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Posted: 16 Mar 2012, 18:23
by Syberberg
markfiend wrote:I can't remember the exact line but there's something Eldritch said (more than once IIRC) along the lines of "I must be the only person in Rock who didn't join a band to try to get laid".
The one that I always remember went something like: "When you're checking out the front rows of the crowd to try and figure out how many of them you'll be sleeping with after the show, you're there for the wrong reasons."

But, he did also say fairly early on (IIRC) one of the reasons for getting into a band was due to "an inability to click with women at parties."

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 13:25
by Emerald Green
DOZMEISTER wrote: On the topic of stage names and signing on didnt Playdeads singer have to stop signing on when someone in his dole office recognised him from Playdeads Into the Fire video? :)
This was certainly a problem! Back in the early 90s when I had the dubious pleasure of working in New York Road/Eastgate Dole offices in Leeds I faced regular queues of musicians waiting for me to sign them on as they knew I wouldn't shop them. :innocent:

As for not being able to attend restart interviews because they were off on tour.... a similar problem for band followers as for band members I recall.

Posted: 19 Mar 2012, 16:15
by markfiend
I used to sign on at that dole office in the early 90s. I wonder if I know you?

Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 06:01
by H. Blackrose
markfiend wrote: "Hussey isn't Fussey" ;)
Dear Doktor wrote:Dear Doktor, The Sisters kick. But I've heard you've had queers in the band!

I've heard you have a small penis. Stop worrying about it.

When you've stopped worrying, check out .
You know, I always thought that referred to Andreas. Surely Hussey is "equal-opportunity slut" rather than "queer"? 8)

Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 11:48
by markfiend
Oh is it? I don't know anything about Andreas's sexuality. But then I've never really been one to "worry about it" when it comes to what other people do with their genitalia. ;D

I like that, "equal-opportunity slut" :lol: and yeah you may well be right. After all, Wayne's a happily married man these days.

Posted: 20 Mar 2012, 21:52
by sultan2075
markfiend wrote:Oh is it? I don't know anything about Andreas's sexuality. But then I've never really been one to "worry about it" when it comes to what other people do with their genitalia. ;D

I like that, "equal-opportunity slut" :lol: and yeah you may well be right. After all, Wayne's a happily married man these days.
For some reason I thought Andreas was married with children now. I don't remember where I read that, though.

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 00:31
by stufarq
When You Don't See Me was written about Andreas and his girlfriend, wasn't it?

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 01:27
by sultan2075
stufarq wrote:When You Don't See Me was written about Andreas and his girlfriend, wasn't it?
I don't know if it was ever specified that it was Andreas, but it seems like a reasonable assumption.

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 07:53
by Bartek
Assumption is correct - Mr A.E. said on one interview that this lyrics is about that kind of situation.

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 12:52
by Emerald Green
markfiend wrote:I used to sign on at that dole office in the early 90s. I wonder if I know you?
1990s in Leeds village - Highly probable! :D