all clear, this is Nazis site covered as TSOM forum. We use special code to communicate to plan anti-Semitic attacks and other white supremacy violence. For your information Breivik was one of us. He had nick Jellybear and he used mainly PM.
Gut nacht.

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 00:16
by Dan
dummkopf wrote:For all it's worth, I wasn't questioning let alone attacking the person behind the nick. I was asking what the general take is on promoting artists who's sole artistic drive is to spread racially motivated hate. In my book, picking a certain nick equals 'promoting'.
You're promoting Burzum! Before I looked it up today on wiki I only knew it as a username on this forum. Now I know it's also a black metal band. If I had the inclination I'd have investigated further to see what the music was like, whether it was poor or whether it was competent. As it is I don't care for black metal so I shan't bother.

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 01:08
by stufarq
dummkopf wrote:
Bartek wrote:... has other source, it has something ...
Yeah, so does the Swastika. But it is not because of its origin why everyone recognizes it. the first 3 pages on a google search don't even make a single reference to 'your find'. it is not until page 4, that it spits it out. in any case, all is good. you guys dont care, I do.

So it's not at all possible that the user in question is a Tolkien fan and knew an obscure fact that the rest of us didn't? You'll probably find that most of the usernames here (and everywhere else for that matter) have some personal reference that can't be deciphered without knowing a bit more about the person. For instance, I have no idea why you chose yours but my first assumption isn't that it's because you're German and consider yourself stupid. And most people probably can't decipher mine even though, to anyone who knows me, it's blindingly obvious. (Cue flurry of posts explaining my username exactly.)

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 01:12
by Sita
dummkopf wrote:in any case, all is good. you guys dont care, I do.

I do care passionately, and as I said, people with funny nicknames and silly shirts usually don't build stakes to burn others. Over zealous puritans wondering about the political/racial/religious and moral correctness of others do though, all the time.

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 01:55
by Being645
Fine ... ;D ... und jetzt können wir doch schlafen gehen, oder? ... ;D ...

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 01:59
by dummkopf
Sita wrote:
dummkopf wrote:in any case, all is good. you guys dont care, I do.

I do care passionately, and as I said, people with funny nicknames and silly shirts usually don't build stakes to burn others. Over zealous puritans wondering about the political/racial/religious and moral correctness of others do though, all the time.
like I said before, if actually standing behind and supporting "Sisters gegen Nazis" makes me the bad guy, fair enough. Apparently you never bothered looking into how political indoctrination via subcultures works. In that respect ignorance is bliss, isn't it?!

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 07:52
by ribbons69
I am far from being an expert on this "political indoctrination via subcultures" guff,but even I find it hard to believe that a shadowy Far Right anti semitic political party would think that the best way to influence the thinking of people,and turn them against the Jewish,or the Muslims,or the French etc is to get a Norwegian teenager to scream indecipherable lyrics about Lord Of The Rings over a buzzsaw guitar black metal background,recorded in his bedroom.
Having said that,obviously we should all be grateful that we don't live in a Nazi run state,were Blacks are segregated from Whites,people disappear in the night never to be seen again,and even your username on an internet forum is subject to scrutiny and suspicion.

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 09:46
by Bartek
You ribbons69 shouldn't answer in this thread, because you're suspicious. We all know that you're a fan of Charles Manson. August 1969- are you dreaming about this massacre? Are you wishing that you wasn't there?

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 09:50
by Bertran De Born
Hello there,
Just waking up this morning and loggin in on the forum.... Can you just imagine the movements of my eyebrows?

I dunno what to say to dummkopf apart from:
-gee, when it comes to nicknames, you certainly know your subjects
- you must certainly consider yourself as leftish, and your posts surely reflects your openness, as well as an habit from the 40s called denonciation.
-one of France greatest writer is Louis Ferdinand Celine.he was so anti jew he wrote some pamphlets asking to burn them (litterrally).nevertheless, he is one of those geniuses who chnzged the litterature of this century.I could recommand you read one of his books.
- as we all are huge sisters fans over here, i am sure you must be devastated to support a band whose icon contains a replica from the red army star.You remember the red army, right?
- on a personal level, some members of my family have ended up insome kz crematorium.I happen to have an hebrew tatoo.And i love to be lectured.

Burzum albums (well, most of them) are certainly among the most intense, powerful and emotional piece of music i have heard for ages.
A french humourist said in the 80's: every time i hear Wagner, i want to invade Poland. I can enjoy burzum music without paying attention to his racist speech.oh, and i love Gary Glitter too, and i do not rape my kids when listening to his music.

This makes me so sick. Ithink i will take some time off this place.

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 10:18
by iesus
MadameButterfly wrote:is there meat in there?
depends on the sausage, there is a small chance of using soya for vegs ;D

but this is definetaly a sausage pie :lol:

Posted: 01 Oct 2011, 10:22
by Being645
Burzum wrote: This makes me so sick. Ithink i will take some time off this place.
... understandably ... hope you recover soon, though ... :eek: ...