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Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 22:40
by Being645
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:So just seven votes out of 47 for anything released in the past twenty years. Given :von: 's comments on Star Wars recently, another good reason not to put out any new studio recordings. I still hope that Bob and the boys will be back on form next time out, but probably a good example of hope over expectation.
Anyway, this development seems normal in music ... who would for example vote for any of Bowie's albums produced before 1980 in a poll as such. The same accounts for Iggy Pop, The Rolling Stones and also Motörhead after say around 1995 ... the latter do however produce an album every two years - because they simply find joy and pleasure in releasing, I guess ... ;D ...

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 22:56
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Being645 wrote:
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:So just seven votes out of 47 for anything released in the past twenty years. Given :von: 's comments on Star Wars recently, another good reason not to put out any new studio recordings. I still hope that Bob and the boys will be back on form next time out, but probably a good example of hope over expectation.
Anyway, this development seems normal in music ... who would for example vote for any of Bowie's albums produced before 1980 in a poll as such. The same accounts for Iggy Pop, The Rolling Stones and also Motörhead after say around 1995 ... the latter do however produce an album every two years - because they simply find joy and pleasure in releasing, I guess ... ;D ...
Not necessarily normal. Killing Joke seem able to please both critics and fans alike (and presumably themselves too) with many of their more recent releases, Leonard Cohen, Johnny Cash, Iggy (Instinct, for example) and many others have managed to buck this trend - all too talented for an endless downward spiral (pun intended). Many artists seem to mature with age (even WH, whose current solo strummings are far more palatable than the overwrought bombast he inflicted on us twenty years ago). Knowing the tenet of your usual posts on here, I'm sure that you would agree that :von: would fit into this latter category rather than that of the Stones, Cure et al, despite his own expressed fears to the contrary. Sadly his mind is made up on the issue but I merely find this to be incontrovertible proof that he is not infallible.

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 23:51
by bearskin
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote: Given :von: 's comments on Star Wars recently
Can you point me in the direction of this please? I'd be interested in seeing.

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 00:19
by Being645
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:
Being645 wrote:
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote:So just seven votes out of 47 for anything released in the past twenty years. Given :von: 's comments on Star Wars recently, another good reason not to put out any new studio recordings. I still hope that Bob and the boys will be back on form next time out, but probably a good example of hope over expectation.
Anyway, this development seems normal in music ... who would for example vote for any of Bowie's albums produced before 1980 in a poll as such. The same accounts for Iggy Pop, The Rolling Stones and also Motörhead after say around 1995 ... the latter do however produce an album every two years - because they simply find joy and pleasure in releasing, I guess ... ;D ...
Not necessarily normal. Killing Joke seem able to please both critics and fans alike (and presumably themselves too) with many of their more recent releases, Leonard Cohen, Johnny Cash, Iggy (Instinct, for example) and many others have managed to buck this trend - all too talented for an endless downward spiral (pun intended). Many artists seem to mature with age (even WH, whose current solo strummings are far more palatable than the overwrought bombast he inflicted on us twenty years ago). Knowing the tenet of your usual posts on here, I'm sure that you would agree that :von: would fit into this latter category rather than that of the Stones, Cure et al, despite his own expressed fears to the contrary. Sadly his mind is made up on the issue but I merely find this to be incontrovertible proof that he is not infallible.
Absolutely. I never liked The Stones. The only song they ever did (lyrically as much as musically) half-way fine
to my taste was Gimme Shelter, and The Sisters did it better ... As to Bowie, I love his later releases partly better
than the early ones ... way less stressy ... Though in a poll like this, I think it relatively clear that Ziggy Stardust
would win. Also I agree that plenty of the bands mentioned in the recent Classic Rocks Special seem to take on a
perspective towards future releases which sound indeed matured. And I'm looking forward with pleasure to their
produce. The same accounts for various German bands, btw. Some of them just bored me for decades with some
funny goth approach, but by now they've managed to make something reasonable of and within it ... nice!

I see no reason why The Sisters shouldn't be able to compete (if that's what it were about).
However, if Von's happiness lies in tinkering, and in tinkering in privacy, hell, it's his life ... and that's the most important thing.
If he sees issues arise he doesn't want to cope with in case he released some songs ... then it's not yet the time to release
these songs. On the other hand, I'm sure he has matured and insofar whatever issues could never ever touch him as they
might have done decades ago.

I for one had to make that experience a few times, though, before I trusted in my personal maturing (as far as it proceeded),
because it was such an expensive cruise forced upon me ... plus, of course, the self-inflicted damages ...
Infallibility ... who would give a damn about infallibility. It's rather Von's sensibility, esthesia, his intellectual power and his
extraordinary means of expression which made The Sisters' lyrics and their appearance on stage such an unprecedented
and compelling encounter ... then and now, if only one takes the time (and distance) to listen and see ...

Anyway, now more than ever The Sisters are a band. Chris and Ben are as present on stage as is Von.
Imo, they have developed to almost perfectness by now, also by playing so many varied gigs recently.
And a release could open new horizons for The Sisters as such and for each of them. However they all
oughta embark upon the project if a common release were the thing to do ... and for sure, one might not
expect the sun always shining over so far unexplored coasts ... but hell, why should it rain caltrops again ...

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 21:14
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
@Bearskin It's in the Classic Rock special. :von: says : "Persoanlly, if i were George Lucas I wouldn't have released the last three Star Wars films, and the world would have thanked me for not showing them to anybody."

@Being645 I agree that everyone will have their own view about an artist's golden age, but your Panglossian assertions that "all is for the best in the best of all possible bands"will find few followers even amongst the rabidly pro-Sisters crowd here.

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 22:19
by Being645
Nikolas Vitus Lagartija wrote: @Being645 I agree that everyone will have their own view about an artist's golden age, but your Panglossian assertions that "all is for the best in the best of all possible bands"will find few followers even amongst the rabidly pro-Sisters crowd here.
If that is what you read from what I've written ... did you read it at all?
No. Not really. Because I am anyway the one who issues "Panglossian assertions that "all is for the best in the best of all possible bands" ...

Sorry to note. Thanks.

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 22:23
by Debaser
OOOh some of you don't half make liking a band hard work. :eek:

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 22:53
by Nikolas Vitus Lagartija
Debaser wrote:OOOh some of you don't half make liking a band hard work. :eek:
But if it had been easy I wonder if we would all still be following them. I bet there's not many people on here who aren't at least slightly masochistic in their enjoyment of following the Girls or who doesn't feel a little over-proprietorial about the band. I certainly feel guilty about hijacking what was a perfectly good Cure thread :oops: