Sisters dreams

THE place for your Sisters-related comments, questions and snippets of Sisters information. For those who do not know, The Sisters of Mercy are a rock'n'roll band. And a pop band. And an industrial groove machine. Or so they say. They make records. Lots of records, apparently. But not in your galaxy. They play concerts. Lots of concerts, actually. But you still cannot see them. So what's it all about, Alfie? This is one of the few tightly-moderated forums on Heartland, so please keep on-topic. All off-topic posts will either be moved or deleted. Chairman Bux is the editor and the editor's decision is final. Danke.
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Slight Overbomber
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Nick_O_Tine wrote:By the way, sorry for my english, I haven´t practice it for a long time :( .
Trust me, your English is a hell of a lot better than some people I know
who are actually born and raised in the UK and have been speaking it for
the past thirty years!

Welcome to the site, Nick.
Hope you have pleasant journey. :)
You are what you drink - I'm a bitter man!
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Road Kill
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Nick_O_Tine wrote: By the way, sorry for my english, I haven´t practice it for a long time :( .
Don't worry. your english much more better than me..... :D
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Road Kill
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I was standing at the very dirty corner of chinatown.Suddenely, I saw Von,Wayne H & Craig (looks like in the Wake video) appeared, and they gave Hi to me.very embarrassed,and started to worrying about my bad english. :oops:
Strangely, we were talking like an old friend who had been already known each other,and i speak english quite well!! 8) But middle of the conversation,Von grabbed my arm and dragging me into the very weird-looking building. When we entered the hall,unbelievable view was fronted at my sight.Thousands of chinese (all the men) smoking the opium there!(like the scene from Once Upon a Time in America)Then i realized the tears rolling both of my eyes because smoke was too heavy.
Wayne H said "We are going to have a gig in here"
me said "what!!!"and i look up at the Von's face,he grinning like the cheshire cat. :eek:

I thought ----My gawd this is the weirdest moment in my whole life...
Then i woke up.

This is my only dream about the sisters.....
weird,very weird. :urff: :urff: :urff:

ps: Von wasn't quite tall even that was a dream... He just a bit taller than me.(i'm only 5 ft 4 inch :wink: )
well i know the truth already that he is a kinda short-arse.....
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Road Kill
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How tall is Eldritch?, Is he as short as Glenn Danzig? :wink: :P . I have heard he is around 5,7 or something like that, just of my same size, so I don´t think he is really a short guy, just a medium sized one.
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Apparently you can get him in a normal-sized milk bottle. The old glass ones with the wide mouth, obviously - wouldn't want to make him have to breathe in...

Gold top works best (watch out for Starlings, though). Ask your milkman to deliver him with some orange juice at Christmas, you might get a discount.

Again and again and again...
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Road Kill
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MrChris wrote:Apparently you can get him in a normal-sized milk bottle. The old glass ones with the wide mouth, obviously - wouldn't want to make him have to breathe in....

Ho ho ho!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nick_O_Tine wrote:How tall is Eldritch?, Is he as short as Glenn Danzig? . I have heard he is around 5,7 or something like that, just of my same size, so I don´t think he is really a short guy, just a medium sized one.
No.I bet Eldo is *much more* taller than mr.Danzig. :lol:
I heard many sources said that he is a medium size guy,
but his lack of frame makes him more diminutive.(he always damn thin)

and we people have a tendency to thoughts rawk stars are all giant limbed likes the members from Queens Of The Stone Age.(They're really huuuuge.)some of them are titan like that,some of them are really not. Me always been considered that mr.Ian Asstbury(that cult) is well over 6ft.....(urgh) :twisted: but as you know,he is one of the most short arses in rawkfield,have a same title with Glenn Danzig. ;D

However, he is not thin like Eldritch.
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