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Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 18:19
by Padstar
ide say 8 ish :)


Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 11:24
by Big Si

You haven't been moonlighting have you? As I've just seen you on Kerrang growling in a white tuxedo for a band called Stone Sour :eek:

Don't give up the day job :wink: :D



Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 13:13
by Ed Rhombus
Oh dear

You've really let yourself go

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 14:07
by Padstar
Leave it out..... i have to pay the bills!!!!

Paddy ;)

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 14:33
by Carrie
Good grief, can't we have a whip round or something? We can't have our Paddy being a corporate whore!

Posted: 07 Aug 2003, 20:51
by reverberater
Yip, me, her indoors and Ginger wil be makin the trip to Crewe 8)

BTW Paddy, when you said it's free coz of the way the nights being run i was wondering if the drinks are gonna be pretty steep. I'll still be there it's just i wanna know how many i should be drinking on the way so i don't have to buy too many :wink:

Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 00:05
by Padstar
Hi there fella,

Dunno bout the drinks thing as im t total etc...


Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 11:00
by Debaser
Gaz is proving to be particularly unhelpful at the moment....have been gently engineering conversation towards Crewe and it's merits - all to no avail. Might have to try strong arm tactics next.

I could try the cavalry huh Max????oops soz Rev...harrass him, he ain't playing cricket so there's no blimmin excuse. Apart from Crewe that is and I awoved many a year ago i would never go the the place where trains go to die....

Haven't played the trump card yet though......the 'Well ok then, I'll see you on Monday at some point, then' routine


Posted: 08 Aug 2003, 18:16
by Padstar
Debs.... noooooo, you gotta come!!!!!!



Posted: 10 Aug 2003, 10:18
by Mrs RicheyJames
Sorry Paddy....I can't make it either
Try and have fun without me, I know it'll be hard but I'm sure you'll manage lol

Posted: 10 Aug 2003, 12:12
by Ginger
Aw Ness. Please come out and play tonight :)

Posted: 10 Aug 2003, 12:36
by reverberater
Gaz pussying out eh? Is it the drive that's bugging him? Coz it's not like he'll be working monday will it, hon? :lol:

C'mon Gaz! I know your a tight arse but it's FREE! Even Quiffy's gonna be putting more than a fiver in the tank for this :roll:

Posted: 10 Aug 2003, 14:11
by Ed Rhombus
Described on site as 'Free Carling Concert'

Beer whores the lot of you!


Posted: 10 Aug 2003, 15:18
by Zuma
despite the best plans of meeses and men, going to miss the gig....hope it is a blast and look forward to seeing you all soon!

Posted: 10 Aug 2003, 15:20
by Quiff Boy
Zuma wrote:despite the best plans of meeses and men, going to miss the gig....hope it is a blast and look forward to seeing you all soon!
ahh pish!


Posted: 10 Aug 2003, 15:24
by Zuma
done around 1200 miles this week so far, plus moved house and a wedding (not mine!) far is Crewe...?

Posted: 11 Aug 2003, 00:12
by Gary
Well done Paddy, Mockeld, Matrix Babe, Eld look alike - rhythm Guitarist, and Ramones lookey likey bassist :)

Was a cool gig, lots of dry ice, comfortably numb rocked like a rocky thing :)

and Nine While Nine was a nice surprise.

Plus, I finally said Hi ;)

Posted: 11 Aug 2003, 01:35
by Carrie
Thank you to Paddy, Sid, Mark, Ian & Mya for a top gig...lovely to see you guys in such a good venue!

Nice to see usual suspects & to meet Reverberator...

...oh & MANY thanks to Quiffy & Mrs QB for the lift...we'd still be on Manchester station without your very kind offer of running us back...that'll be a beer or 3 we owe you! Thanks again... :lol:

Posted: 11 Aug 2003, 01:39
by Padstar
Bloody hell.... we all must drive too fast... and ive been 15 mins unloading tha van!

Thanks to all who came along.... it was fantastic....

... and somebody actually made me speechless... which is unusual and slightly scary for me.


Posted: 11 Aug 2003, 10:06
by Ginger
Well I thoroughly enjoyed myself last night.

Top night, Paddy :notworthy: