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Posted: 19 Nov 2011, 17:48
by Izzy HaveMercy
We were with Tunecore with our debut and the Kenji Siratori. I deleted the Kenji now because we lose money keeping it in the iTunes stores. The debut will stay on for another year, but then it will go the same way.

Tunecore puts songs on iTunes and Rhapsody/Spotify for you, but it costs 50 dollar to put up an album with an annual renewal. Not much maybe, but now you see the revenue on the songs in the chart above. We have to sell 55 or so full albums a year to just pay for the costs, all the rest would be profit. The first year we had 10 dollar profit on the debut, that's all.

And did it open new doors for us? Did people buying from iTunes find us and asked us for a physical CD?

Not that we can see no. Our cd's are not in many stores after all, and I never had people say to me "oh I bought your CD via iTunes, and now I want the physical CD".

They DID hear it on Bandcamp tho, so that will be the line we will follow with FGG as well. And now with the rather seamless Facebook integration and all, I won't bother with Google+. It is yet another way to lose your time and patience, which bring nothing to the purse, and which keeps me from doing what I should do, eg. MAKE MUSIC :)

Al this might work for bigger bands, but not for starting or niche-bands.


Posted: 19 Nov 2011, 17:59
by Ahráyeph
Well, I'm not going for the Google + paid download option either, but Ahráyeph has a page there. In these fickle times where people only seem to have the attention span of, say, fish, it is, in my opinion at least, necessary to keep up with the times and be present everywhere.

You're absolutely right in that it makes for more work and frustration (another page to update and maintain), but just as long as one has one outlet outside one's official website where one can offer one's music digitally (and which through nifty html coding even integrates properly into your site), I don't mind the copy/pasting I have to do from the website to FB (which integrates directly with Reverbnation, foregoing having to update that one as well as it's synced immediately) to Google + when there's news, links or vids to be posted. Just to keep all bases covered...

Posted: 20 Nov 2011, 20:42
by christophe
ok :|

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 08:25
by lazarus corporation
Just to add some new information that has only just surfaced - blaming Spotify might be aiming at the wrong target. Instead you need to blame the record companies: ... rd-labels/

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 10:33
by markfiend
lazarus corporation wrote:you need to blame the record companies
In other news, pope sh!ts in the woods...

Posted: 13 Dec 2011, 10:37
by Quiff Boy