Neph Vid early 2012

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DeWinter wrote:I'll put my hand up and say I like "Elyzium" better than anything else done by Carl, Andy or Wayne. I think at the time of "Elyzium" we were being subjected to Von Bon Jovi and "Visionary When Wet/Slippery Thing"!
Maybe it's the brilliant production (which makes you wonder what "Mourning Sun" could have been with a decent producer) and "Sumerland" which proudly claims the DeWinter position of "Best Song Ever".
As for "Zoon"..just not my type of music, so I guess I'm not the best judge. Friends of mine who liked Pantera loved it, so they got my copy. Judging by the quite remarkable airy-fairy floatiness of Rubicon's first offering I suppose McCoy left the band because he wanted to do something "harder".
I had much the same reaction to Zoon initially. I thought it was too heavy metal, etc., etc. If you've not heard it since then, it might be worth giving it another chance, though. I find that it teeters right on the edge of death metal, but it retains a great deal of subtlety and refinement that prevents it from falling over the edge. It is heavier than classic FotN, but I think it's got all the subtlety of The Nephilim or Elyzium. In fact, I think it's almost like the flip-side of the Elyzium coin.

I don't think anything released under the FotN name after the break-up has been particularly noteworthy, though. Zoon, I think, lives up to their legacy.
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The nephilim and elizium are great albums and they realy stand the test of time, but zoon, oh man that was a kick in the face,
only one good song (shine) and the rest a pile of crap.
Worst it brought all those metalheads and suddenly your favourite band was in the headlines of every metal magazine.
Still mourning sun was a damn fine album and includes the wonderful "she" which is one of the bands highlights.
A few years ago i sold most of the rare nephilim stuff on ebay, kept just those with a sentimental value, but know that i think of it i haven't played a neph boot in ages.
Couldn't care less about the new dvd but when a new album is released i ll definetely have my fingers crossed that he came up with some good tunes .
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