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Posted: 02 Aug 2003, 23:28
by Black Planet
I would love to shag Andrew..a nice quick one.


Posted: 03 Aug 2003, 18:17
by Debaser
Am meeting up with our own fair colourer-inner' Biggy later today....wonder if he'd fancy going to watch a Polo match??? ;D :D

Posted: 03 Aug 2003, 22:32
by Serendipityhaven
i need a good night out,a decent and complying dj,plenty of alcohol and no bar que........
oh and i must buy one of those back pack baby carrier things

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 10:01
by Loki
Black Planet wrote:I would love to shag Andrew..a nice quick one.

Can you have 'nice', 'quick' and 'shag' in the same sentence? :?: :eek:

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 15:47
by nearmethexperience
should i have a pizza or a kebab on the way home from the beach?¿?¿?

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 16:03
by Black Planet
Johnny Boy wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I would love to shag Andrew..a nice quick one.

Can you have 'nice', 'quick' and 'shag' in the same sentence? :?: :eek:
Well in my dreams I can.... 8)

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 17:21
by Andy TG
That I wish I had a larger mouth cavity - then perhaps the wisdom tooth I had removed today! - would not have been bloody playing up! its such a pain in the A***!

NHS advice states - no ciggys ! - no fermented beverage - no hot or cold drinks - just put up and shut up! - as if I have a choice - with a numb face!

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 19:11
by Chairman Bux
The meaning of it all...

Chairman Bux
CEO Buxville

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 19:17
by Black Planet
OUCH for AndytheGoth. Go get some pain killers and sleep it off!

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 19:19
by Chairman Bux
I find vodka both kills the pain and lowers the chance of infection, well, that is until you're so pissed you think a kebab is a really good idea.


Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 20:07
by cocoamix
My friend shagged Von in 1991. I don't know how good the experience was for either of them but it was probably a tad odd looking, since my friend is 6'1".

Who do I want to shag? Anyone but the annoying bitch yapping on the phone in my lab right now.

Unless by "shag" you mean "bludgeon to death with a dead skunk," then yes, I'd love to shag the hell out of her.

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 20:12
by Black Planet
cocoamix wrote:My friend shagged Von in 1991. I don't know how good the experience was for either of them but it was probably a tad odd looking, since my friend is 6'1".

Who do I want to shag? Anyone but the annoying bitch yapping on the phone in my lab right now.

Unless by "shag" you mean "bludgeon to death with a dead skunk," then yes, I'd love to shag the hell out of her.
I imagine that would look odd.....but I can imagine Andrew and an Amazon....maybe Zena.... Andrew the Love God and Zena the Warrior Princess... :eek: :eek:

Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 23:09
by Chairman Bux
Black Planet wrote:
cocoamix wrote:My friend shagged Von in 1991. I don't know how good the experience was for either of them but it was probably a tad odd looking, since my friend is 6'1".

Who do I want to shag? Anyone but the annoying bitch yapping on the phone in my lab right now.

Unless by "shag" you mean "bludgeon to death with a dead skunk," then yes, I'd love to shag the hell out of her.
I imagine that would look odd.....but I can imagine Andrew and an Amazon....maybe Zena.... Andrew the Love God and Zena the Warrior Princess... :eek: :eek:
Have you taken medication for that?


Posted: 04 Aug 2003, 23:16
by nearmethexperience
cocoamix wrote:My friend shagged Von in 1991. I don't know how good the experience was for either of them but it was probably a tad odd looking, since my friend is 6'1".

Who do I want to shag? Anyone but the annoying bitch yapping on the phone in my lab right now.

Unless by "shag" you mean "bludgeon to death with a dead skunk," then yes, I'd love to shag the hell out of her.
having smelt several dead skunks, that would be a curse on both of you, to be sure.

the last dead skunk i encountered was roadkill (mmmmmmmmm tasty) and it could still be smelt about 1/4 of a mile down the road, it was not pleasant.

but on a brighter note, if you do get 'squirted' by a skunk, scrubbing your entire body raw with tomatos* (as well as being slightly sexual, but lets not go there, tonight ;)) whilst a very very VERY good friend burns your clothing, all of it, from shoes to pants, the whole shabang.

unfortunately, the only way to remove skunk stink (dead or otherwise) from your car is to sell said car to someone who can't smell.

*ketchup doesn't work, go figure.

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 12:51
by Black Planet
Chairman Bux wrote:
Have you taken medication for that?
And ruin a perfectly good fantasy...Never!

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 16:57
by Thea
"why did i spend the whole day waiting for the washing machine repair man when i woul have been far better going into town and putting that money in the bank so i won't get in trouble and i could have picked up lightbulbs and chicken while i was there but noone told me he called at 8am while i was still asleep to say that he's not coming untill thursday and i've been wearing these same jeans since the 21st and i really need to wash my clothes because they all smell of other people's sweat and spit and drink and the only person who'll come near me is the dog and that;s only 'cos i feed him...."

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 17:00
by Black Dahlia
That I really really want to here more about Cocoamix's friend got to do the dirty with Von. C'mon CoCoa fill us in please!!!

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 17:00
by Chairman Bux
Is this thing on???

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 17:03
by Black Planet
Black Dahlia wrote:That I really really want to here more about Cocoamix's friend got to do the dirty with Von. C'mon CoCoa fill us in please!!!
That's a girl BD...dirty details are definately what i'd like to hear about....hmmm

Now how sorry, forgot myself.... tall did she say Andrew really was?

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 17:04
by Karst
Is this thing on???
No it isn't.

To start please press ALT + F4 now!

Ah. The Peace.


Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 17:06
by Quiff Boy
Karst wrote:No it isn't.

To start please press ALT + F4 now!

Ah. The Peace.
arf! :D

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 17:06
by Chairman Bux
Ha, haha, hahahahaha, hahahahahaha, snigger snigger, ha...

Geek humor, lovin it ;)

Yours, as always,


Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 17:14
by Guest
Black Planet wrote:
Black Dahlia wrote:That I really really want to here more about Cocoamix's friend got to do the dirty with Von. C'mon CoCoa fill us in please!!!
That's a girl BD...dirty details are definately what i'd like to hear about....hmmm

Now how sorry, forgot myself.... tall did she say Andrew really was?
Yeah, same here. Details please. No fair teasing.

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 17:23
by Jim
Chairman Bux wrote:Ha, haha, hahahahaha, hahahahahaha, snigger snigger, ha...

Geek humor, lovin it ;)

Yours, as always,

You're slightly more high profile than usual today Bux. The heat wakin' you up?

Posted: 05 Aug 2003, 17:24
by Karst
Geek humor, lovin it.
You'd be amazed.

IRC must be the pinnacle of human existence.
